2 research outputs found

    Evaluation of decision alternatives of international transportation companies concerning urban transportation using integrated ahp, entropy and topsis methods

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    Uluslararası taşımacılık işletmelerinin doğru araç seçimi operasyonel verimlilik ve etkinlik açısından son derece önemli bir konudur. Taşımacılık faaliyetlerinin etkinliği uygun araç ve ekipman seçimine büyük ölçüde bağımlılık göstermektedir. Öte yandan araç seçimi karar alıcıların sezgileri ve kişisel yargıları ile yapılamayacak kadar çok sayıda faktör tarafından etkilenen bir süreçtir. Bu nedenle bir lojistik İşletmenin çekici araç seçimine ilişkin süreci çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri kullanarak sistematik ve yapısal bir perspektifte değerlendirmesi en iyi ve uygun aracın seçimine olanak sağlayabilir. Bu kapsamda lojistik işletmelerin karayolu taşıma faaliyetlerinde kullanacaklar çekici araçların seçiminde kullanılmak üzere entegre Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP), Entropi ve TOPSIS yöntemlerinden oluşan hibrid bir model önerilmektedir. Önerilen bu model kullanılarak elde edilen sonuçların konu ile ilgili olarak akademik alanda çalışanların yanı sıra, lojistik işletmeler ile lojistik süreçlerde yer alan diğer aktörler tarafından da kullanılabilir nitelikte olacağı öngörülmektedir.Proper heavy vehicle selection is an extremely important issue for international freight transportation companies in an aspect of operational efficiency and performance. Effectivity of transportation activities depends on proper vehicle and equipment selection mostly. In addition to that, heavy vehicle selection is a process, which was affected by many factors and it is not possible to succeed depending on only personal judgments and intuitional approaches of decision-makers. Therefore, in a systematic and structural perspective, evaluation of heavy vehicle selection process by using the multi-criteria decisionmaking methodologies can provide an opportunity for selection of proper and the best heavy vehicle. Within this scope, a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making model, which integrated the AHP, Entropy, and TOPSIS method is proposed in order to use in the selection process of the heavy vehicle, which is used in the international freight transportation activities by logistics companies. It İs foreseen that the obtained results by using the selected model can be useful for logistics companies, other parties of logistics processes as well as researchers who work İn the academic field

    Symmetric and Asymmetric Data in Solution Models

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    This book is a Printed Edition of the Special Issue that covers research on symmetric and asymmetric data that occur in real-life problems. We invited authors to submit their theoretical or experimental research to present engineering and economic problem solution models that deal with symmetry or asymmetry of different data types. The Special Issue gained interest in the research community and received many submissions. After rigorous scientific evaluation by editors and reviewers, seventeen papers were accepted and published. The authors proposed different solution models, mainly covering uncertain data in multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems as complex tools to balance the symmetry between goals, risks, and constraints to cope with the complicated problems in engineering or management. Therefore, we invite researchers interested in the topics to read the papers provided in the book