3,343,214 research outputs found

    Superadditivity of quantum relative entropy for general states

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    The property of superadditivity of the quantum relative entropy states that, in a bipartite system HAB=HAHB\mathcal{H}_{AB}=\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B, for every density operator ρAB\rho_{AB} one has D(ρABσAσB)D(ρAσA)+D(ρBσB) D( \rho_{AB} || \sigma_A \otimes \sigma_B ) \ge D( \rho_A || \sigma_A ) +D( \rho_B || \sigma_B) . In this work, we provide an extension of this inequality for arbitrary density operators σAB \sigma_{AB} . More specifically, we prove that α(σAB)D(ρABσAB)D(ρAσA)+D(ρBσB) \alpha (\sigma_{AB})\cdot D({\rho_{AB}}||{\sigma_{AB}}) \ge D({\rho_A}||{\sigma_A})+D({\rho_B}||{\sigma_B}) holds for all bipartite states ρAB\rho_{AB} and σAB\sigma_{AB}, where α(σAB)=1+2σA1/2σB1/2σABσA1/2σB1/21AB\alpha(\sigma_{AB})= 1+2 || \sigma_A^{-1/2} \otimes \sigma_B^{-1/2} \, \sigma_{AB} \, \sigma_A^{-1/2} \otimes \sigma_B^{-1/2} - \mathbb{1}_{AB} ||_\infty.Comment: 14 pages. v3: Final version. The main theorem has been improved, adding a fourth step to its proof and also some remarks. v2: There was a flaw in the proof of the previous version. This has been corrected in this version. The constant appearing in the main Theorem has changed accordingl

    Symmetric Extension of Two-Qubit States

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    Quantum key distribution uses public discussion protocols to establish shared secret keys. In the exploration of ultimate limits to such protocols, the property of symmetric extendibility of underlying bipartite states ρAB\rho_{AB} plays an important role. A bipartite state ρAB\rho_{AB} is symmetric extendible if there exits a tripartite state ρABB\rho_{ABB'}, such that the ABAB marginal state is identical to the ABAB' marginal state, i.e. ρAB=ρAB\rho_{AB'}=\rho_{AB}. For a symmetric extendible state ρAB\rho_{AB}, the first task of the public discussion protocol is to break this symmetric extendibility. Therefore to characterize all bi-partite quantum states that possess symmetric extensions is of vital importance. We prove a simple analytical formula that a two-qubit state ρAB\rho_{AB} admits a symmetric extension if and only if \tr(\rho_B^2)\geq \tr(\rho_{AB}^2)-4\sqrt{\det{\rho_{AB}}}. Given the intimate relationship between the symmetric extension problem and the quantum marginal problem, our result also provides the first analytical necessary and sufficient condition for the quantum marginal problem with overlapping marginals.Comment: 10 pages, no figure. comments are welcome. Version 2: introduction rewritte

    Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model near T=TcT=T_c: expanding around the Replica Symmetric Solution

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    An expansion for the free energy functional of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) model, around the Replica Symmetric SK solution Qab(RS)=δab+q(1δab)Q^{({\rm RS})}_{ab} = \delta_{ab} + q(1-\delta_{ab}) is investigated. In particular, when the expansion is truncated to fourth order in. QabQab(RS)Q_{ab} - Q^{({\rm RS})}_{ab}. The Full Replica Symmetry Broken (FRSB) solution is explicitly found but it turns out to exist only in the range of temperature 0.549...TTc=10.549...\leq T\leq T_c=1, not including T=0. On the other hand an expansion around the paramagnetic solution Qab(PM)=δabQ^{({\rm PM})}_{ab} = \delta_{ab} up to fourth order yields a FRSB solution that exists in a limited temperature range 0.915...TTc=10.915...\leq T \leq T_c=1.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    On the structure of the new electromagnetic conservation laws

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    New electromagnetic conservation laws have recently been proposed: in the absence of electromagnetic currents, the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor, HabH_{ab} is divergence-free in four-dimensional (a) Einstein spacetimes for test fields, (b) Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes. Subsequently it has been pointed out, in analogy with flat spaces, that for Einstein spacetimes the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor HabH_{ab} can be rearranged in the form of a generalised wave operator L\square_L acting on the energy momentum tensor TabT_{ab} of the test fields, i.e., Hab=LTab/2H_{ab}=\square_LT_{ab}/2. In this letter we show, for Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes in the full non-linear theory, that, although, the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor HabH_{ab} can again be rearranged in the form of a generalised wave operator G\square_G acting on the electromagnetic energy momentum tensor, in this case the result is also crucially dependent on Einstein's equations; hence we argue that the divergence-free property of the tensor Hab=GTab/2H_{ab}=\square_GT_{ab}/2 has significant independent content beyond that of the divergence-free property of TabT_{ab}

    Perspective on gravitational self-force analyses

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    A point particle of mass μ\mu moving on a geodesic creates a perturbation habh_{ab}, of the spacetime metric gabg_{ab}, that diverges at the particle. Simple expressions are given for the singular μ/r\mu/r part of habh_{ab} and its distortion caused by the spacetime. This singular part h^\SS_{ab} is described in different coordinate systems and in different gauges. Subtracting h^\SS_{ab} from habh_{ab} leaves a regular remainder habRh^\R_{ab}. The self-force on the particle from its own gravitational field adjusts the world line at \Or(\mu) to be a geodesic of gab+habRg_{ab}+h^\R_{ab}; this adjustment includes all of the effects of radiation reaction. For the case that the particle is a small non-rotating black hole, we give a uniformly valid approximation to a solution of the Einstein equations, with a remainder of \Or(\mu^2) as μ0\mu\to0. An example presents the actual steps involved in a self-force calculation. Gauge freedom introduces ambiguity in perturbation analysis. However, physically interesting problems avoid this ambiguity.Comment: 40 pages, to appear in a special issue of CQG on radiation reaction, contains additional references, improved notation for tensor harmonic