19 research outputs found

    Efficient Resource Matching in Heterogeneous Grid Using Resource Vector

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    In this paper, a method for efficient scheduling to obtain optimum job throughput in a distributed campus grid environment is presented; Traditional job schedulers determine job scheduling using user and job resource attributes. User attributes are related to current usage, historical usage, user priority and project access. Job resource attributes mainly comprise of soft requirements (compilers, libraries) and hard requirements like memory, storage and interconnect. A job scheduler dispatches jobs to a resource if a job's hard and soft requirements are met by a resource. In current scenario during execution of a job, if a resource becomes unavailable, schedulers are presented with limited options, namely re-queuing job or migrating job to a different resource. Both options are expensive in terms of data and compute time. These situations can be avoided, if the often ignored factor, availability time of a resource in a grid environment is considered. We propose resource rank approach, in which jobs are dispatched to a resource which has the highest rank among all resources that match the job's requirement. The results show that our approach can increase throughput of many serial / monolithic jobs.Comment: 10 page


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    Lipchitz class of function had been introduced by McFadden[5}.Recently dealing with degree of approximation of Fourier series of a function of Lipchitz class Nigam[12] and Misra et al.[13] have established certain theorems. Extending their results in this paper a theorem on degree of approximation of a function   by   product summability    has been establishe

    Online Interactive E-Learning Using Video Annotation

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    Streaming video on the Internet is being wide deployed, and work employment, E-lecture and distance education area unit key applications. The facility to annotate video on cyberspace can provide important added price in these and different areas. Written and spoken annotations can provide “in context” personal notes and would possibly modify asynchronous collaboration among groups of users. With annotations, users don't seem to be to any extent further restricted to viewing content passively on internet, but area unit absolve to add and share statement and links, therefore transforming internet into academic degree interactive medium. we tend to tend to debate vogue problems in constructing a cooperative video annotation system which we tend to introduce our model, called ABVR .We gift preliminary data on the employment of we tend Web-based annotations for personal note-taking and for sharing notes throughout a distance education scenario. Users showed a strong preference for ABVR System over pen-and-paper for taking notes, despite taking longer to undertake and do so. They put together indicated that they may produce further comments and queries with system ABVR than throughout a “live” state of affairs, that sharing added substantial price. and jump into videos at express time stamp by a tagging to the videos DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150610

    Tensorial Computation of the intensity of UHF Electromagnetic Radiation within Geometrical Structures

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    In this paper, a tensorial method was used in computing the intensity of Ultra High Frequency(UHF) radiation within 2D and 3D geometrical structures. This was done based on the theoretical concepts of classical electromagnetism. Using a software program, “power estimator” the intensities at various distances from the source of radiation were obtained and it was found that shapes which are less geometrically homogenous exhibits high intensity values and that the maximum intensity value was observed within a cylinder to be 1534.70w/m² at 0.02m away from the source of radiation, while the minimum intensity value was observed in a circle at 0.10m away from the source to be 2.49w/m²

    Intersected EMG heatmaps and deep learning based gesture recognition

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    Hand gesture recognition in myoelectric based prosthetic devices is a key challenge to offering effective solutions to hand/lower arm amputees. A novel hand gesture recognition methodology that employs the difference of EMG energy heatmaps as the input of a specific designed deep learning neural network is presented. Experimental results using data from real amputees indicate that the proposed design achieves 94.31% as average accuracy with best accuracy rate of 98.96%. A comparison of experimental results between the proposed novel hand gesture recognition methodology and other similar approaches indicates the superior effectiveness of the new design

    Implications of Cloud Computing on Digital Forensics

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    Cloud computing is a paradigm for computingservices that are delivered to users over the Internet. In cloudcomputing, users rent rather than buy their computing resources.Cloud computing likely represents the next stage in the evolutionof the Internet. But the cloud computing paradigm is stilldeveloping, with numerous unknowns and many questions openfor research. One critical question that has not received muchattention is security. A significant subset is digital forensics—that is, (1) the discovery of evidence remaining on a computerafter a security breach or attack and (2) the use of that evidenceto investigate the event and establish facts for use in legalproceedings.This paper discusses the impact that cloud computingwill have on digital forensics. From a forensic perspective,cloud computing raises a number of concerns. Most immediateis whether or not forensic practitioners will be able to analyzethe Cloud using existing techniques of digital forensics. Duringa traditional forensic examination, files on the storage media areexamined along with the entire file system structure. But this maynot be a practical model for examinations in the Cloud, wherethe computer is virtual, that is, where numerous heterogeneousresources, often geographically distributed, are combined. Otherconcerns include protecting evidence against contaminationand anticipating the legal issues that will be raised by the Cloudparadigm, with its resources spread over diverse administrativeand geopolitical domains. Comprehensive security services toprotect not only the Cloud’s resources but also the data thatresides on them may need to be instituted. The open literature todate has yet to address any of these challenges.Cloud technologies are predicted to cause a paradigm shiftin digital forensic techniques. This paper discusses the applicationof traditional digital forensic examinations to cloud forensics

    Cross-Dimensional Gestural Interaction Techniques for Hybrid Immersive Environments

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    We present a set of interaction techniques for a hybrid user interface that integrates existing 2D and 3D visualization and interaction devices. Our approach is built around one- and two-handed gestures that support the seamless transition of data between co-located 2D and 3D contexts. Our testbed environment combines a 2D multi-user, multi-touch, projection surface with 3D head-tracked, see-through, head-worn displays and 3D tracked gloves to form a multi-display augmented reality. We also address some of the ways in which we can interact with private data in a collaborative, heterogeneous workspace