175 research outputs found

    Adaptive Algorithms for Batteryless LoRa-Based Sensors

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    Ambient energy-powered sensors are becoming increasingly crucial for the sustainability of the Internet-of-Things (IoT). In particular, batteryless sensors are a cost-effective solution that require no battery maintenance, last longer and have greater weatherproofing properties due to the lack of a battery access panel. In this work, we study adaptive transmission algorithms to improve the performance of batteryless IoT sensors based on the LoRa protocol. First, we characterize the device power consumption during sensor measurement and/or transmission events. Then, we consider different scenarios and dynamically tune the most critical network parameters, such as inter-packet transmission time, data redundancy and packet size, to optimize the operation of the device. We design appropriate capacity-based storage, considering a renewable energy source (e.g., photovoltaic panel), and we analyze the probability of energy failures by exploiting both theoretical models and real energy traces. The results can be used as feedback to re-design the device to have an appropriate amount energy storage and meet certain reliability constraints. Finally, a cost analysis is also provided for the energy characteristics of our system, taking into account the dimensioning of both the capacitor and solar panel

    Scheduling Tasks on Intermittently-Powered Real-Time Systems

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    Batteryless systems go through sporadic power on and off phases due to intermittently available energy; thus, they are called intermittent systems. Unfortunately, this intermittence in power supply hinders the timely execution of tasks and limits such devices’ potential in certain application domains, e.g., healthcare, live-stock tracking. Unlike prior work on time-aware intermittent systems that focuses on timekeeping [1, 2, 3] and discarding expired data [4], this dissertation concentrates on finishing task execution on time. I leverage the data processing and control layer of batteryless systems by developing frameworks that (1) integrate energy harvesting and real-time systems, (2) rethink machine learning algorithms for an energy-aware imprecise task scheduling framework, (3) develop scheduling algorithms that, along with deciding what to compute, answers when to compute and when to harvest, and (4) utilize distributed systems that collaboratively emulate a persistently powered system. Scheduling Framework for Intermittently Powered Computing Systems. Batteryless systems rely on sporadically available harvestable energy. For example, kinetic-powered motion detector sensors on the impalas can only harvest energy when the impalas are moving, which cannot be ascertained in advance. This uncertainty poses a unique real-time scheduling problem where existing real-time algorithms fail due to the interruption in execution time. This dissertation proposes a unified scheduling framework that includes both harvesting and computing. Imprecise Deep Neural Network Inference in Deadline-Aware Intermittent Systems. This dissertation proposes Zygarde- an energy-aware and outcome-aware soft-real-time imprecise deep neural network (DNN) task scheduling framework for intermittent systems. Zygarde leverages the semantic diversity of input data and layer-dependent expressiveness of deep features and infers only the necessary DNN layers based on available time and energy. Zygarde proposes a novel technique to determine the imprecise boundary at the runtime by exploiting the clustering classifiers and specialized offline training of the DNNs to minimize the loss of accuracy due to partial execution. It also proposes a single metric, η to represent a system’s predictability that measures how close a harvesterâs harvesting pattern is to a constant energy source. Besides, Zygarde consists of a scheduling algorithm that takes available time, available energy, impreciseness, and the classifier's performance into account. Scheduling Mutually Exclusive Computing and Harvesting Tasks in Deadline-Aware Intermittent Systems. The lack of sufficient ambient energy to directly power the intermittent systems introduces mutually exclusive computing and charging cycles of intermittently powered systems. This introduces a challenging real-time scheduling problem where the existing real-time algorithms fail due to the lack of interruption in execution time. To address this, this dissertation proposes Celebi, which considers the dynamics of the available energy and schedules when to harvest and when to compute in batteryless systems. Using data-driven simulation and real-world experiments, this dissertation shows that Celebi significantly increases the number of tasks that complete execution before their deadline when power was only available intermittently. Persistent System Emulation with Distributed Intermittent System. Intermittently-powered sensing and computing systems go through sporadic power-on and off periods due to the uncertain availability of energy sources. Despite the recent efforts to advance time-sensitive intermittent systems, such systems fail to capture important target events when the energy is absent for a prolonged time. This event miss limits the potential usage of intermittent systems in fault- intolerant and safety-critical applications. To address this problem, this dissertation proposes Falinks, a framework that allows a swarm of distributed intermittently powered nodes to collaboratively imitate the sensing and computing capabilities of a persistently powered system. This framework provides power-on and off schedules for the swamp of intermittent nodes which has no communication capability with each other.Doctor of Philosoph


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    The ubiquity of executing machine learning tasks on embedded systems with constrained resources has made efficient execution of neural networks on these systems under the CPU, memory, and energy constraints increasingly important. Different from high-end computing systems where resources are abundant and reliable, resource-constrained systems only have limited computational capability, limited memory, and limited energy supply. This dissertation focuses on how to take full advantage of the limited resources of these systems in order to improve task execution efficiency from different aspects of the execution pipeline. While the existing literature primarily aims at solving the problem by shrinking the model size according to the resource constraints, this dissertation aims to improve the execution efficiency for a given set of tasks from the following two aspects. Firstly, we propose SmartON, which is the first batteryless active event detection system that considers both the event arrival pattern as well as the harvested energy to determine when the system should wake up and what the duty cycle should be. Secondly, we propose Antler, which exploits the affinity between all pairs of tasks in a multitask inference system to construct a compact graph representation of the task set for a given overall size budget. To achieve the aforementioned algorithmic proposals, we propose the following hardware solutions. One is a controllable capacitor array that can expand the system’s energy storage on-the-fly. The other is a FRAM array that can accommodate multiple neural networks running on one system.Doctor of Philosoph

    Control oriented modelling of an integrated attitude and vibration suppression architecture for large space structures

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    This thesis is divided into two parts. The main focus of the research, namely active vibration control for large flexible spacecraft, is exposed in Part I and, in parallel, the topic of machine learning techniques for modern space applications is described in Part II. In particular, this thesis aims at proposing an end-to-end general architecture for an integrated attitude-vibration control system, starting from the design of structural models to the synthesis of the control laws. To this purpose, large space structures based on realistic missions are investigated as study cases, in accordance with the tendency of increasing the size of the scientific instruments to improve their sensitivity, being the drawback an increase of its overall flexibility. An active control method is therefore investigated to guarantee satisfactory pointing and maximum deformation by avoiding classical stiffening methods. Therefore, the instrument is designed to be supported by an active deployable frame hosting an optimal minimum set of collocated smart actuators and sensors. Different spatial configurations for the placement of the distributed network of active devices are investigated, both at closed-loop and open-loop levels. Concerning closed-loop techniques, a method to optimally place the poles of the system via a Direct Velocity Feedback (DVF) controller is proposed to identify simultaneously the location and number of active devices for vibration control with an in-cascade optimization technique. Then, two general and computationally efficient open-loop placement techniques, namely Gramian and Modal Strain Energy (MSE)-based methods, are adopted as opposed to heuristic algorithms, which imply high computational costs and are generally not suitable for high-dimensional systems, to propose a placement architecture for generically shaped tridimensional space structures. Then, an integrated robust control architecture for the spacecraft is presented as composed of both an attitude control scheme and a vibration control system. To conclude the study, attitude manoeuvres are performed to excite main flexible modes and prove the efficacy of both attitude and vibration control architectures. Moreover, Part II is dedicated to address the problem of improving autonomy and self-awareness of modern spacecraft, by using machine-learning based techniques to carry out Failure Identification for large space structures and improving the pointing performance of spacecraft (both flexible satellite with sloshing models and small rigid platforms) when performing repetitive Earth Observation manoeuvres

    Advancements in Flux Switching Machine Optimization : Applications and Future Prospects

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    This work was supported by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, U. K., under Grant Number: NGCN-180-2021Peer reviewe

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2017

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    This Research Report presents the FY18 research statistics and contributions of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (EN) at AFIT. AFIT research interests and faculty expertise cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to USAF needs, as reflected by the range of topics addressed in the faculty and student publications listed in this report. In most cases, the research work reported herein is directly sponsored by one or more USAF or DOD agencies. AFIT welcomes the opportunity to conduct research on additional topics of interest to the USAF, DOD, and other federal organizations when adequate manpower and financial resources are available and/or provided by a sponsor. In addition, AFIT provides research collaboration and technology transfer benefits to the public through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)