1,923 research outputs found

    Perspectives for Electronic Books in the World Wide Web Age

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    While the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is steadily expanding, electronic books (e-books) remain a niche market. In this article, it is first postulated that specialized contents and device independence can make Web-based e-books compete with paper prints; and that adaptive features that can be implemented by client-side computing are relevant for e-books, while more complex forms of adaptation requiring server-side computations are not. Then, enhancements of the WWW standards (specifically of XML, XHTML, of the style-sheet languages CSS and XSL, and of the linking language XLink) are proposed for a better support of client-side adaptation and device independent content modeling. Finally, advanced browsing functionalities desirable for e-books as well as their implementation in the WWW context are described

    Personalization in cultural heritage: the road travelled and the one ahead

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    Over the last 20 years, cultural heritage has been a favored domain for personalization research. For years, researchers have experimented with the cutting edge technology of the day; now, with the convergence of internet and wireless technology, and the increasing adoption of the Web as a platform for the publication of information, the visitor is able to exploit cultural heritage material before, during and after the visit, having different goals and requirements in each phase. However, cultural heritage sites have a huge amount of information to present, which must be filtered and personalized in order to enable the individual user to easily access it. Personalization of cultural heritage information requires a system that is able to model the user (e.g., interest, knowledge and other personal characteristics), as well as contextual aspects, select the most appropriate content, and deliver it in the most suitable way. It should be noted that achieving this result is extremely challenging in the case of first-time users, such as tourists who visit a cultural heritage site for the first time (and maybe the only time in their life). In addition, as tourism is a social activity, adapting to the individual is not enough because groups and communities have to be modeled and supported as well, taking into account their mutual interests, previous mutual experience, and requirements. How to model and represent the user(s) and the context of the visit and how to reason with regard to the information that is available are the challenges faced by researchers in personalization of cultural heritage. Notwithstanding the effort invested so far, a definite solution is far from being reached, mainly because new technology and new aspects of personalization are constantly being introduced. This article surveys the research in this area. Starting from the earlier systems, which presented cultural heritage information in kiosks, it summarizes the evolution of personalization techniques in museum web sites, virtual collections and mobile guides, until recent extension of cultural heritage toward the semantic and social web. The paper concludes with current challenges and points out areas where future research is needed

    An adaptive modelling infrastructure for context-aware mobile computing

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    Context provides information about the present status of people, places, things, network and devices in the environment. Context-awareness refers to the use of context information for an application to adapt its functionality to the current context of use. Development of context-aware applications is inherently complex. Previous researches on mobile computing emphasize on programmable interfaces for development of context-aware systems. There are limited researches that emphasize on the modelling aspects of adaptive applications. This research aims at developing a complete infrastructure for development of context-aware applications. The infrastructure consists of a middleware for context-aware application development that is supported by a set of context information modelling and reasoning facilities. It aims at extending the capabilities of context-aware middleware infrastructures by incorporating novel approaches to model context and situations under uncertainty. This thesis addresses the key challenges in context-aware computing by a complete infrastructure that aims at achieving the following: (1) support for fuzzy composition of high level context abstraction from low level detector context, and fuzzy-based inference mechanisms, (2) support for mobile services that can be dynamically composed and migrated with reference to adaptation requirements for different context situations, (3) support for modelling of adaptation components and entities

    Malacca Tourism WAP Portal

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    Tourism sector is a leading revenue generator and an umbrella industry in Malaysia. Malacca has been chosen as the scope of study because tourism industry in Malacca has experienced a rapid and continuous growth. Nowadays, time is considered as valuable as gold. Once time is used sensibly, access to a lot of information is possible. Currently, tourists visiting Malacca having problem to search for information using paper maps. Important information such as available transportation (bus number, taxi phone number, fare), distance form one place to another place are not available in paper maps. This is because paper maps are only able to show limited information mainly determined by the map size. Tourists who want to go sightseeing in different places may need this information to plan their travel. Therefore, Malacca Tourism WAP Portal aims to ease tourists to find information about places of interest and sightseeing in Malacca using hand phone in connection with WAP service. This project covers two main areas which are GIS in tourism and WAP Based GIS. The realization of Malacca Tourism WAP Portal starts when user accesses the application and make request. Thgj-equest will be processejLbyJfacjsgebserver and MySQL.^ The result wjll be sent back to user and is displayed on the jphone screen. As a conclusion, Malacca Tourism WAP Portal aim to benefit tourists by providing essential information about tourism places in Malacca. Tourists can find information regarding tourism places (address, open hour, etc.), nearest hotel to stay and also travel information which includes available transportation, distance and others. This become as an alternative way to get information and beside that can assist them to make decision during their visit in Malacca