102,773 research outputs found

    An Implementation of the Language Lambda Prolog Organized around Higher-Order Pattern Unification

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    This thesis concerns the implementation of Lambda Prolog, a higher-order logic programming language that supports the lambda-tree syntax approach to representing and manipulating formal syntactic objects. Lambda Prolog achieves its functionality by extending a Prolog-like language by using typed lambda terms as data structures that it then manipulates via higher-order unification and some new program-level abstraction mechanisms. These additional features raise new implementation questions that must be adequately addressed for Lambda Prolog to be an effective programming tool. We consider these questions here, providing eventually a virtual machine and compilation based realization. A key idea is the orientation of the computation model of Lambda Prolog around a restricted version of higher-order unification with nice algorithmic properties and appearing to encompass most interesting applications. Our virtual machine embeds a treatment of this form of unification within the structure of the Warren Abstract Machine that is used in traditional Prolog implementations. Along the way, we treat various auxiliary issues such as the low-level representation of lambda terms, the implementation of reduction on such terms and the optimized processing of types in computation. We also develop an actual implementation of Lambda Prolog called Teyjus Version 2. A characteristic of this system is that it realizes an emulator for the virtual machine in the C language a compiler in the OCaml language. We present a treatment of the software issues that arise from this kind of mixing of languages within one system and we discuss issues relevant to the portability of our virtual machine emulator across arbitrary architectures. Finally, we assess the the efficacy of our various design ideas through experiments carried out using the system

    A logic programming framework for modeling temporal objects

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    Relating Nominal and Higher-order Abstract Syntax Specifications

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    Nominal abstract syntax and higher-order abstract syntax provide a means for describing binding structure which is higher-level than traditional techniques. These approaches have spawned two different communities which have developed along similar lines but with subtle differences that make them difficult to relate. The nominal abstract syntax community has devices like names, freshness, name-abstractions with variable capture, and the new-quantifier, whereas the higher-order abstract syntax community has devices like lambda-binders, lambda-conversion, raising, and the nabla-quantifier. This paper aims to unify these communities and provide a concrete correspondence between their different devices. In particular, we develop a semantics-preserving translation from alpha-Prolog, a nominal abstract syntax based logic programming language, to G-, a higher-order abstract syntax based logic programming language. We also discuss higher-order judgments, a common and powerful tool for specifications with higher-order abstract syntax, and we show how these can be incorporated into G-. This establishes G- as a language with the power of higher-order abstract syntax, the fine-grained variable control of nominal specifications, and the desirable properties of higher-order judgments.Comment: To appear in PPDP 201

    Program logics for homogeneous meta-programming.

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    A meta-program is a program that generates or manipulates another program; in homogeneous meta-programming, a program may generate new parts of, or manipulate, itself. Meta-programming has been used extensively since macros were introduced to Lisp, yet we have little idea how formally to reason about metaprograms. This paper provides the first program logics for homogeneous metaprogramming – using a variant of MiniMLe by Davies and Pfenning as underlying meta-programming language.We show the applicability of our approach by reasoning about example meta-programs from the literature. We also demonstrate that our logics are relatively complete in the sense of Cook, enable the inductive derivation of characteristic formulae, and exactly capture the observational properties induced by the operational semantics

    Nominal Logic Programming

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    Nominal logic is an extension of first-order logic which provides a simple foundation for formalizing and reasoning about abstract syntax modulo consistent renaming of bound names (that is, alpha-equivalence). This article investigates logic programming based on nominal logic. We describe some typical nominal logic programs, and develop the model-theoretic, proof-theoretic, and operational semantics of such programs. Besides being of interest for ensuring the correct behavior of implementations, these results provide a rigorous foundation for techniques for analysis and reasoning about nominal logic programs, as we illustrate via examples.Comment: 46 pages; 19 page appendix; 13 figures. Revised journal submission as of July 23, 200

    NaDeA: A Natural Deduction Assistant with a Formalization in Isabelle

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    We present a new software tool for teaching logic based on natural deduction. Its proof system is formalized in the proof assistant Isabelle such that its definition is very precise. Soundness of the formalization has been proved in Isabelle. The tool is open source software developed in TypeScript / JavaScript and can thus be used directly in a browser without any further installation. Although developed for undergraduate computer science students who are used to study and program concrete computer code in a programming language we consider the approach relevant for a broader audience and for other proof systems as well.Comment: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Tools for Teaching Logic (TTL2015), Rennes, France, June 9-12, 2015. Editors: M. Antonia Huertas, Jo\~ao Marcos, Mar\'ia Manzano, Sophie Pinchinat, Fran\c{c}ois Schwarzentrube