24,926 research outputs found

    A development of GIS plotter for small fishing vessels running on common

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    An Implementation Approach and Performance Analysis of Image Sensor Based Multilateral Indoor Localization and Navigation System

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    Optical camera communication (OCC) exhibits considerable importance nowadays in various indoor camera based services such as smart home and robot-based automation. An android smart phone camera that is mounted on a mobile robot (MR) offers a uniform communication distance when the camera remains at the same level that can reduce the communication error rate. Indoor mobile robot navigation (MRN) is considered to be a promising OCC application in which the white light emitting diodes (LEDs) and an MR camera are used as transmitters and receiver respectively. Positioning is a key issue in MRN systems in terms of accuracy, data rate, and distance. We propose an indoor navigation and positioning combined algorithm and further evaluate its performance. An android application is developed to support data acquisition from multiple simultaneous transmitter links. Experimentally, we received data from four links which are required to ensure a higher positioning accuracy

    Autonomous Vehicle Coordination with Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks

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    A coordinated team of mobile wireless sensor and actuator nodes can bring numerous benefits for various applications in the field of cooperative surveillance, mapping unknown areas, disaster management, automated highway and space exploration. This article explores the idea of mobile nodes using vehicles on wheels, augmented with wireless, sensing, and control capabilities. One of the vehicles acts as a leader, being remotely driven by the user, the others represent the followers. Each vehicle has a low-power wireless sensor node attached, featuring a 3D accelerometer and a magnetic compass. Speed and orientation are computed in real time using inertial navigation techniques. The leader periodically transmits these measures to the followers, which implement a lightweight fuzzy logic controller for imitating the leader's movement pattern. We report in detail on all development phases, covering design, simulation, controller tuning, inertial sensor evaluation, calibration, scheduling, fixed-point computation, debugging, benchmarking, field experiments, and lessons learned

    Efficient AoA-based wireless indoor localization for hospital outpatients using mobile devices

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    The motivation of this work is to help outpatients find their corresponding departments or clinics, thus, it needs to provide indoor positioning services with a room-level accuracy. Unlike wireless outdoor localization that is dominated by the global positioning system (GPS), wireless indoor localization is still an open issue. Many different schemes are being developed to meet the increasing demand for indoor localization services. In this paper, we investigated the AoA-based wireless indoor localization for outpatientsā€™ wayfinding in a hospital, where Wi-Fi access points (APs) are deployed, in line, on the ceiling. The target position can be determined by a mobile device, like a smartphone, through an efficient geometric calculation with two known APs coordinates and the angles of the incident radios. All possible positions in which the target may appear have been comprehensively investigated, and the corresponding solutions were proven to be the same. Experimental results show that localization error was less than 2.5 m, about 80% of the time, which can satisfy the outpatientsā€™ requirements for wayfinding

    Symbiotic Navigation in Multi-Robot Systems with Remote Obstacle Knowledge Sharing

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    Large scale operational areas often require multiple service robots for coverage and task parallelism. In such scenarios, each robot keeps its individual map of the environment and serves specific areas of the map at different times. We propose a knowledge sharing mechanism for multiple robots in which one robot can inform other robots about the changes in map, like path blockage, or new static obstacles, encountered at specific areas of the map. This symbiotic information sharing allows the robots to update remote areas of the map without having to explicitly navigate those areas, and plan efficient paths. A node representation of paths is presented for seamless sharing of blocked path information. The transience of obstacles is modeled to track obstacles which might have been removed. A lazy information update scheme is presented in which only relevant information affecting the current task is updated for efficiency. The advantages of the proposed method for path planning are discussed against traditional method with experimental results in both simulation and real environments

    An Indoor Navigation System Using a Sensor Fusion Scheme on Android Platform

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    With the development of wireless communication networks, smart phones have become a necessity for peopleā€™s daily lives, and they meet not only the needs of basic functions for users such as sending a message or making a phone call, but also the usersā€™ demands for entertainment, surfing the Internet and socializing. Navigation functions have been commonly utilized, however the navigation function is often based on GPS (Global Positioning System) in outdoor environments, whereas a number of applications need to navigate indoors. This paper presents a system to achieve high accurate indoor navigation based on Android platform. To do this, we design a sensor fusion scheme for our system. We divide the system into three main modules: distance measurement module, orientation detection module and position update module. We use an efficient way to estimate the stride length and use step sensor to count steps in distance measurement module. For orientation detection module, in order to get the optimal result of orientation, we then introduce Kalman filter to de-noise the data collected from different sensors. In the last module, we combine the data from the previous modules and calculate the current location. Results of experiments show that our system works well and has high accuracy in indoor situations

    Improving performance of pedestrian positioning by using vehicular communication signals

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    Pedestrian-to-vehicle communications, where pedestrian devices transmit their position information to nearby vehicles to indicate their presence, help to reduce pedestrian accidents. Satellite-based systems are widely used for pedestrian positioning, but have much degraded performance in urban canyon, where satellite signals are often obstructed by roadside buildings. In this paper, we propose a pedestrian positioning method, which leverages vehicular communication signals and uses vehicles as anchors. The performance of pedestrian positioning is improved from three aspects: (i) Channel state information instead of RSSI is used to estimate pedestrian-vehicle distance with higher precision. (ii) Only signals with line-of-sight path are used, and the property of distance error is considered. (iii) Fast mobility of vehicles is used to get diverse measurements, and Kalman filter is applied to smooth positioning results. Extensive evaluations, via trace-based simulation, confirm that (i) Fixing rate of positions can be much improved. (ii) Horizontal positioning error can be greatly reduced, nearly by one order compared with off-the-shelf receivers, by almost half compared with RSSI-based method, and can be reduced further to about 80cm when vehicle transmission period is 100ms and Kalman filter is applied. Generally, positioning performance increases with the number of available vehicles and their transmission frequency
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