7 research outputs found

    A Branch-and-Reduce Algorithm for Finding a Minimum Independent Dominating Set

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    An independent dominating set D of a graph G = (V,E) is a subset of vertices such that every vertex in V \ D has at least one neighbor in D and D is an independent set, i.e. no two vertices of D are adjacent in G. Finding a minimum independent dominating set in a graph is an NP-hard problem. Whereas it is hard to cope with this problem using parameterized and approximation algorithms, there is a simple exact O(1.4423^n)-time algorithm solving the problem by enumerating all maximal independent sets. In this paper we improve the latter result, providing the first non trivial algorithm computing a minimum independent dominating set of a graph in time O(1.3569^n). Furthermore, we give a lower bound of \Omega(1.3247^n) on the worst-case running time of this algorithm, showing that the running time analysis is almost tight.Comment: Full version. A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of WG 200

    A universally fastest algorithm for Max 2-Sat, Max 2-CSP, and everything in between

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    We introduce “hybrid” Max 2-CSP formulas consisting of “simple clauses”, namely conjunctions and disjunc- tions of pairs of variables, and general 2-variable clauses, which can be any integer-valued functions of pairs of boolean variables. This allows an algorithm to use both efficient reductions specific to AND and OR clauses, and other powerful reductions that require the general CSP setting. Parametrizing an instance by the fraction p of non- simple clauses, we give an exact (exponential-time) algorithm that is the fastest polynomial-space algorithm known for Max 2-Sat (and other p = 0 formulas, with arbitrary mixtures of AND and OR clauses); the only efficient algorithm for mixtures of AND, OR, and general integer-valued clauses; and tied for fastest for general Max 2-CSP (p = 1). Since a pure 2-Sat input instance may be transformed to a general CSP instance in the course of being solved, the algorithm’s efficiency and generality go hand in hand. Our novel analysis results in a family of running- time bounds, each optimized for a particular value of p. The algorithm uses new reductions introduced here, as well as recent reductions such as “clause-learning” and “2-reductions” adapted to our setting’s mixture of simple and general clauses. Each reduction imposes constraints on various parameters, and the running-time bound is an “objective function” of these parameters and p. The optimal running-time bound is obtained by solving a convex nonlinear program, which can be done efficiently and with a certificate of optimality

    Exact Algorithms via Multivariate Subroutines

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    We consider the family of Phi-Subset problems, where the input consists of an instance I of size N over a universe U_I of size n and the task is to check whether the universe contains a subset with property Phi (e.g., Phi could be the property of being a feedback vertex set for the input graph of size at most k). Our main tool is a simple randomized algorithm which solves Phi-Subset in time (1+b-(1/c))^n N^(O(1)), provided that there is an algorithm for the Phi-Extension problem with running time b^{n-|X|} c^k N^{O(1)}. Here, the input for Phi-Extension is an instance I of size N over a universe U_I of size n, a subset X subseteq U_I, and an integer k, and the task is to check whether there is a set Y with X subseteq Y subseteq U_I and |Y X| <= k with property Phi. We derandomize this algorithm at the cost of increasing the running time by a subexponential factor in n, and we adapt it to the enumeration setting where we need to enumerate all subsets of the universe with property Phi. This generalizes the results of Fomin et al. [STOC 2016] who proved the case where b=1. As case studies, we use these results to design faster deterministic algorithms for: - checking whether a graph has a feedback vertex set of size at most k - enumerating all minimal feedback vertex sets - enumerating all minimal vertex covers of size at most k, and - enumerating all minimal 3-hitting sets. We obtain these results by deriving new b^{n-|X|} c^k N^{O(1)}-time algorithms for the corresponding Phi-Extension problems (or enumeration variant). In some cases, this is done by adapting the analysis of an existing algorithm, or in other cases by designing a new algorithm. Our analyses are based on Measure and Conquer, but the value to minimize, 1+b-(1/c), is unconventional and requires non-convex optimization

    Faster Graph Coloring in Polynomial Space

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    We present a polynomial-space algorithm that computes the number independent sets of any input graph in time O(1.1387n)O(1.1387^n) for graphs with maximum degree 3 and in time O(1.2355n)O(1.2355^n) for general graphs, where n is the number of vertices. Together with the inclusion-exclusion approach of Bj\"orklund, Husfeldt, and Koivisto [SIAM J. Comput. 2009], this leads to a faster polynomial-space algorithm for the graph coloring problem with running time O(2.2355n)O(2.2355^n). As a byproduct, we also obtain an exponential-space O(1.2330n)O(1.2330^n) time algorithm for counting independent sets. Our main algorithm counts independent sets in graphs with maximum degree 3 and no vertex with three neighbors of degree 3. This polynomial-space algorithm is analyzed using the recently introduced Separate, Measure and Conquer approach [Gaspers & Sorkin, ICALP 2015]. Using Wahlstr\"om's compound measure approach, this improvement in running time for small degree graphs is then bootstrapped to larger degrees, giving the improvement for general graphs. Combining both approaches leads to some inflexibility in choosing vertices to branch on for the small-degree cases, which we counter by structural graph properties