1,418 research outputs found

    An Improved Variable Structure Adaptive Filter Design and Analysis for Acoustic Echo Cancellation

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    In this research an advance variable structure adaptive Multiple Sub-Filters (MSF) based algorithm for single channel Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) is proposed and analyzed. This work suggests a new and improved direction to find the optimum tap-length of adaptive filter employed for AEC. The structure adaptation, supported by a tap-length based weight update approach helps the designed echo canceller to maintain a trade-off between the Mean Square Error (MSE) and time taken to attain the steady state MSE. The work done in this paper focuses on replacing the fixed length sub-filters in existing MSF based AEC algorithms which brings refinements in terms of convergence, steady state error and tracking over the single long filter, different error and common error algorithms. A dynamic structure selective coefficient update approach to reduce the structural and computational cost of adaptive design is discussed in context with the proposed algorithm. Simulated results reveal a comparative performance analysis over proposed variable structure multiple sub-filters designs and existing fixed tap-length sub-filters based acoustic echo cancellers

    Acoustic Echo and Noise Cancellation System for Hand-Free Telecommunication using Variable Step Size Algorithms

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    In this paper, acoustic echo cancellation with doubletalk detection system is implemented for a hand-free telecommunication system using Matlab. Here adaptive noise canceller with blind source separation (ANC-BSS) system is proposed to remove both background noise and far-end speaker echo signal in presence of double-talk. During the absence of double-talk, far-end speaker echo signal is cancelled by adaptive echo canceller. Both adaptive noise canceller and adaptive echo canceller are implemented using LMS, NLMS, VSLMS and VSNLMS algorithms. The normalized cross-correlation method is used for double-talk detection. VSNLMS has shown its superiority over all other algorithms both for double-talk and in absence of double-talk. During the absence of double-talk it shows its superiority in terms of increment in ERLE and decrement in misalignment. In presence of double-talk, it shows improvement in SNR of near-end speaker signal

    The NLMS algorithm with time-variant optimum stepsize derived from a Bayesian network perspective

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    In this article, we derive a new stepsize adaptation for the normalized least mean square algorithm (NLMS) by describing the task of linear acoustic echo cancellation from a Bayesian network perspective. Similar to the well-known Kalman filter equations, we model the acoustic wave propagation from the loudspeaker to the microphone by a latent state vector and define a linear observation equation (to model the relation between the state vector and the observation) as well as a linear process equation (to model the temporal progress of the state vector). Based on additional assumptions on the statistics of the random variables in observation and process equation, we apply the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to derive an NLMS-like filter adaptation. By exploiting the conditional independence rules for Bayesian networks, we reveal that the resulting EM-NLMS algorithm has a stepsize update equivalent to the optimal-stepsize calculation proposed by Yamamoto and Kitayama in 1982, which has been adopted in many textbooks. As main difference, the instantaneous stepsize value is estimated in the M step of the EM algorithm (instead of being approximated by artificially extending the acoustic echo path). The EM-NLMS algorithm is experimentally verified for synthesized scenarios with both, white noise and male speech as input signal.Comment: 4 pages, 1 page of reference

    Echo Cancellation : the generalized likelihood ratio test for double-talk vs. channel change

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    Echo cancellers are required in both electrical (impedance mismatch) and acoustic (speaker-microphone coupling) applications. One of the main design problems is the control logic for adaptation. Basically, the algorithm weights should be frozen in the presence of double-talk and adapt quickly in the absence of double-talk. The optimum likelihood ratio test (LRT) for this problem was studied in a recent paper. The LRT requires a priori knowledge of the background noise and double-talk power levels. Instead, this paper derives a generalized log likelihood ratio test (GLRT) that does not require this knowledge. The probability density function of a sufficient statistic under each hypothesis is obtained and the performance of the test is evaluated as a function of the system parameters. The receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) indicate that it is difficult to correctly decide between double-talk and a channel change, based upon a single look. However, detection based on about 200 successive samples yields a detection probability close to unity (0.99) with a small false alarm probability (0.01) for the theoretical GLRT model. Application of a GLRT-based echo canceller (EC) to real voice data shows comparable performance to that of the LRT-based EC given in a recent paper

    Sparseness-controlled adaptive algorithms for supervised and unsupervised system identification

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    In single-channel hands-free telephony, the acoustic coupling between the loudspeaker and the microphone can be strong and this generates echoes that can degrade user experience. Therefore, effective acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) is necessary to maintain a stable system and hence improve the perceived voice quality of a call. Traditionally, adaptive filters have been deployed in acoustic echo cancellers to estimate the acoustic impulse responses (AIRs) using adaptive algorithms. The performances of a range of well-known algorithms are studied in the context of both AEC and network echo cancellation (NEC). It presents insights into their tracking performances under both time-invariant and time-varying system conditions. In the context of AEC, the level of sparseness in AIRs can vary greatly in a mobile environment. When the response is strongly sparse, convergence of conventional approaches is poor. Drawing on techniques originally developed for NEC, a class of time-domain and a frequency-domain AEC algorithms are proposed that can not only work well in both sparse and dispersive circumstances, but also adapt dynamically to the level of sparseness using a new sparseness-controlled approach. As it will be shown later that the early part of the acoustic echo path is sparse while the late reverberant part of the acoustic path is dispersive, a novel approach to an adaptive filter structure that consists of two time-domain partition blocks is proposed such that different adaptive algorithms can be used for each part. By properly controlling the mixing parameter for the partitioned blocks separately, where the block lengths are controlled adaptively, the proposed partitioned block algorithm works well in both sparse and dispersive time-varying circumstances. A new insight into an analysis on the tracking performance of improved proportionate NLMS (IPNLMS) is presented by deriving the expression for the mean-square error. By employing the framework for both sparse and dispersive time-varying echo paths, this work validates the analytic results in practical simulations for AEC. The time-domain second-order statistic based blind SIMO identification algorithms, which exploit the cross relation method, are investigated and then a technique with proportionate step-size control for both sparse and dispersive system identification is also developed
