12 research outputs found

    Exploring Latent Semantic Information for Textual Emotion Recognition in Blog Articles

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    Understanding people's emotions through natural language is a challenging task for intelligent systems based on Internet of Things (IoT). The major difficulty is caused by the lack of basic knowledge in emotion expressions with respect to a variety of real world contexts. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian inference method to explore the latent semantic dimensions as contextual information in natural language and to learn the knowledge of emotion expressions based on these semantic dimensions. Our method synchronously infers the latent semantic dimensions as topics in words and predicts the emotion labels in both word-level and document-level texts. The Bayesian inference results enable us to visualize the connection between words and emotions with respect to different semantic dimensions. And by further incorporating a corpus-level hierarchy in the document emotion distribution assumption, we could balance the document emotion recognition results and achieve even better word and document emotion predictions. Our experiment of the word-level and the document-level emotion predictions, based on a well-developed Chinese emotion corpus Ren-CECps, renders both higher accuracy and better robustness in the word-level and the document-level emotion predictions compared to the state-of-the-art emotion prediction algorithms

    Subjectivity Analysis In Opinion Mining - A Systematic Literature Review

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    Subjectivity analysis determines existence of subjectivity in text using subjective clues.It is the first task in opinion mining process.The difference between subjectivity analysis and polarity determination is the latter process subjective text to determine the orientation as positive or negative.There were many techniques used to solve the problem of segregating subjective and objective text.This paper used systematic literature review (SLR) to compile the undertaking study in subjective analysis.SLR is a literature review that collects multiple and critically analyse multiple studies to answer the research questions.Eight research questions were drawn for this purpose.Information such as technique,corpus,subjective clues representation and performance were extracted from 97 articles known as primary studies.This information was analysed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technique,affecting elements to the performance and missing elements from the subjectivity analysis.The SLR has found that majority of the study are using machine learning approach to identify and learn subjective text due to the nature of subjectivity analysis problem that is viewed as classification problem.The performance of this approach outperformed other approaches though currently it is at satisfactory level.Therefore,more studies are needed to improve the performance of subjectivity analysis

    Main Concepts, State of the Art and Future Research Questions in Sentiment Analysis.

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    This article has multiple objectives. First of all, the fundamental concepts and challenges of the research ïŹeld known as Sentiment Analysis (SA) are presented. Secondly, a summary of a chronological account of the research performed in SA is provided as well as some bibliometric indicators that shed some light on the most frequently used techniques for addressing the central aspects of SA. The geographical locations of where the research took place are also given. In closing, it is argued that there is no hard evidence that fuzzy sets or hybrid approaches encompassing unsupervised learning, fuzzy sets and a solid psychological background of emotions could not be at least as effective as supervised learning techniques

    A verb lexicon model for deep sentiment analysis and opinion mining applications

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    A verb lexicon model for deep sentiment analysis and opinion mining applications

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    Frames interdisziplinÀr: Modelle, Anwendungsfelder, Methoden

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    Das Frame-Konzept als kognitives ReprĂ€sentationsformat ist seit seiner EinfĂŒhrung durch Minsky und Fillmore vielfach rezipiert und modifiziert worden. Dieser interdisziplinĂ€r ausgerichtete Band vereint BeitrĂ€ge aus so unterschiedlichen Disziplinen wie Linguistik, Philosophie, Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationswissenschaften bis hin zur Klinischen Psychiatrie, die das Frame-Konzept aus grundlagentheoretischer sowie methodologischer Perspektive in den Blick nehmen, die aber auch verschiedene Anwendungsfelder fĂŒr Frames erproben. The series ‘Proceedings in Language and Cognition’ explores issues of mental representation, linguistic structure and representation, and their interplay. The research presented in this series is grounded in the idea explored in the Collaborative Research Center ‘The structure of representations in language, cognition and science’ (SFB 991) that there is a universal format for the representation of linguistic and cognitive concepts