596 research outputs found

    A three-phase four-wire unified power quality conditioner without series transformers

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    This work presents a topology for a Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC), without series transformers, connected to a three-phase four-wire electrical grid. Based on the proposed power topology, the UPQC is able to compensate unbalanced-and harmonic-components, power factor and short-duration voltage variations (voltage sag/swell). In other words this UPQC consists in a universal solution capable to mitigate most power quality problems in an electrical installation. The applied control algorithms are based on instantaneous power definitions (active and non-active currents), together with a robust synchronizing circuit (PLL), to detect the phase angle of the fundamental positive-sequence component of the system voltage. A trustworthy model of the proposed UPQC was investigated in order to verify its performance under power quality problems observed at the load currents and system voltages

    A simplified control algorithm for three-phase, four-wire unified power quality conditioner

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    In this paper, a simplified control algorithm for a three-phase, four-wire unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is presented to compensate for supply voltage distortions/unbalance, supply current harmonics, the supply neutral current, the reactive power and the load unbalance as well as to maintain zero voltage regulation (ZVR) at the point of common coupling (PCC). The UPQC is realized by the integration of series and shunt active filters (AFs) sharing a common dc bus capacitor. The shunt AF is realized using a three-phase, four leg voltage source inverter (VSI) and the series AF is realized using a three-phase, three leg VSI. A dynamic model of the UPQC is developed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment and the simulation results demonstrating the power quality improvement in the system are presented for different supply and load conditions

    New control algorithms for three-phase four-wire unified power quality conditioner — a simulation study

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    n this paper, some new control algorithms are proposed for three-phase four-wire Unified Power Quality Conditioner. These control algorithms are based on the combination of Unit Vector Template Generation (UVTG) with Power Balance Theory (PBT), single phase d-q theory, Synchronous Current Detection (CSD) technique, and I CosΦ theory. The performance of each control algorithm of UPQC is evaluated in terms of power factor correction, load balancing and source neutral current mitigation, and voltage and current harmonic mitigation. The performance of proposed control algorithms are compared with synchronous reference frame (SRF) based control algorithm. In each proposed control scheme of the three-phase four-wire UPQC, the current/voltage control is applied over the fundamental supply currents/ load voltages instead of fast changing APFs currents/voltages, thereby reducing the effects of computational delay. Moreover, the load neutral or shuntAPF neutral currents are not sensed hence the required current sensors are reduced

    A review on power electronics technologies for power quality improvement

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    Nowadays, new challenges arise relating to the compensation of power quality problems, where the introduction of innovative solutions based on power electronics is of paramount importance. The evolution from conventional electrical power grids to smart grids requires the use of a large number of power electronics converters, indispensable for the integration of key technologies, such as renewable energies, electric mobility and energy storage systems, which adds importance to power quality issues. Addressing these topics, this paper presents an extensive review on power electronics technologies applied to power quality improvement, highlighting, and explaining the main phenomena associated with the occurrence of power quality problems in smart grids, their cause and effects for different activity sectors, and the main power electronics topologies for each technological solution. More specifically, the paper presents a review and classification of the main power quality problems and the respective context with the standards, a review of power quality problems related to the power production from renewables, the contextualization with solid-state transformers, electric mobility and electrical railway systems, a review of power electronics solutions to compensate the main power quality problems, as well as power electronics solutions to guarantee high levels of power quality. Relevant experimental results and exemplificative developed power electronics prototypes are also presented throughout the paper.This work has been supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017 and by the FCT Project newERA4GRIDs PTDC/EEIEEE/30283/2017

    Novi pristup za poboljšanje karakteristika UPQC-a tijekom nesimetričnih i distorzijskih uvjeta tereta temeljen na teoriji trenutne snage

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    In order to deal with power quality problems under distortional and unbalanced load conditions, this paper presents a new control method for a four-wire three-phase unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) which is based on instantaneous power p-q theory. The proposed control approach is based on instantaneous power and is optimized by using a self-tuning filter (STF), without using any low-pass filters (LPFs) or phase locked loop (PLL), and without measuring load or filter currents. In this approach, the load and source voltages are used to generate the reference voltages of a series active power filter (APF) and source currents are used to generate the reference currents of a shunt APF. Therefore, the number of times that current is measured is reduced and system performance is improved. The performance of the proposed control approach is evaluated in terms of power factor correction, source neutral current mitigation, load balancing and mitigation of the current and voltage harmonics of distortional and unbalanced loads in a three-phase four-wire system. The results obtained by MATLAB/SIMULINK software show the effectiveness of the proposed control technique in comparison to the conventional p-q method.U ovom radu prikazana je nova metoda upravljanja za trofazni četverožični UPQC (engl. unified power quality conditioner) temeljena na teoriji trenutne vrijednosti snage koja je prikladna za upravljanje tijekom distorzijskih i nesimetričnih uvjeta na teretu. Predloženo upravljanje temelji se na teoriji o trenutnoj radnoj i jalovoj snazi i optimirano je korištenjem samopodešavajućeg fitera, bez korištenja niskopropusnih filtera ili PLL-a i bez mjerenja struje tereta i filtra. Korišteni su naponi na teretu i napon izvora kako bi se generirala referentna vrijednost napona aktivnog filtra, a struje izvora koriste se za generiranje referentne vrijednosti struje aktivnog filtra. Na taj način smanjen je broj mjerenja struje i sustav ima bolje značajke. Uz predloženi sustav upravljanja testire su mogućnosti korekcije faktora snage, smanjenja neutralne struje izvora, balansiranja tereta, smanjenje harmonika u struji i naponu. Rezultati dobiveni pomoću MATLAB/SIMULINK-a pokazuju učinkovitost predloženog sustava upravljanja

    Mitigation of Power Quality Problems Using Custom Power Devices: A Review

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    Electrical power quality (EPQ) in distribution systems is a critical issue for commercial, industrial and residential applications. The new concept of advanced power electronic based Custom Power Devices (CPDs) mainly distributed static synchronous compensator (D-STATCOM), dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) and unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) have been developed due to lacking the performance of traditional compensating devices to minimize power quality disturbances. This paper presents a comprehensive review on D-STATCOM, DVR and UPQC to solve the electrical power quality problems of the distribution networks. This is intended to present a broad overview of the various possible DSTATCOM, DVR and UPQC configurations for single-phase (two wire) and three-phase (three-wire and four-wire) networks and control strategies for the compensation of various power quality disturbances. Apart from this, comprehensive explanation, comparison, and discussion on D-STATCOM, DVR, and UPQC are presented. This paper is aimed to explore a broad prospective on the status of D-STATCOMs, DVRs, and UPQCs to researchers, engineers and the community dealing with the power quality enhancement. A classified list of some latest research publications on the topic is also appended for a quick reference

    Design of two feeder three phase four wire distribution system utilizing multi converter UPQC with fuzzy logic controller

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    This paper proposes the instantaneous p-q theory based fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for multi converter unified power quality conditioner (MC-UPQC) to mitigate power quality issues in two feeders three-phase four-wire distribution systems. The proposed system is extended system of the existing one feeder three-phase four-wire distribution system, which is operated with UPQC. This system is employed with three voltage source converters, which are connected commonly to two feeder distribution systems. The performance of this proposed system used to compensate voltage sag, neutral current mitigation and compensation of voltage and current harmonics under linear and nonlinear load conditions. The neutral current flowing in series transformers is zero in the implementation of the proposed system. The simulation performance analysis is carried out using MATLAB

    Review on Design of Improved Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Power Quality Improvement

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    Non-linear loads are frequently affected by power quality (PQ). Resonance mechanisms, condenser overheating, and other performance-degrading consequences are all caused by harmonic currents. Voltage sags are common in low-voltage systems. While harmonic currents are pumped into the grid, equipment like electrical converters improve the entire response of an equal load. The necessity for reactive power is well-known for lowering feeder voltage and increasing losses. Harmonic currents can cause a poor signal by distorting the waveform voltage. There's also a rise in the number of loads that need significant sinus tension to work correctly. People are getting more interested in power conditioning solutions as electronic devices become more power-sensitive. As a result, if the amount of electricity produced falls below a specified threshold, compensation must be supplied. The Unified Power Quality Controller (UPQC) is a type of AC transmission system that can manage voltage, impedance, and phase angle. UPQC (United Provinces and Territories (FACTS). A Dynamic Voltage Restorer, a Fuzzy Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter, and a UPQC are required to improve the power quality of the power system. DVRs (Dynamic Voltage Restorers) are power converters that are installed in responsive load arrays to protect against supply disruptions. Because of its short response time and high level of dependability, it is an excellent tool for increasing the quality of electrical power. The simulation results were compared to the basic system and enhanced to demonstrate the efficiency of the suggested system

    A novel control strategy of three-phase, four-wire UPQC for power quality improvement

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    The current paper presents a novel control strategy of a three-phase, four-wire Unified Power Quality (UPQC) to improve power quality. The UPQC is realized by the integration of series and shunt active power filters (APF) sharing a common dc bus capacitor. The realization of shunt APF is carried out using a three-phase, four-leg Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), and the series APF is realized using a three-phase, three-leg VSI. To extract the fundamental source voltages as reference signals for series APF, a zero-crossing detector and sample-and-hold circuits are used. For the control of shunt APF, a simple scheme based on the real component of fundamental load current (I CosΦ) with reduced numbers of current sensors is applied. The performance of the applied control algorithm is evaluated in terms of power-factor correction, source neutral current mitigation, load balancing, and mitigation of voltage and current harmonics in a three-phase, four-wire distribution system for different combinations of linear and non-linear loads. The reference signals and sensed signals are used in a hysteresis controller to generate switching signals for shunt and series APFs. In this proposed UPQC control scheme, the current/voltage control is applied to the fundamental supply currents/voltages instead of fast-changing APF currents/voltages, thus reducing the computational delay and the required sensors. MATLAB/Simulink-based simulations that support the functionality of the UPQC are obtained

    Controlling Techniques Study for UPQC in Grid

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    Power quality has become an important factor in electrical systems. The main causes of poor power quality are harmonic currents, low power factor, fluctuations in the supply voltage, etc. For the UPQC to function properly, the UPQC power filters must be checked. This paper has covered Unified Power Conditioner (UPQC) in depth. In this article, the mathematical modeling, basic configuration and control scheme of UPQC have been discussed in detail. The different backup storage devices used in UPQC are explained with device-specific control algorithms