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    Word graphs size impact on the performance of handwriting document applications

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    [EN] Two document processing applications are con- sidered: computer-assisted transcription of text images (CATTI) and Keyword Spotting (KWS), for transcribing and indexing handwritten documents, respectively. Instead of working directly on the handwriting images, both of them employ meta-data structures called word graphs (WG), which are obtained using segmentation-free hand- written text recognition technology based on N-gram lan- guage models and hidden Markov models. A WG contains most of the relevant information of the original text (line) image required by CATTI and KWS but, if it is too large, the computational cost of generating and using it can become unafordable. Conversely, if it is too small, relevant information may be lost, leading to a reduction of CATTI or KWS performance. We study the trade-off between WG size and performance in terms of effectiveness and effi- ciency of CATTI and KWS. Results show that small, computationally cheap WGs can be used without loosing the excellent CATTI and KWS performance achieved with huge WGs.Work partially supported by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Prometeo/2009/014 Project Grant ALMAMATER, by the Spanish MECD as part of the Valorization and I+D+I Resources program of VLC/CAMPUS in the International Excellence Campus program, and through the EU projects: HIMANIS (JPICH programme, Spanish Grant Ref. PCIN-2015-068) and READ (Horizon-2020 programme, Grant Ref. 674943).Toselli ., AH.; Romero Gómez, V.; Vidal, E. (2017). Word graphs size impact on the performance of handwriting document applications. Neural Computing and Applications. 28(9):2477-2487. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-016-2336-2S24772487289Amengual JC, Vidal E (1998) Efficient error-correcting Viterbi parsing. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 20(10):1109–1116Bazzi I, Schwartz R, Makhoul J (1999) An omnifont open-vocabulary OCR system for English and Arabic. 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    ASR decoding in a computational model of human word recognition

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    This paper investigates the interaction between acoustic scores and symbolic mismatch penalties in multi-pass speech decoding techniques that are based on the creation of a segment graph followed by a lexical search. The interaction between acoustic and symbolic mismatches determines to a large extent the structure of the search space of these multipass approaches. The background of this study is a recently developed computational model of human word recognition, called SpeM. SpeM is able to simulate human word recognition data and is built as a multi-pass speech decoder. Here, we focus on unravelling the structure of the search space that is used in SpeM and similar decoding strategies. Finally, we elaborate on the close relation between distances in this search space, and distance measures in search spaces that are based on a combination of acoustic and phonetic features

    Optimizing expected word error rate via sampling for speech recognition

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    State-level minimum Bayes risk (sMBR) training has become the de facto standard for sequence-level training of speech recognition acoustic models. It has an elegant formulation using the expectation semiring, and gives large improvements in word error rate (WER) over models trained solely using cross-entropy (CE) or connectionist temporal classification (CTC). sMBR training optimizes the expected number of frames at which the reference and hypothesized acoustic states differ. It may be preferable to optimize the expected WER, but WER does not interact well with the expectation semiring, and previous approaches based on computing expected WER exactly involve expanding the lattices used during training. In this paper we show how to perform optimization of the expected WER by sampling paths from the lattices used during conventional sMBR training. The gradient of the expected WER is itself an expectation, and so may be approximated using Monte Carlo sampling. We show experimentally that optimizing WER during acoustic model training gives 5% relative improvement in WER over a well-tuned sMBR baseline on a 2-channel query recognition task (Google Home)