7 research outputs found

    Results of multi-agent system and ontology to manage ideas and represent knowledge in a challenge of creativity

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    This article is about an intelligent system to support ideas management as a result of a multi-agent system used in a distributed system with heterogeneous information as ideas and knowledge, after the results about an ontology to describe the meaning of these ideas. The intelligent system assists participants of the creativity workshop to manage their ideas and consequently proposing an ontology dedicated to ideas. During the creative workshop many creative activities and collaborative creative methods are used by roles immersed in this creativity workshop event where they share knowledge. The collaboration of these roles is physically distant, their interactions might be synchrony or asynchrony, and the information of the ideas are heterogeneous, so we can say that the process is distributed. Those ideas are writing in natural language by participants which have a role and the ideas are heterogeneous since some of them are described by schema, text or scenario of use. This paper presents first, our MAS and second our Ontology design

    Results of multi-agent system and ontology to manage ideas and represent knowledge in a challenge of creativity

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    International audienceThis article is about an intelligent system to support ideas management as a result of a multi-agent system used in a distributed system with heterogeneous information as ideas and knowledge, after the results about an ontology to describe the meaning of these ideas. The intelligent system assists participants of the creativity workshop to manage their ideas and consequently proposing an ontology dedicated to ideas. During the creative workshop many creative activities and collaborative creative methods are used by roles immersed in this creativity workshop event where they share knowledge. The collaboration of these roles is physically distant, their interactions might be synchrony or asynchrony, and the information of the ideas are heterogeneous, so we can say that the process is distributed. Those ideas are writing in natural language by participants which have a role and the ideas are heterogeneous since some of them are described by schema, text or scenario of use. This paper presents first, our MAS and second our Ontology design

    ADELFE Design, AMAS-ML in Action

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    International audienceThe complexity of engineers tasks leads us to provide means to bring the Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems (AMAS) design to a higher stage of automation and confidence thanks to Model Driven Development (MDD). This paper focuses on a practical example and illustrates the modifications that have been done to the ADELFE methodology. In the Design phase, we propose to use a Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSML) for the specification of cooperative agents. We also, add a Model Diven Implementation phase using model transformation, DSMLs and code generation. These phases carry out a model centric process to produce and partially generate the system code. We present the use of our MD process applied to a simple, but very illustrative example: the foraging ants simulation

    Exploration of biological neural wiring using self-organizing agents

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    Cette thèse présente un nouveau modèle computationnel capable de détecter les configurations temporelles d'une voie neuronale donnée afin d'en construire sa copie artificielle. Cette construction représente un véritable défi puisqu'il est impossible de faire des mesures directes sur des neurones individuels dans le système nerveux central humain et que la voie neuronale sous-jacente doit être considérée comme une boîte noire. La théorie des Systèmes Multi-Agents Adaptatifs (AMAS) est utilisée pour relever ce défi. Dans ces systèmes auto-organisateurs, un grand nombre d'agents logiciels coopératifs interagissent localement pour donner naissance à un comportement collectif ascendant. Le résultat est un modèle émergent dans lequel chaque entité logicielle représente un neurone " intègre-et-tire ". Ce modèle est appliqué aux réponses réflexes d'unités motrices isolées obtenues sur des sujets humains conscients. Les résultats expérimentaux, comparés à des données obtenues expérimentalement, montrent que le modèle découvre la fonctionnalité de voies neuronales humaines. Ce qui rend le modèle prometteur est le fait que c'est, à notre connaissance, le premier modèle réaliste capable d'auto-construire un réseau neuronal artificiel en combinant efficacement les neurosciences et des systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs. Bien qu'aucune preuve n'existe encore sur la correspondance exacte entre connectivité du modèle et connectivité du système humain, tout laisse à penser que ce modèle peut aider les neuroscientifiques à améliorer leur compréhension des réseaux neuronaux humains et qu'il peut être utilisé pour établir des hypothèses afin de conduire de futures expérimentations.In this thesis, a novel computational model that detects temporal configurations of a given human neuronal pathway and constructs its artificial replication is presented. This poses a great challenge since direct recordings from individual neurons are impossible in the human central nervous system and therefore the underlying neuronal pathway has to be considered as a black box. For tackling this challenge, the Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems (AMAS) theory in which large sets of cooperative software agents interacting locally give rise to collective behavior bottom-up is used. The result is an emergent model where each software entity represents an integrate-and-fire neuron. We then applied the model to the reflex responses of single motor units obtained from conscious human subjects. Experimental results show that the model uncovers functionality of real human neuronal pathways by comparing it to appropriate surrogate data. What makes the model promising is the fact that, to the best of our knowledge, it is the first realistic model to self-wire an artificial neuronal network by efficiently combining neuroscience with self-adaptive multi-agent systems. Although there is no evidence yet of the model's connectivity mapping onto the human connectivity, we anticipate this model will help neuroscientists to learn much more about human neuronal networks, and could also be used for predicting hypotheses to lead future experiments

    Self-adaptive multi-agent systems for aided decision-making : an application to maritime surveillance

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    L'activité maritime s'est fortement développée ces dernières années et sert de support à de nombreuses activités illicites. Il est devenu nécessaire que les organismes impliqués dans la surveillance maritime disposent de systèmes efficaces pour les aider à identifier ces activités illicites. Les Systèmes de Surveillance Maritime doivent observer de manière efficace un espace maritime large, à identifier des anomalies de comportement des navires évoluant dans l'espace en question, et à déclencher des alertes documentées si ces anomalies amènent à penser que les navires ont un comportement suspect. Nous proposons un modèle générique de système multi-agents, que nous appelons MAS4AT, capable de remplir deux des différents rôles d'un système de surveillance : la représentation numérique des comportements des entités surveillées et des mécanismes d'apprentissage pour une meilleure efficacité. MAS4AT est intégré au système I2C.The maritime activity has widely grow in the last few years and is the witness of several illegal activities. It has become necessary that the organizations involved in the maritime surveillance possess efficient systems to help them in their identification. The maritime surveillance systems must observe a wide maritime area, identify the anomalies in the behaviours of the monitored ships et trigger alerts when these anomalies leads to a suspicious behavior. We propose a generic agent model, called MAS4AT, able to fulfil two main roles of a surveillance system: the numerical representation of the behaviours of the monitored entities and learning mechanisms for a better efficiency. MAS4AT is integrated in the system I2C

    Component-based software architectures and multi-agent systems: mutual and complementary contributions for supporting software development

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    Dans cette thèse, nous explorons les diverses contributions que les systèmes multi-agents (SMA) et les architectures à base de composants (CBSA) peuvent mutuellement et complémentairement s'apporter l'un à l'autre. Dans un premier temps, nous définissons, illustrons, analysons et discutons une méthodologie du développement des SMA, un modèle de composants (SpeAD), un langage de description d'architecture (SpeADL) et une méthode de conception (SpEArAF) qui facilitent et guident la description et l'implémentation des SMA. Cette réponse complète au développement des SMA est assistée par un outil (MAY) et a été appliquée à un grand nombre d'applications. Dans un second temps, nous explorons à travers divers expériences l'aide que peuvent apporter les SMA auto-adaptatif aux CBSA. Les agents et leur réorganisation continuelle jouent à la fois le rôle de moteur de la construction et de l'adaptation dynamique de l'architecture, mais aussi du conteneur qui connecte ses éléments en pratique.In this thesis, we explore the various aspects of the mutual and complementary contributions that multi-agent systems (MASs) and component-based software architectures (CBSAs) can provide to each other. On one hand, we define, illustrate, analyse and discuss an architecture-oriented methodology of MAS development, a component model (SpeAD), an architectural description language (SpeADL) and a design method (SpEArAF) that ease and guide the description and the implementation of MASs. This complete answer to MAS development is supported by a tool (MAY) and has been applied to many applications. On the other hand, we explore through various experiments how self-adaptive MASs can be used to support CBSAs. The agents and their continuous reorganisation act both as the engine of the construction and of the dynamic adaptation of the architecture, and as the runtime container that practically connects its elements together

    A platform-independent domain-specific modeling language for multiagent systems

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    Associated with the increasing acceptance of agent-based computing as a novel software engineering paradigm, recently a lot of research addresses the development of suitable techniques to support the agent-oriented software development. The state-of-the-art in agent-based software development is to (i) design the agent systems basing on an agent-based methodology and (ii) take the resulting design artifact as a base to manually implement the agent system using existing agent-oriented programming languages or general purpose languages like Java. Apart from failures made when manually transform an abstract specification into a concrete implementation, the gap between design and implementation may also result in the divergence of design and implementation. The framework discussed in this dissertation presents a platform-independent domain-specific modeling language for MASs called Dsml4MAS that allows modeling agent systems in a platform-independent and graphical manner. Apart from the abstract design, Dsml4MAS also allows to automatically (i) check the generated design artifacts against a formal semantic specification to guarantee the well-formedness of the design and (ii) translate the abstract specification into a concrete implementation. Taking both together, Dsml4MAS ensures that for any well-formed design, an associated implementation will be generated closing the gap between design and code.Aufgrund wachsender Akzeptanz von Agentensystemen zur Behandlung komplexer Problemstellungen wird der Schwerpunkt auf dem Gebiet der agentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung vor allem auf die Erforschung von geeignetem Entwicklungswerkzeugen gesetzt. Stand der Forschung ist es dabei das Agentendesign mittels einer Agentenmethodologie zu spezifizieren und die resultierenden Artefakte als Grundlage zur manuellen Programmierung zu verwenden. Fehler, die bei dieser manuellen Überführung entstehen, machen insbesondere das abstrakte Design weniger nützlich in Hinsicht auf die Nachhaltigkeit der entwickelten Softwareapplikation. Das in dieser Dissertation diskutierte Rahmenwerk erörtert eine plattformunabhängige domänenspezifische Modellierungssprache für Multiagentensysteme namens Dsml4MAS. Dsml4MAS erlaubt es Agentensysteme auf eine plattformunabhängige und graphische Art und Weise darzustellen. Die Modellierungssprache umfasst (i) eine abstrakte Syntax, die das Vokabular der Sprache definiert, (ii) eine konkrete Syntax, die die graphische Darstellung spezifiziert sowie (iii) eine formale Semantik, die dem Vokabular eine präzise Bedeutung gibt. Dsml4MAS ist Bestandteil einer (semi-automatischen) Methodologie, die es (i) erlaubt die abstrakte Spezifikation schrittweise bis hin zur konkreten Implementierung zu konkretisieren und (ii) die Interoperabilität zu alternativen Softwareparadigmen wie z.B. Dienstorientierte Architekturen zu gewährleisten