3 research outputs found

    A type2 Fuzzy Logic System for workforce management in the telecommunications domain

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    Workforce management is one of the most important factors in the success of any company that provides its customers with services. Hence, in order for the company to achieve objectives like customer satisfaction and maximum resource utilization, there is a need to have a reliable means of efficiently managing the company workforce and making sure that the produced plan always gives a good choice when it comes to assigning the available technicians to the given jobs. As the quantity of services and the workforce grow, the use of an automated workforce management system becomes inevitable. However the automated workforce management system should allow full transparency to allow the user to interact with the generated plans. In addition, the workforce management systems face high levels of uncertainties when dealing with real-world scenarios, which necessitates employing systems, which are able to handle the linguistic and numerical uncertainties available in the real-world scenarios. Fuzzy Logic Systems (FLSs) are credited with providing transparent methodologies that can deal with the imprecision and uncertainties. However the vast majority of the FLSs employ the type-1 FLSs, which cannot directly handle the high levels of uncertainties. Type-2 FLSs which employ type-2 fuzzy sets can handle such high levels of uncertainties to give very good performances. In this paper, we will present a type-2 FLS based workforce management system that is being developed for a delivery unit in British Telecom (BT). We will show how the presented system was able to handle the faced uncertainties to give very good performance that outperformed the automated non-intelligent system and the type-1 FLSs based system. © 2012 IEEE

    Bi-level optimisation and machine learning in the management of large service-oriented field workforces.

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    The tactical planning problem for members of the service industry with large multi-skilled workforces is an important process that is often underlooked. It sits between the operational plan - which involves the actual allocation of members of the workforce to tasks - and the strategic plan where long term visions are set. An accurate tactical plan can have great benefits to service organisations and this is something we demonstrate in this work. Sitting where it does, it is made up of a mix of forecast and actual data, which can make effectively solving the problem difficult. In members of the service industry with large multi-skilled workforces it can often become a very large problem very quickly, as the number of decisions scale quickly with the number of elements within the plan. In this study, we first update and define the tactical planning problem to fit the process currently undertaken manually in practice. We then identify properties within the problem that identify it as a new candidate for the application of bi-level optimisation techniques. The tactical plan is defined in the context of a pair of leader-follower linked sub-models, which we show to be solvable to produce automated solutions to the tactical plan. We further identify the need for the use of machine learning techniques to effectively find solutions in practical applications, where limited detail is available in the data due to its forecast nature. We develop neural network models to solve this issue and show that they provide more accurate results than the current planners. Finally, we utilise them as a surrogate for the follower in the bi-level framework to provide real world applicable solutions to the tactical planning problem. The models developed in this work have already begun to be deployed in practice and are providing significant impact. This is along with identifying a new application area for bi-level modelling techniques