7 research outputs found

    UNet and MobileNet CNN-based model observers for CT protocol optimization: comparative performance evaluation by means of phantom CT images

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    Purpose: The aim of this work is the development and characterization of a model observer (MO) based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), trained to mimic human observers in image evaluation in terms of detection and localization of low-contrast objects in CT scans acquired on a reference phantom. The final goal is automatic image quality evaluation and CT protocol optimization to fulfill the ALARA principle. Approach: Preliminary work was carried out to collect localization confidence ratings of human observers for signal presence/absence from a dataset of 30,000 CT images acquired on a PolyMethyl MethAcrylate phantom containing inserts filled with iodinated contrast media at different concentrations. The collected data were used to generate the labels for the training of the artificial neural networks. We developed and compared two CNN architectures based respectively on Unet and MobileNetV2, specifically adapted to achieve the double tasks of classification and localization. The CNN evaluation was performed by computing the area under localization-ROC curve (LAUC) and accuracy metrics on the test dataset. Results: The mean of absolute percentage error between the LAUC of the human observer and MO was found to be below 5% for the most significative test data subsets. An elevated inter-rater agreement was achieved in terms of S-statistics and other common statistical indices. Conclusions: Very good agreement was measured between the human observer and MO, as well as between the performance of the two algorithms. Therefore, this work is highly supportive of the feasibility of employing CNN-MO combined with a specifically designed phantom for CT protocol optimization programs

    3d automated segmentation of lower leg muscles using machine learning on a heterogeneous dataset

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    Quantitative MRI combines non-invasive imaging techniques to reveal alterations in muscle pathophysiology. Creating muscle-specific labels manually is time consuming and requires an experienced examiner. Semi-automatic and fully automatic methods reduce segmentation time significantly. Current machine learning solutions are commonly trained on data from healthy subjects using homogeneous databases with the same image contrast. While yielding high Dice scores (DS), those solutions are not applicable to different image contrasts and acquisitions. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the feasibility of automatic segmentation of a heterogeneous database. To create a heterogeneous dataset, we pooled lower leg muscle images from different studies with different contrasts and fields-of-view, containing healthy controls and diagnosed patients with various neuromuscular diseases. A second homogenous database with uniform contrasts was created as a subset of the first database. We trained three 3D-convolutional neuronal networks (CNN) on those databases to test performance as compared to manual segmentation. All networks, training on heterogeneous data, were able to predict seven muscles with a minimum average DS of 0.75. U-Net performed best when trained on the heterogeneous dataset (DS: 0.80 ± 0.10, AHD: 0.39 ± 0.35). ResNet and DenseNet yielded higher DS, when trained on a heterogeneous dataset (both DS: 0.86), as compared to a homogeneous dataset (ResNet DS: 0.83, DenseNet DS: 0.76). In conclusion, a CNN trained on a heterogeneous dataset achieves more accurate labels for predicting a heterogeneous database of lower leg muscles than a CNN trained on a homogenous dataset. We propose that a large heterogeneous database is needed, to make automated segmentation feasible for different kinds of image acquisitions

    Deep Learning for Multiclass Classification, Predictive Modeling and Segmentation of Disease Prone Regions in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    One of the challenges facing accurate diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is identifying the subtle changes that define the early onset of the disease. This dissertation investigates three of the main challenges confronted when such subtle changes are to be identified in the most meaningful way. These are (1) the missing data challenge, (2) longitudinal modeling of disease progression, and (3) the segmentation and volumetric calculation of disease-prone brain areas in medical images. The scarcity of sufficient data compounded by the missing data challenge in many longitudinal samples exacerbates the problem as we seek statistical meaningfulness in multiclass classification and regression analysis. Although there are many participants in the AD Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) study, many of the observations have a lot of missing features which often lead to the exclusion of potentially valuable data points that could add significant meaning in many ongoing experiments. Motivated by the necessity of examining all participants, even those with missing tests or imaging modalities, multiple techniques of handling missing data in this domain have been explored. Specific attention was drawn to the Gradient Boosting (GB) algorithm which has an inherent capability of addressing missing values. Prior to applying state-of-the-art classifiers such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF), the impact of imputing data in common datasets with numerical techniques has been also investigated and compared with the GB algorithm. Furthermore, to discriminate AD subjects from healthy control individuals, and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), longitudinal multimodal heterogeneous data was modeled using recurring neural networks (RNNs). In the segmentation and volumetric calculation challenge, this dissertation places its focus on one of the most relevant disease-prone areas in many neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, the hippocampus region. Changes in hippocampus shape and volume are considered significant biomarkers for AD diagnosis and prognosis. Thus, a two-stage model based on integrating the Vision Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is developed to automatically locate, segment, and estimate the hippocampus volume from the brain 3D MRI. The proposed architecture was trained and tested on a dataset containing 195 brain MRIs from the 2019 Medical Segmentation Decathlon Challenge against the manually segmented regions provided therein and was deployed on 326 MRI from our own data collected through Mount Sinai Medical Center as part of the 1Florida Alzheimer Disease Research Center (ADRC)

    Skeletonizing Caenorhabditis elegans Based on U-Net Architectures Trained with a Multi-worm Low-Resolution Synthetic Dataset

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    [EN] Skeletonization algorithms are used as basic methods to solve tracking problems, pose estimation, or predict animal group behavior. Traditional skeletonization techniques, based on image processing algorithms, are very sensitive to the shapes of the connected components in the initial segmented image, especially when these are low-resolution images. Currently, neural networks are an alternative providing more robust results in the presence of image-based noise. However, training a deep neural network requires a very large and balanced dataset, which is sometimes too expensive or impossible to obtain. This work proposes a new training method based on a custom-generated dataset with a synthetic image simulator. This training method was applied to different U-Net neural networks architectures to solve the problem of skeletonization using low-resolution images of multiple Caenorhabditis elegans contained in Petri dishes measuring 55 mm in diameter. These U-Net models had only been trained and validated with a synthetic image; however, they were successfully tested with a dataset of real images. All the U-Net models presented a good generalization of the real dataset, endorsing the proposed learning method, and also gave good skeletonization results in the presence of image-based noise. The best U-Net model presented a significant improvement of 3.32% with respect to previous work using traditional image processing techniques.ADM Nutrition, Biopolis S.L. and Archer Daniels Midland supplied the C. elegans plates. Some strains were provided by the CGC, which is funded by NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440). Mrs. Maria-Gabriela Salazar-Secada developed the skeleton annotation application. Mr. Jordi Tortosa-Grau and Mr. Ernesto-Jesus Rico-Guardioa annotated worm skeletons.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was supported by the Plan Nacional de I+D with Project RTI2018-094312-B-I00, FPI Predoctoral contract PRE2019-088214 and by European FEDER funds.Layana-Castro, PE.; García-Garví, A.; Navarro Moya, F.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ. (2023). Skeletonizing Caenorhabditis elegans Based on U-Net Architectures Trained with a Multi-worm Low-Resolution Synthetic Dataset. International Journal of Computer Vision. 131(9):2408-2424. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-023-01818-6240824241319Alexandre, M. (2019). Pytorch-unet. Code https://github.com/milesial/Pytorch-UNet.Baheti, B., Innani, S., Gajre, S., et al. (2020). Eff-unet: A novel architecture for semantic segmentation in unstructured environment. In: 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). IEEE, Seattle, pp. 1473–1481, https://doi.org/10.1109/CVPRW50498.2020.00187.Bargsten, L., & Schlaefer, A. (2020). 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