3 research outputs found

    Short-term load forecasting of microgrid via hybrid support vector regression and long short-term memory algorithms

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    © 2020 by the authors. Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF) is the most appropriate type of forecasting for both electricity consumers and generators. In this paper, STLF in a Microgrid (MG) is performed via the hybrid applications of machine learning. The proposed model is a modified Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) called SVR-LSTM. In order to forecast the load, the proposed method is applied to the data related to a rural MG in Africa. Factors influencing the MG load, such as various household types and commercial entities, are selected as input variables and load profiles as target variables. Identifying the behavioral patterns of input variables as well as modeling their behavior in short-term periods of time are the major capabilities of the hybrid SVR-LSTM model. To present the efficiency of the suggested method, the conventional SVR and LSTM models are also applied to the used data. The results of the load forecasts by each network are evaluated using various statistical performance metrics. The obtained results show that the SVR-LSTM model with the highest correlation coefficient, i.e., 0.9901, is able to provide better results than SVR and LSTM, which have the values of 0.9770 and 0.9809, respectively. Finally, the results are compared with the results of other studies in this field, which continued to emphasize the superiority of the SVR-LSTM model

    A deep learning approach towards railway safety risk assessment

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    Railway stations are essential aspects of railway systems, and they play a vital role in public daily life. Various types of AI technology have been utilised in many fields to ensure the safety of people and their assets. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that uses computer vision and pattern recognition to perform risk management in railway systems in which a convolutional neural network (CNN) is applied as a supervised machine learning model to identify risks. However, risk management in railway stations is challenging because stations feature dynamic and complex conditions. Despite extensive efforts by industry associations and researchers to reduce the number of accidents and injuries in this field, such incidents still occur. The proposed model offers a beneficial method for obtaining more accurate motion data, and it detects adverse conditions as soon as possible by capturing fall, slip and trip (FST) events in the stations that represent high-risk outcomes. The framework of the presented method is generalisable to a wide range of locations and to additional types of risks

    VR-Informationssystem zur Bestimmung der benutzerorientierten Anforderungen für VR-Systeme im Kontext der virtuellen Produktentwicklung

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    Neue technologische Softwaresysteme müssen nutzerorientiert, profitabel, flexibel und gleichzeitig performant entwickelt werden. Durch den rasanten Fortschritt innovativer Technologien führt dies oftmals zu einem Defizit im Informations- oder Kommunikationsfluss zwischen beteiligten Stakeholdern. Im Kontext von Virtual Reality (VR)-Anwendungen kommt erschwerend hinzu, dass diese innovative Technologie und deren Funktionsumfang noch unzureichend beschrieben ist. Dies führt einerseits dazu, dass VR-KundInnen ihre Wünsche und Visionen bezüglich eines VR-Systems nicht entsprechend der aktuellen technischen Möglichkeiten ausrichten und formulieren können. Andererseits haben VR-EntwicklerInnen die Herausforderungen, kunden-orientiert zu konzipieren und zu kommunizieren und dabei das volle Potenzial auszuschöpfen, das mit VR-Technologien erbracht werden kann. Es fehlt an einem strukturierten Hilfsmittel, mit dem VR-KundInnen sowohl bei einer ersten Konfiguration eines gewünschten VR-Systems assistiert werden und relevante Informationen bereitgestellt bekommen als auch VR-EntwicklerInnen eine Übersicht für eine optimale Erstgesprächsvorbereitung sowie eine unmittelbare Entscheidungsgrundlage für eine Auftragsannahme erhalten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht in der Unterstützung des frühzeitigen Informationsaustausches zwischen VR-KundInnen und VR-EntwicklerInnen. Hierzu erfolgt die Entwicklung eines VR-Informationssystems, dessen Einsatz der VR-Systemrealisierung vorgelagert ist und das gewünschte VR-System spezifiziert. Durch die Bereitstellung aller VR-Spezifikationen und zugehöriger Metainformationen soll es VR-KundInnen möglich sein, Wissen über VR zu erwerben, ein gewünschtes VR-System zu konfigurieren und Schwerpunkte zu priorisieren. VR-EntwicklerInnen sollen im Sinne einer kundenorientierten VR-Systementwicklung das volle Potenzial von VR ausschöpfen können und im gesamten Softwareentwicklungsprozess unterstützt werden. Dabei wird der Rahmen des VR-Informationssystems auf den Einsatz von VR in der Produktentwicklung begrenzt.New technological software systems shall be developed in a user-oriented, profitable, flexible and, at the same time, in a high-performance manner. However, due to the rapid progress of innovative technologies, this often leads to a deficit in the information flow or the communication between the stakeholders involved in the early development. In the context of Virtual Reality (VR) applications, an additional challenge is that these innovative technologies and their range of functions are yet described insufficiently. On the one hand, this means that VR customers cannot streamline and formulate their wishes and visions from the VR system keeping in view the current technical possibilities. On the other hand, VR developers face the challenge of designing and communicating in a customer-oriented manner and thereby exploiting the full potential that can be offered from VR technologies. Currently, there is no structured tool available with which VR customers can be assisted with the initial configuration of the desired VR system and the acquisition of relevant information as well as the VR developers can be assisted with an overview for optimal preparation for an initial meeting and an immediate basis for decision making about accepting a development order. The goal of this work is to support the early exchange of information between VR customers and VR developers. For this purpose, a VR information system is developed with upstream use in the VR system implementation and it specifies the desired VR system. By providing all VR specifications and associated meta-information, VR customers shall be able to acquire knowledge about VR, configure the desired VR system and prioritize areas of focus. VR developers should be able to exploit the full potential of VR to develop a customer-oriented VR system and be supported in the entire software development process. The scope of the developed VR information system is limited to the use of VR in product development