80 research outputs found

    AGC tuning of interconnected reheat thermal systems with particle swarm optimization

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    This paper demonstrates the use of particle swarm optimization for optimizing the parameters of automatic generation control systems (AGC). An integral controller and a proportional-plus-integral controller are considered. A two-area reheat thermal system is considered to exemplify the optimum parameter search. The optimal AGC parameters search is formulated as an optimization problem with a standard infinite time quadratic objective function. A time domain simulation of the system is then used in conjunction with the particle swarm optimizer to determine the controller gains. The integral square of the error and the integral of time-multiplied absolute value of the error performances indices are considered. The results reported in this paper demonstrate the effectiveness of the particle swarm optimizer in the tuning of the AGC parameters. The enhancement in the dynamic response of the power system is verified through simulation results

    AGC tuning of interconnected reheat thermal systems with particle swarm optimization

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    This paper demonstrates the use of particle swarm optimization for optimizing the parameters of automatic generation control systems (AGC). An integral controller and a proportional-plus-integral controller are considered. A two-area reheat thermal system is considered to exemplify the optimum parameter search. The optimal AGC parameters search is formulated as an optimization problem with a standard infinite time quadratic objective function. A time domain simulation of the system is then used in conjunction with the particle swarm optimizer to determine the controller gains. The integral square of the error and the integral of time-multiplied absolute value of the error performances indices are considered. The results reported in this paper demonstrate the effectiveness of the particle swarm optimizer in the tuning of the AGC parameters. The enhancement in the dynamic response of the power system is verified through simulation results

    Komparativna analiza primjene optimalnog upravljanja za automatsko upravljanje sustavima za proizvodnju električne energije

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    In this study, an attempt is made to present the application and comparative performance analysis of optimal control approach for automatic generation control (AGC) of electric power generating systems. Optimal controller is designed utilizing performance index minimization criterion. To conduct the study, various single and multi-area models with/without system nonlinearities from the literature are simulated under sudden load perturbation. In this comparative study, to corroborate the worth of optimal controller, the performance of optimal AGC controller is compared with that of I/PI controller optimized adopting recently published the best established techniques such as teacher learning based optimization (TLBO), differential evolution (DE), genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), hybrid bacteria foraging optimization algorithm-PSO (hBFOA-PSO), craziness based PSO (CBPSO), firefly algorithm (FA), krill herd algorithm (KHA), moth-flame optimization (MFO), glow swarm optimization (GSO), simulated annealing (SA), bat algorithm (BA), stochastic fractal search (SFS) and hybrid SFS-local unimodal sampling (hSFS-LUS) technique. The simulated results are compared in terms of settling time (ST), peak undershoot (PU)/overshoot (PO), various performance indices (PIs), minimum damping ratio and system eigenvalues. A sensitivity study is conducted to certify the robustness of optimal controller.U ovom radu se razmatra primjena i komparativna analiza sustava za automatsko planiranje proizvodnje proizvođača električne energije. Sinteza optimalnog regulatora proporcionalno-integralne strukture je provedena korištenjem integralnih kriterija. Različiti modeli s jednim područjem i više područja te s i bez nelinearnosti korišteni su u simulaciji nagle promjena opterećenja. Kako bi se pokazala važnost optimalnog regulatora, u komparativnoj analizi su performanse dizajniranog optimalnog regulatora uspoređene s peformansama postignutim korištenjem I i PI regulatora sintetiziranih primjenom postojećih uobičajeno korištenih metoda kao što su "teacher learning optimization", diferencijska evolucija, genetski algoritam, optimizacija rojem čestica, "hybrid bacteria foraging" optimizacijski algoritam, "craziness based" optimizacija rojem čestica, "firefly" algoritam, "krill herd" algoritam, "moth-flame" optimizacija, "glow swarm" optimizacija, metoda simuliranog kaljenja, "bat" algoritam, stohastično fraktalno traženje (eng. "stochastic fractal search", SFS) i metoda hibridnog SFS lokalnog unimodalnog uzorkovanja. Performanse primijenjenih algoritama upravljanja vrednovani su usporedbom ostvarenih vremena ustaljivanja, iznosa podbačaja i prebačaja te drugih pokazatelja performansi, minimalnih relativnih koeficijentima prigušenja i svojstvenih vrijednosti sustava upravljanja. Provedena analiza osjetljivosti potvrđuje robusnost parametara optimalnog regulatora za širok raspon radnih točaka i parametara sustava

    A novel hybrid many optimizing liaisons gravitational search algorithm approach for AGC of power systems

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    A hybrid Many Optimizing Liaisons Gravitational Search Algorithm (hMOL-GSA)-based fuzzy PID controller is proposed in this work for Automatic Generation Control problem. MOL is a simplified version of particle swarm optimization which ignores the particle best position consequently simplifying the algorithm. The proposed method is employed to tune the fuzzy PID parameters. The outcomes are equated with some newly proposed methods like Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)-based PID for the identical test systems to validate the supremacy of GSA and proposed hMOL-GSA techniques. Further, the design task has been carried out in a three-area test system and the outcomes are equated with newly proposed Firefly Algorithm (FA) optimized PID and Teaching Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) tuned PIDD controller for the identical system. Better system response has been observed with proposed hMOL-GSA method. Finally, sensitivity study is being carried out and robustness of the proposed method is established

    Small-signal stability analysis of hybrid power system with quasi-oppositional sine cosine algorithm optimized fractional order PID controller

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    This article deals with the frequency instability problem of a hybrid energy power system (HEPS) coordinated with reheat thermal power plant. A stochastic optimization method called a sine-cosine algorithm (SCA) is, initially, applied for optimum tuning of fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPI-D) controller gains to balance the power generation and load profile. To accelerate the convergence mobility and escape the solutions from the local optimal level, quasi-oppositional based learning (Q-OBL) is integrated with SCA, which results in QOSCA. In this work, the PID-controller's derivative term is placed in the feedback path to avoid the set-point kick problem. A comparative assessment of the energy-storing devices is shown for analyzing the performances of the same in HEPS. The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the results shows the best performance with the proposed QOSCA: FOPI-D controller compared to SCA-, grey wolf optimizer (GWO), and hyper-spherical search (HSS) optimized FOPI-D controller. It is also seen from the results that the proposed QOSCA: FOPI-D controller has satisfactory disturbance rejection ability and shows robust performance against parametric uncertainties and random load perturbation. The efficacy of the designed controller is confirmed by considering generation rate constraint, governor dead-band, and boiler dynamics effects

    Load frequency controllers considering renewable energy integration in power system

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    Abstract: Load frequency control or automatic generation control is one of the main operations that take place daily in a modern power system. The objectives of load frequency control are to maintain power balance between interconnected areas and to control the power flow in the tie-lines. Electric power cannot be stored in large quantity that is why its production must be equal to the consumption in each time. This equation constitutes the key for a good management of any power system and introduces the need of more controllers when taking into account the integration of renewable energy sources into the traditional power system. There are many controllers presented in the literature and this work reviews the traditional load frequency controllers and those, which combined the traditional controller and artificial intelligence algorithms for controlling the load frequency

    AGC of a multi sources power system with natural choice of power plants

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    This paper presents an application of optimal control theory in multi sources power system by considering natural choice of power plants participating in automatic generation control (AGC) scheme. However, for successful operation of large power system, the natural choices of generation suitable for AGC system are hydro and thermal power plants since gas and nuclear power plants are rarely participates in the AGC scheme. Therefore, this work presents design and implementation of proportional integral (PI) structured optimal AGC controller in the presence of hydro and thermal power plants by using state vector feedback control theory. Moreover, various case studies are identified to obtain: (i) Cost aspects of physical realization of optimal AGC controller, (ii) Closed loop system stability margin through patterns of eigenvalues and (iii) System dynamic performance. Further, results have shown that when optimal AGC scheme is implemented in power system, the dynamic performance of power system is outstanding over those obtained with genetic algorithms (GAs) tuned PI structured AGC controller. Besides, with optimal AGC controller, cheaper cost of control structure, increased in system closed loop stability margin and outstanding dynamic performance of power system have been found when lessening in hydro generation is replaced by generation from thermal power plants for various case studies under investigation

    Closed-Loop Tuning of Cascade Controller for Load Frequency Control of Multi-Area Distributed Generation Resources Optimized by ASOS Algorithm

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    This paper provides closed loop tuning of cascaded-tilted integral derivative controller (CC-TID) for load frequency control (LFC) of micro grid system. A micro grid system is the arrangement of distributed generation resources such as wind turbine generator (WTG), fuel cell (FC), aqua electrolyser (AE), diesel engine generator (DEG) and battery energy storage system (BESS). Different controllers such as proportional integral derivative (PID), two degree of freedom (2DOFPID), three degree of freedom (3DOFPID) and tilted integral derivative (TID) are used not only to sustain the disparity between real power generation and load demand but also accomplish zero steady state error to enrich the frequency and tie power regulations. The anticipated controller encompasses both the value of cascade (CC) and fractional order (FO) controls for better elimination of system instabilities. In the proposed CC-3DOFPID-TID controller, TID controller is castoff as a slave controller and 3DOFPID controller aided the role of dominant controller. The controlled parameters are optimized by adaptive symbiotic organism search (ASOS) algorithm for keen results of difficulties in LFC. To persist in ecosystem, symbiotic relations are predictable by organism through imitators. Further the dynamic behaviours of controller optimized by ASOS, teaching learning based optimization (TLBO) and differential evolution particle swarm optimization (DEPSO) are compared by extensive simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Moreover the supremacy of proposed controller is performed through system dynamics comparison among PID, 2DOFPID, 3DOF-PID and CC-3DOFPID-TID controllers. Finally sensitivity of proposed controller has proven though random load perturbation