1,661 research outputs found

    A Unified Approach to Distance-Two Colouring of Graphs on Surfaces

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    In this paper we introduce the notion of Σ\Sigma-colouring of a graph GG: For given subsets Σ(v)\Sigma(v) of neighbours of vv, for every vV(G)v\in V(G), this is a proper colouring of the vertices of GG such that, in addition, vertices that appear together in some Σ(v)\Sigma(v) receive different colours. This concept generalises the notion of colouring the square of graphs and of cyclic colouring of graphs embedded in a surface. We prove a general result for graphs embeddable in a fixed surface, which implies asymptotic versions of Wegner's and Borodin's Conjecture on the planar version of these two colourings. Using a recent approach of Havet et al., we reduce the problem to edge-colouring of multigraphs, and then use Kahn's result that the list chromatic index is close to the fractional chromatic index. Our results are based on a strong structural lemma for graphs embeddable in a fixed surface, which also implies that the size of a clique in the square of a graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta embeddable in some fixed surface is at most 32Δ\frac32\,\Delta plus a constant.Comment: 36 page

    Subchromatic numbers of powers of graphs with excluded minors

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    A kk-subcolouring of a graph GG is a function f:V(G){0,,k1}f:V(G) \to \{0,\ldots,k-1\} such that the set of vertices coloured ii induce a disjoint union of cliques. The subchromatic number, χsub(G)\chi_{\textrm{sub}}(G), is the minimum kk such that GG admits a kk-subcolouring. Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il, Ossona de Mendez, Pilipczuk, and Zhu (2020), recently raised the problem of finding tight upper bounds for χsub(G2)\chi_{\textrm{sub}}(G^2) when GG is planar. We show that χsub(G2)43\chi_{\textrm{sub}}(G^2)\le 43 when GG is planar, improving their bound of 135. We give even better bounds when the planar graph GG has larger girth. Moreover, we show that χsub(G3)95\chi_{\textrm{sub}}(G^{3})\le 95, improving the previous bound of 364. For these we adapt some recent techniques of Almulhim and Kierstead (2022), while also extending the decompositions of triangulated planar graphs of Van den Heuvel, Ossona de Mendez, Quiroz, Rabinovich and Siebertz (2017), to planar graphs of arbitrary girth. Note that these decompositions are the precursors of the graph product structure theorem of planar graphs. We give improved bounds for χsub(Gp)\chi_{\textrm{sub}}(G^p) for all pp, whenever GG has bounded treewidth, bounded simple treewidth, bounded genus, or excludes a clique or biclique as a minor. For this we introduce a family of parameters which form a gradation between the strong and the weak colouring numbers. We give upper bounds for these parameters for graphs coming from such classes. Finally, we give a 2-approximation algorithm for the subchromatic number of graphs coming from any fixed class with bounded layered cliquewidth. In particular, this implies a 2-approximation algorithm for the subchromatic number of powers GpG^p of graphs coming from any fixed class with bounded layered treewidth (such as the class of planar graphs). This algorithm works even if the power pp and the graph GG is unknown.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Chromatic numbers of exact distance graphs

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    For any graph G = (V;E) and positive integer p, the exact distance-p graph G[\p] is the graph with vertex set V , which has an edge between vertices x and y if and only if x and y have distance p in G. For odd p, Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez proved that for any fixed graph class with bounded expansion, the chromatic number of G[\p] is bounded by an absolute constant. Using the notion of generalised colouring numbers, we give a much simpler proof for the result of Nešetřil and Ossona de Mendez, which at the same time gives significantly better bounds. In particular, we show that for any graph G and odd positive integer p, the chromatic number of G[\p] is bounded by the weak (2

    Edge-colouring graphs with local list sizes

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    The famous List Colouring Conjecture from the 1970s states that for every graph GG the chromatic index of GG is equal to its list chromatic index. In 1996 in a seminal paper, Kahn proved that the List Colouring Conjecture holds asymptotically. Our main result is a local generalization of Kahn's theorem. More precisely, we show that, for a graph GG with sufficiently large maximum degree Δ\Delta and minimum degree δln25Δ\delta \geq \ln^{25} \Delta, the following holds: for every assignment of lists of colours to the edges of GG, such that L(e)(1+o(1))max{deg(u),deg(v)}|L(e)| \geq (1+o(1)) \cdot \max\left\{\rm{deg}(u),\rm{deg}(v)\right\} for each edge e=uve=uv, there is an LL-edge-colouring of GG. Furthermore, Kahn showed that the List Colouring Conjecture holds asymptotically for linear, kk-uniform hypergraphs, and recently Molloy generalized Kahn's original result to correspondence colouring as well as its hypergraph generalization. We prove local versions of all of these generalizations by showing a weighted version that simultaneously implies all of our results.Comment: 22 page

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications

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    Bibliography on graph theory and its application

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement