181 research outputs found

    The Failure of Domestic and International Mechanisms to Redress the Harmful Effects of Australian Immigration Detention

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    Australia\u27s Migration Act explicitly permits the government to detain non-citizens seeking entry without visas, including those who request asylum. Detainees wait up to five years for their immigration claims to be processed in detention centers managed by Australasian Correctional Management ( ACM ), a subsidiary of U.S. corporation Wackenhut Corrections. Arriving asylum-seekers often suffer the lasting effects of torture, threats of death, and other traumatic conditions-effects that are exacerbated by detention conditions. This Comment emphasizes detention\u27s effects on children, who suffer health and other problems while detained. Detainees, Australian citizens, and overseas commentators are now protesting against the detention policy. The government\u27s response has been unsympathetic and legal challenges have been largely eliminated by Migration Act amendments that have virtually foreclosed judicial review. Further, while international claims are possible under treaties to which Australia is a party, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child ( CRC ), they are generally difficult to enforce. Even the Alien Tort Claims Act ( ATCA ), which grants jurisdiction to United States Federal District Courts over international claims by foreign citizens, fails to offer redress for torts endured while in immigration detention, despite a recent development from the Ninth Circuit that further extends the ATCA\u27s reach over multinational corporations. The ATCA remains ineffective because of difficulties in holding the U.S. parent, Wackenhut, liable for the actions of its foreign subsidiary, the detention management firm, ACM

    Assessing an Information Systems Master\u27s Curriculum Program: Revisiting the ACM\u27s MSIS 2006 Model Curriculum

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    The field of Information systems continues to change dynamically with the painful impact for reacting to those changes felt by both undergraduate and masters’ level programs. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a comparative selfstudy of one MSIS program as a measure to assess its competitiveness among a set of other comparable, competitive and aspirant masters’ programs. The focus of the study is determine the viability of one specific master’s curriculum used currently to prepare students for professional careers in information systems in order to meet the marketplace challenges created by the ever-evolving information systems business needs. The fundamental methodology used in this study is based on that which was employed in a previous study conducted to assess the ‘fit’ of 86 MSIS programs with the MSIS 2000 Model Curriculum (Vijayaraman, et.al.) Findings will be presented that reflect shared learning objectives, curriculum content, currency, and relevancy necessary to assess whether changes to the current curriculum are necessary to establish a more competitive position among the three categories of comparable, competitive and aspirant university MSIS programs. One benefit that resulted from this initiative is the recognition that there has been relatively little research directed at assessing the overall direction of current MSIS programs and the need to revisit the need for a new MSIS model curriculum. The last endorsed MSIS model curriculum was published in 2006 (Gorgone, et.al. 2006), almost 10 years ago. It is the hope of presenting the results of this study that a discussion can begin to address the challenge of maintaining a viable MSIS curriculum that meets the current and future demands of the business communit

    IoT – Towards a Research Agenda for Information Systems

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    There has been different technological innovation wave in history that redefines and reshapes our societal makeup, internet of things (IoT) is emerging with a tendency to be the next wave. The emerging wave of IoT heralds a digital era with impact and influence yet to be fully ascertained. This provides unique opportunity for scholarly enquiry particularly for information system scholars. IS is a domain seating at the junction between technology, business and societal application of IT - which are also three indicative characteristics of IoT innovations. These connections between the field and IoT plus IoT’s potential for significant impact, suggests that studying IoT from an IS perspective is an endeavor worth pursuing. This panel is therefore setup to highlight possible research directions from which IoT can be studied in the discipline. Threats, opportunities, limitations and general implications of IoT are to be explored from both a practice and research perspective


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    The field of Information Systems and Technology is relatively young and dynamic. We are all challenged to stay at the leading edge of education in this field while simultaneously providing foundational concepts. The panel is designed to engage the question of whether we need to transform education in Information Systems and Technology. Stakeholders from different domains will provide their points of view and engage the audience in debate

    The Code

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    This Code may be published without permission as long as it is not changed in any way and it carries the copyright notice. Copyright (c) 2018 by the Association for Computing Machinery.Computing professionals' actions change the world. To act responsibly, they should reflect upon the wider impacts of their work, consistently supporting the public good. The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct ("the Code") expresses the conscience of the profession. The Code is designed to inspire and guide the ethical conduct of all computing professionals, including current and aspiring practitioners, instructors, students, influencers, and anyone who uses computing technology in an impactful way. Additionally, the Code serves as a basis for remediation when violations occur. The Code includes principles formulated as statements of responsibility, based on the understanding that the public good is always the primary consideration. Each principle is supplemented by guidelines, which provide explanations to assist computing professionals in understanding and applying the principle

    Go Together: Bridging the Gap between Learners and Teachers

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    After the pandemic, humanity has been facing different types of challenges. Social relationships, societal values, and academic and professional behavior have been hit the most. People are shifting their routines to social media and gadgets, and getting addicted to their isolation. This sudden change in their lives has caused an unusual social breakdown and endangered their mental health. In mid-2021, Pakistan's first Human Library was established under HelpingMind to overcome these effects. Despite online sessions and webinars, HelpingMind needs technology to reach the masses. In this work, we customized the UI or UX of a Go Together Mobile Application (GTMA) to meet the requirements of the client organization. A very interesting concept of the book (expert listener or psychologist) and the reader is introduced in GTMA. It offers separate dashboards, separate reviews or rating systems, booking, and venue information to engage the human reader with his or her favorite human book. The loyalty program enables the members to avail discounts through a mobile application and its membership is global where both the human-reader and human-books can register under the platform. The minimum viable product has been approved by our client organization

    Does Mutual Knowledge Affect Virtual Team Performance? Theoretical Analysis and Anecdotal Evidence

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    This paper describes the concept of mutual knowledge and its potential impact on virtual team performance. Based on an analysis of extant literature, we argue that there is a gap in our understanding of what is known about mutual knowledge as it impacts team dynamics and virtual team performance. Supporting literature, anecdotes, and case studies are used to discuss the importance of mutual knowledge for virtual team performance and the research issues that need to be addressed in the future

    Managing Overheads in Asynchronous Many-Task Runtime Systems

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    Asynchronous Many-Task (AMT) runtime systems are based on the idea of dividing an algorithm into small units of work, known as tasks. The runtime system is then responsible for scheduling and executing these tasks in an efficient manner by taking into account the resources provided to it and the associated data dependencies between the tasks. One of the primary challenges faced by AMTs is managing such fine-grained parallelism and the overheads associated with creating, scheduling and executing tasks. This work develops methodologies for assessing and managing overheads associated with fine-grained task execution in HPX, our exemplar Asynchronous Many-Task runtime system. Known optimization techniques, viz. active message coalescing, task inlining and parallel loop iteration chunking are applied to HPX. Active message coalescing, where messages bound to the same destination are aggregated into a single message, is presented as a solution to minimize overheads associated with fine-grained communications. Methodologies and metrics for analyzing fine-grained communication overheads are developed. The metrics identified and implemented in this research aid in evaluating network efficiency by giving us an intrinsic view of the underlying network overhead that would be difficult to measure using conventional methods. Task inlining, a method that allows runtime systems to manage the overheads introduced by a large number of tasks by merging tasks together into one thread of execution, is presented as a technique for minimizing fine-grained task overheads. A runtime policy that dynamically decides whether to inline a task is developed and evaluated on different processor architectures. A methodology to derive a largely machine independent constant that allows controlling task granularity is developed. Finally, the machine independent constant derived in the context of task inlining is applied to chunking of parallel loop iterations, which confirms its applicability to reduce overheads, in the context of finding the optimal chunk size of the combined loop iterations

    Community dynamics in an online law journal

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    Online communities are continuously evolving socio-technical systems. To provide them with better change management support, a systematic analysis of the norms that govern their evolution is required. In this paper, we present an approach that was used to analyze the community dynamics in an online law journal. Electronic journals in the legal domain are essential instruments in the validation and distribution of new legal knowledge. To ensure the high quality of these e-journals, the dynamics of the online communities in which the various journal stakeholders interact need to be well understood. We outline the evolution of one of the first successful legal e-journals: the Electronic Journal of Comparative Law. We describe the change management lessons learnt in practice and use these to illustrate our diagnostic approach for self-governance analysis in virtual communities.
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