175 research outputs found

    Utilización del vatímetro electrodinámico estándar para la medición de potencia armónica

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    Historically, for the measurement of electrical power, the wattmeter electrodynamometer was used, but when dealing with frequencies higher than those of power line, it was necessary to develop special equipment. Digital power meters are currently used. This work studies the use of the electrodynamometer wattmeter in a very frequent application such as power measurement at the output of a frequency converter. Measurements are made by comparing the readings of this instrument with those of digital instruments in different scenarios, depending on the frequency, cos φ, load, etc., to determine under which conditions it is useful.Históricamente para la medición de potencia eléctrica se utilizó el vatímetro electrodinámico, pero cuando involucraba frecuencias superiores a las industriales se debían desarrollar equipos especiales. En la actualidad se utilizan medidores digitales de potencia. En este trabajo se estudia la utilización del vatímetro electrodinámico en una aplicación muy frecuente como es la medición de potencia a la salida de un convertidor de frecuencia. Se realizan mediciones comparando la lectura de este instrumento con la de instrumentos digitales en distintos escenarios, en función de la frecuencia, el cos φ, la carga, etc., para determinar en qué condiciones es de utilidad

    A Proposed Wattmeter Using Multielectrode Tubes

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    For direct measurement of small amounts of power, or for measurement of power over a ride range of frequencies, dynamometer wattmeters are unsatisfactory, and vacuum tube wattmeters are often resorted to

    A Resistive Voltage Divider for Power Measurements

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    The paper presents a resistive voltage divider (RVD), developed for power measurements at much higher frequencies than the traditional 50 Hz. The design of the RVD and the methods of its evaluation are described. The RVD is intended to be used in a digital sampling wattmeter application based on National Instruments PXI-4461 Dynamic Signal Analyzer. The design of the divider includes individual copper guards for each resistor, driven by the auxiliary chain of resistors. To reduce the leakage currents, the PTFE terminals are applied between pins of the resistors and the printed circuit board

    CVT/GPL phase 3 integrated testing

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    The hardware for 20 candidate shuttle program life sciences experiments was installed in the GPL and experiments were conducted during a 5-day simulated mission. The experiments involved humans, primates, rats, chickens, and marigold plants. All experiments were completed to the satisfaction of the experimenters. In addition to the scientific data gathered for each experiment, information was obtained concerning experiment hardware design and integration, experiment procedures, GPL support systems, and test operations. The results of the integrated tests are presented

    On load core loss measurement and allied problems in highly fluxed transformer cores

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    Imperial Users onl

    Wireless ear microphone intercommunication system final report

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    Miniature wireless ear microphone intercommunication system with acoustic transducer and radio frequency link to master statio

    A Proposed Wattmeter Using Multielectrode Tubes

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    For direct measurement of small amounts of power, or for measurement of power over a ride range of frequencies, dynamometer wattmeters are unsatisfactory, and vacuum tube wattmeters are often resorted to


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    A time constant standard, developed for the phase angle measurement of precision current shunts is developed and described, and its time constant has been determined. Based on a single circular loop placed in an air thermostat, its construction is very simple and it gives accurate results in the frequency band of interest, e.g. for frequencies between 50 Hz and 100 kHz. The influence of the shielding is calculated using numerical Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The thermostatic stability is analyzed, and the time-constant of the thermostat is determined using temperature measurement and Butterworth filtering. The power coefficient of the standard is determined, and limits of errors are discussed