22 research outputs found

    The applications of smart structures for vibration suppression in spacecraft

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    Mission planning for the Lidar in Space Technology Experiment

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    Developing a mission planning system for a Space Shuttle mission is a complex procedure. Several months of preparation are required to develop a plan that optimizes science return during the short operations time frame. Further complicating the scenario is the necessity to schedule around crew activities and other payloads which share Orbiter resources. SpaceTec, Inc. developed the mission planning system for the Lidar In Space Technology Experiment, or LITE, which flew on Space Shuttle mission STS-64 in September of 1994. SpaceTec used a combination of off-th-shelf and in-house developed software to analyze various mission scenarios both premission and real-time during the flight. From this analysis, SpaceTec developed a comprehensive mission plan that met the mission objectives

    Optimal technology investment strategies for a reusable launch vehicle

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    Within the present budgetary environment, developing the technology that leads to an operationally efficient space transportation system with the required performance is a challenge. The present research focuses on a methodology to determine high payoff technology investment strategies. Research has been conducted at Langley Research Center in which design codes for the conceptual analysis of space transportation systems have been integrated in a multidisciplinary design optimization approach. The current study integrates trajectory, propulsion, weights and sizing, and cost disciplines where the effect of technology maturation on the development cost of a single stage to orbit reusable launch vehicle is examined. Results show that the technology investment prior to full-scale development has a significant economic payoff. The design optimization process is used to determine strategic allocations of limited technology funding to maximize the economic payoff

    Material Selection Guidelines to Limit Atomic Oxygen Effects on Spacecraft Surfaces

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    This report provides guidelines in selecting materials for satellites and space platforms, designed to operate within the Low-Earth orbit environment, which limit the effects of atomic oxygen interactions with spacecraft surfaces. This document should be treated as an introduction rather than a comprehensive guide since analytical and flight technologies continue to evolve, flight experiments are conducted as primary or piggyback opportunities arise, and our understanding of materials interactions and protection methods grows. The reader is urged to consult recent literature and current web sites containing information about research and flight results

    Electronic collection system for spacelab mission timeline requirements

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    This paper describes the Functional Objective Requirements Collection System (FORCS) software tool that has been developed for use by Principal Investigators (PI's) and Payload Element Developers (PED's) on their own personal computers to develop on-orbit timelining requirements for their payloads. The FORCS tool can be used either in a totally stand-alone mode, storing the information in a local file on the user's personal computer hard disk or in a remote mode where the user's computer is linked to a host computer containing the integrated database of the timeline requirements for all of the payloads on a mission. There are a number of features incorporated in the FORCS software to assist the user. The user may move freely back and forth between the various forms for inputting the data. Several methods are used to input the information, depending on the type of the information. These methods range from filling in text boxes, using check boxes and radio buttons, to inputting information into a spreadsheet format. There are automated features provided to assist in developing the proper format for the data, ranging from limit checking on some of the parameters to automatic conversion of different formats of time data inputs to the one standard format used for the timeline scheduling software

    Kennedy Space Center network documentation system

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    The Kennedy Space Center Network Documentation System (KSC NDS) is being designed and implemented by NASA and the KSC contractor organizations to provide a means of network tracking, configuration, and control. Currently, a variety of host and client platforms are in use as a result of each organization having established its own network documentation system. The solution is to incorporate as many existing 'systems' as possible in the effort to consolidate and standardize KSC-wide documentation

    ASTRO-2 Spacelab Instrument Pointing System mission performance

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    This paper reports the performance of the Instrument Pointing System (IPS) that flew on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ASTRO-2 Spacelab mission aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour in March 1995. The IPS provides a stabilizing platform for the ASTRO-2 instrument payload complement that consists of three main experiments (telescopes). The telescopes observe stellar targets in the universe within the ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that must be observed from beyond the earth's atmospheric filtering effects. The three main experiments for observation are the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT), and the Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimetry Experiment (WUPPE). The HUT uses spectroscopy to obtain the structure and chemical makeup of ultraviolet targets. UIT is responsible for wide field photographing to capture the hidden view of the ultraviolet universe. The WUPPE gathers data on the polarization of the ultraviolet electromagnetic energy coming from the astronomical targets. The capability of IPS enables the experiments to 'see' faint celestial objects. A brief explanation of the IPS is given followed by a review of engineering efforts to improve IPS performance over the ASTRO-1 mission. The main focus of improvements was on enhancing the star acquisition capability through improved guide star selection, lab simulations, computer upgrades, data display systems improvements, and software modifications. A star simulator was developed in the lab to enable IPS to be simulated on the ground pre-mission with flight hardware and software in the loop. The paper concludes with results from the ASTRO-2 mission. The number of targets acquired and the IPS pointing accuracy/stability is reported along with recommendations for the future use of the Instrument Pointing System

    A Study of 2008-2009 Mean Scheduled Launch Days as a Key Factor for Planning Future Commercial Scheduling and Resource Allocations at Cape Canaveral Spaceport

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    This study encompassed initial, rescheduled, and actual launch dates at Cape Canaveral Spaceport where actual launches occurred in the years 2008 and 2009. Each mission launch date was calculated within the context of the mean number of days within each mission launch timeline, using descriptive statistical methodology. The research results illustrate the iterative scheduling associated to the Cape Canaveral Spaceport. The calculated mean times provide a preliminary glimpse of key factors to be considered by spaceport operations teams, launch providers, and customers at Cape Canaveral Spaceport. These factors will be useful to predict resource allocations and forecast commercial operational capacity, to meet demand for launch pads, launch vehicle and payload facilities, scheduling operations, launch control center crew teams, and ground stations

    Rocket-Induced Magnetohydrodynamic Ejector: A Single-Stage-to-Orbit Advanced Propulsion Concept

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    During the atmospheric boost phase of a rocket trajectory, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) principles can be utilized to augment the thrust by several hundred percent without the input of additional energy. The concept is an MHD implementation of a thermodynamic ejector. Some ejector history is described and some test data showing the impressive thrust augmentation capabilities of thermodynamic ejectors are provided. A momentum and energy balance is used to derive the equations to predict the MHD ejector performance. Results of these equations are compared with the test data and then applied to a specific performance example. The rocket-induced MHD ejector (RIME) engine is described and a status of the technology and availability of the engine components is provided. A top level vehicle sizing analysis is performed by scaling existing MHD designs to the required flight vehicle levels. The vehicle can achieve orbit using conservative technology. Modest improvements are suggested using recently developed technologies, such as superconducting magnets, which can improve predicted performance well beyond those expected for current single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) designs

    Modeling Axisymmetric Optical Precision Piezoelectric Membranes

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    The US Department of Defense (DOD), as well as the National Aeronautics and Astronautics Administration (NASA) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are interested in developing and deploying precise, compliant, light-weight, space-based structures. More specifically, the Air Force’s core competencies ‘Aerospace Superiority’ and ‘Information Superiority’ demand ever-increasing depth and breadth of capability. Whether used for energy transmission or optical reconnaissance, current launch restraints limit rigid space-based optical reflector size. To support this requirement, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is developing a large space-based optical membrane telescope. Inflatable reflectors can conceptually break this barrier, but controlling such a compliant structure presents significant problems. While inflatable technology is flight proven, the ability to control the shape of a flexible space structure to optical precision has yet to be demonstrated. A laminate of piezoelectric polymer material can deform a membrane optical surface; however, modeling this system must be improved. Analytic solutions to the beam and axisymmetric membrane models are produced providing insight into resulting behavior of these materials. Based on these results a new mathematical methodology rooted in fundamental perturbation techniques was developed: The Method of Integral Multiple Scales (MIMS). MIMS allows selectable precision when applied to a special class of dynamic systems which can be represented through a Lagrangian. This new method was first applied to a relatively simple linear beam problem for the purpose of illustration. The method is able to integrate spatial and temporal multiple scales directly producing boundary layer solutions. This method is fully realized through the finite element approach, where the solution was shown to be over three orders of magnitude more accurate than a standard finite element result. The finite element methodology is applied to nonlinear beam and axisymmetric circular membrane models producing insight for future design decisions. The results illustrate the capability of such an active membrane to modify a reflected wavefront and provide control for an inflatable optical reflector