79 research outputs found

    An application with webMathematica

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    There have been many technological dawns in the last 30 years, during which the desktop computer and the Internet have been developed. The importance of Internet in education, particularly using its Web is a well-recognized fact. A wealth of resources and techniques now exist which serve as a source both for exciting examples of new teaching practices, as well as easily accessible methods for adoption into various formats of teaching and learning. Internet technology allow teachers and students keep up with their minds. It let them try their ideas as soon as they come up with them. Generally, students appreciate the convenience, choice, and flexibility that an online courses offers. Instructional designers value the standardized framework and flexibility. WebMathematica is a web-based technology developed by Wolfram Research that allows the generation of dynamic web content with Mathematica. With this technology, the distance education students should be able to explore and experiment with the mathematical concepts. In this paper we will elucidate the pedagogical issues in the application of Hamiltonian systems in the webMathematica for the distance learning environment and the shape of the future "classroom" as well as relevant educational strategies towards improving mathematics education

    Dynamic Web Tools for Undergraduate Mathematics

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    The internet has become widely available, and tools for mathematical computation on the net have now appeared. The authors used webMathematica software to create interactive web pages which allow students and faculty to compute and visualize results directly from a web browser. The nature of the innovation, its significance for instruction, and some implications for student understanding are discussed

    Dynamic Web Tools for Trigonometry

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    In the last 20 years, computer technology having mathematical capability has been developed, improved, and become widely available, but textbook presentations are still largely free of any discussion that might require technology. Technology could be used in mathematical instruction for student drill and practice, for instructor demonstrations that promote conceptual understanding, or for the exploration of mathematical ideas, but software is often designed to be pedagogically generic, leaving its use to the creativity of the instructor. Technological solutions for local machines can be quite extensive, but cost and time constraints then limit availability for student use. The internet has the capability to provide mathematical instruction at all hours and in all places, with little financial investment by the student. This article describes the issues encountered and addressed by the author as he attempted to include self-authored web-based instructional units into a traditional trigonometry class. This paper was published in issue 5/6, volume 18, of the International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, distributed by Inderscience. DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2008.022175. Original article: http://www.inderscience.com/search/index.php?action=record&rec_id=22175&prevQuery=&ps=10&m=or\u3

    webComputing Service Framework

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    Presented is webComputing – a general framework of mathematically oriented services including remote access to hardware and software resources for mathematical computations, and web interface to dynamic interactive computations and visualization in a diversity of contexts: mathematical research and engineering, computer-aided mathematical/technical education and distance learning. webComputing builds on the innovative webMathematica technology connecting technical computing system Mathematica to a web server and providing tools for building dynamic and interactive web-interface to Mathematica-based functionality. Discussed are the conception and some of the major components of webComputing service: Scientific Visualization, Domain- Specific Computations, Interactive Education, and Authoring of Interactive Pages

    Selection criteria for cloud-based learning technologies for the development of professional competencies in statistics bachelors

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    This article presents the findings of an expert evaluation of current cloud-based learning technologies according to defined criteria and scientifically supports the selection criteria for cloud-based learning technologies for the development of professional competencies of bachelor's degree statistics majors. Information-didactic, functional, and technological criteria were established for the selection of cloud-based learning technologies for the development of professional competences of bachelor's degree statistics majors. The method of expert evaluation was used to implement the choice of cloud-based learning technologies for the formation of professional competences of bachelor's degree statistics majors, and effective use in the process of formation of relevant competencies. The expert evaluation was conducted in two stages: the first stage chose the cloud-based learning technologies that the author deemed to be the most appropriate, and the second stage identified those cloud-based learning technologies that should be used in the educational process as a way to develop professional skills for Bachelor of Statistics graduates. According to the study, CoCalc and Wolfram|Alpha are the cloud-based learning tools that are most suitable, practical, and efficient for the development of professional capabilities of upcoming bachelor's degree recipients in statistics.This article presents the findings of an expert evaluation of current cloud-based learning technologies according to defined criteria and scientifically supports the selection criteria for cloud-based learning technologies for the development of professional competencies of bachelor's degree statistics majors. Information-didactic, functional, and technological criteria were established for the selection of cloud-based learning technologies for the development of professional competences of bachelor's degree statistics majors. The method of expert evaluation was used to implement the choice of cloud-based learning technologies for the formation of professional competences of bachelor's degree statistics majors, and effective use in the process of formation of relevant competencies. The expert evaluation was conducted in two stages: the first stage chose the cloud-based learning technologies that the author deemed to be the most appropriate, and the second stage identified those cloud-based learning technologies that should be used in the educational process as a way to develop professional skills for Bachelor of Statistics graduates. According to the study, CoCalc and Wolfram|Alpha are the cloud-based learning tools that are most suitable, practical, and efficient for the development of professional capabilities of upcoming bachelor's degree recipients in statistics

    Web mathematics anyone?

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    The World Wide Web has had an impact on many areas of teaching and learning. Mathematics teaching however has only recently begun to utilise and develop this educational resource. This paper outlines a research program, which aims to uncover the extent the Internet, in particular the World Wide Web, is being used for High School mathematics education. The program includes searching out discernible Web-based teaching strategies and examining their impact on mathematics teaching and learning attitudes and achievements. Of particular interest is the extent to which deployment of the Web in mathematics teaching might increase student interest in mathematics. The first step in thisprocess is to develop a preliminary typology of mathematical elements on the Web. The nature of these elements, their categorisation and their possible roles in the teaching and learning of mathematics are discussed.<br /

    Критерії відбору хмарно орієнтованих технологій навчання для формування професійних компетентностей бакалаврів статистики

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    This article scientifically substantiates the criteria for the selection of cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of professional competencies of bachelors majoring in statistics, as well as presents the results of expert evaluation of existing cloud-oriented learning technologies by defined criteria. The criteria for the selection of cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of professional competencies of bachelors majoring in statistics, were determined: information-didactic, functional and technological. To implement the selection of cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of professional competencies of bachelors majoring in statistics, and effective application in the process of formation of relevant competencies, the method of expert evaluation was applied. The expert evaluation was carried out in two stages: the first one selected cloud-oriented learning technologies to determine the most appropriate by author’s criteria and indicators, and the second identified those cloud-oriented learning technologies that should be used in the educational process as a means to develop professional skills Bachelor of Statistics. According to the research, the most appropriate, convenient and effective cloud-oriented learning technologies for the formation of professional competencies of future bachelors of statistics by the manifestation of all criteria are cloud-oriented learning technologies CoCalc and Wolfram|Alpha.У цій статті науково обґрунтовано критерії відбору хмарних технологій навчання для формування професійних компетентностей бакалаврів за спеціальністю "Статистика", а також представлені результати експертної оцінки існуючих хмарних технологій навчання за визначеними критеріями. Визначено критерії відбору хмарних технологій навчання для формування професійних компетентностей бакалаврів зі спеціальності: інформаційно-дидактичні, функціональні та технологічні. Для реалізації вибору хмарних технологій навчання для формування професійних компетентностей бакалаврів, що спеціалізуються на статистиці, та ефективного застосування у процесі формування відповідних компетенцій застосовано метод експертного оцінювання. Експертне оцінювання проводилось у два етапи: перший обрав хмарно орієнтовані технології навчання для визначення найбільш відповідних критеріїв та показників автора, а другий визначив ті технології, орієнтовані на хмару, які слід використовувати у навчальному процесі як означає розвивати професійні навички бакалавра статистики. Згідно з дослідженнями, найбільш підходящими, зручними та ефективними хмарними технологіями навчання для формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх бакалаврів статистики за проявом усіх критеріїв є хмарні технології навчання CoCalc та Wolfram|Alpha

    Системи комп'ютерної математики в хмарному середовищі навчання освітніх установ

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    The article highlights the promising ways of providing access to the mathematical software in higher educational institutions. It is emphasized that the cloud computing services implementation is the actual trend of modern ICT pedagogical systems development. The analysis and evaluation of existing experience and educational research of different types of mathematical software packages use are proposed. The methodological guidance on the organization of the cloud-based learning environment in higher educational institutions using the systems of computer mathematics (SCM) is outlined. The advantages and disadvantages of different cloud service models of access to SCM are described. The cloud-based learning component with the use of Maxima system is described and evaluated.У статті висвітлено перспективні шляхи забезпечення доступу до програмно-математичного забезпечення у вищих навчальних закладах. Слід підкреслити, що реалізація обчислювальних послуг хмари фактична тенденція розвитку сучасних ІКТ педагогічних систем. Запропоновано аналіз і оцінка існуючого досвіду та досліджень в галузі освіти різних видів математичного використання програмних пакетів. Розглянуто методичний посібник з організації хмарного середовища навчання у вищих навчальних закладах з використанням систем комп'ютерної математики (СКМ). Описані переваги та недоліки різних моделей хмарних послуг доступу до SCM. Описано і оцінено хмарний компонент, що базується на основі навчання з використанням системи Maxima