512 research outputs found

    A word sense disambiguation corpus for Urdu

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    The aim of word sense disambiguation (WSD) is to correctly identify the meaning of a word in context. All natural languages exhibit word sense ambiguities and these are often hard to resolve automatically. Consequently WSD is considered an important problem in natural language processing (NLP). Standard evaluation resources are needed to develop, evaluate and compare WSD methods. A range of initiatives have lead to the development of benchmark WSD corpora for a wide range of languages from various language families. However, there is a lack of benchmark WSD corpora for South Asian languages including Urdu, despite there being over 300 million Urdu speakers and a large amounts of Urdu digital text available online. To address that gap, this study describes a novel benchmark corpus for the Urdu Lexical Sample WSD task. This corpus contains 50 target words (30 nouns, 11 adjectives, and 9 verbs). A standard, manually crafted dictionary called Urdu Lughat is used as a sense inventory. Four baseline WSD approaches were applied to the corpus. The results show that the best performance was obtained using a simple Bag of Words approach. To encourage NLP research on the Urdu language the corpus is freely available to the research community

    A word sense disambiguation corpus for Urdu

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    The aim of word sense disambiguation (WSD) is to correctly identify the meaning of a word in context. All natural languages exhibit word sense ambiguities and these are often hard to resolve automatically. Consequently WSD is considered an important problem in natural language processing (NLP). Standard evaluation resources are needed to develop, evaluate and compare WSD methods. A range of initiatives have lead to the development of benchmark WSD corpora for a wide range of languages from various language families. However, there is a lack of benchmark WSD corpora for South Asian languages including Urdu, despite there being over 300 million Urdu speakers and a large amounts of Urdu digital text available online. To address that gap, this study describes a novel benchmark corpus for the Urdu Lexical Sample WSD task. This corpus contains 50 target words (30 nouns, 11 adjectives, and 9 verbs). A standard, manually crafted dictionary called Urdu Lughat is used as a sense inventory. Four baseline WSD approaches were applied to the corpus. The results show that the best performance was obtained using a simple Bag of Words approach. To encourage NLP research on the Urdu language the corpus is freely available to the research community

    Part-Of-Speech Tagging Of Urdu in Limited Resources Scenario

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    We address the problem of Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging of Urdu. POS tagging is the process of assigning a part-of-speech or lexical class marker to each word in the given text. Tagging for natural languages is similar to tokenization and lexical analysis for computer languages, except that we encounter ambiguities which are to be resolved. It plays a fundamental role in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications such as word sense disambiguation, parsing, name entity recognition and chunking. POS tagging, particularly plays very important role in processing free-word-order languages because such languages have relatively complex morphological structure. Urdu is a morphologically rich language. Forms of the verb, as well as case, gender, and number are expressed by the morphology. It shares its morphology, phonology and grammatical structures with Hindi. It shares its vocabulary with Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Turkish and Pashto languages. Urdu is written using the Perso-Arabic script. POS tagging of Urdu is a necessary component for most NLP applications of Urdu. Development of an Urdu POS tagger will influence several pipelined modules of natural language understanding system, including machine translation; partial parsing and word sense disambiguation. Our objective is to develop a robust POS tagger for Urdu. We have worked on the automatic annotation of part-of-speech for Urdu. We have defined a tag-set for Urdu. We manually annotated a corpus of 10,000 sentences. We have used different machine learning methods, namely Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Maximum Entropy Model (ME) and Conditional Random Field (CRF). Further, to deal with a small-annotated corpus, we explored the use of semi-supervised learning by using an additional un-annotated corpus. We also explored the use of a dictionary to provide to us all possible POS labeling for a given word. Since Urdu is morphologically productive. Hence we augmented Hidden Markov Model, Maximum Entropy Model and Conditional Random Field with morphological features, word suffixes and POS categories of words to develop robust POS tagger for Urdu in the limited resources scenario

    A sense annotated corpus for All-Words Urdu Word Sense Disambiguation

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    Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) aims to automatically predict the correct sense of a word used in a given context. All human languages exhibit word sense ambiguity and resolving this ambiguity can be difficult. Standard benchmark resources are required to develop, compare and evaluate WSD techniques. These are available for many languages but not for Urdu, despite this being a language with more than 300 million speakers and large volumes of text available digitally. To fill this gap, this study proposes a novel benchmark corpus for the Urdu All-Words WSD task. The corpus contains 5,042 words of Urdu running text in which all ambiguous words (856 instances) are manually tagged with senses from the Urdu Lughat dictionary. A range of baseline WSD models based on n-grams are applied to the corpus and the best performance (accuracy of 57.71%) is achieved using word 4-grams. The corpus is freely available to the research community to encourage further WSD research in Urdu

    An Urdu semantic tagger - lexicons, corpora, methods and tools

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    Extracting and analysing meaning-related information from natural language data has attracted the attention of researchers in various fields, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), corpus linguistics, data sciences, etc. An important aspect of such automatic information extraction and analysis is the semantic annotation of language data using semantic annotation tool (a.k.a semantic tagger). Generally, different semantic annotation tools have been designed to carry out various levels of semantic annotations, for instance, sentiment analysis, word sense disambiguation, content analysis, semantic role labelling, etc. These semantic annotation tools identify or tag partial core semantic information of language data, moreover, they tend to be applicable only for English and other European languages. A semantic annotation tool that can annotate semantic senses of all lexical units (words) is still desirable for the Urdu language based on USAS (the UCREL Semantic Analysis System) semantic taxonomy, in order to provide comprehensive semantic analysis of Urdu language text. This research work report on the development of an Urdu semantic tagging tool and discuss challenging issues which have been faced in this Ph.D. research work. Since standard NLP pipeline tools are not widely available for Urdu, alongside the Urdu semantic tagger a suite of newly developed tools have been created: sentence tokenizer, word tokenizer and part-of-speech tagger. Results for these proposed tools are as follows: word tokenizer reports F1F_1 of 94.01\%, and accuracy of 97.21\%, sentence tokenizer shows F1_1 of 92.59\%, and accuracy of 93.15\%, whereas, POS tagger shows an accuracy of 95.14\%. The Urdu semantic tagger incorporates semantic resources (lexicon and corpora) as well as semantic field disambiguation methods. In terms of novelty, the NLP pre-processing tools are developed either using rule-based, statistical, or hybrid techniques. Furthermore, all semantic lexicons have been developed using a novel combination of automatic or semi-automatic approaches: mapping, crowdsourcing, statistical machine translation, GIZA++, word embeddings, and named entity. A large multi-target annotated corpus is also constructed using a semi-automatic approach to test accuracy of the Urdu semantic tagger, proposed corpus is also used to train and test supervised multi-target Machine Learning classifiers. The results show that Random k-labEL Disjoint Pruned Sets and Classifier Chain multi-target classifiers outperform all other classifiers on the proposed corpus with a Hamming Loss of 0.06\% and Accuracy of 0.94\%. The best lexical coverage of 88.59\%, 99.63\%, 96.71\% and 89.63\% are obtained on several test corpora. The developed Urdu semantic tagger shows encouraging precision on the proposed test corpus of 79.47\%
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