43,860 research outputs found

    Actions speak louder than words: designing transdisciplinary approaches to enact solutions

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    Sustainability science uses a transdisciplinary research process in which academic and non-academic partners collaborate to identify a common problem and co-produce knowledge to develop more sustainable solutions. Sustainability scientists have advanced the theory and practice of facilitating collaborative efforts such that the knowledge created is usable. There has been less emphasis, however, on the last step of the transdisciplinary process: enacting solutions. We analyzed a case study of a transdisciplinary research effort in which co-produced policy simulation information shaped the creation of a new policy mechanism. More specifically, by studying the development of a mechanism for conserving vernal pool ecosystems, we found that four factors helped overcome common challenges to acting upon new information: creating a culture of learning, co-producing policy simulations that acted as boundary objects, integrating research into solution development, and employing an adaptive management approach. With an increased focus on these four factors that enable action, we can better develop the same level of nuanced theoretical concepts currently characterizing the earlier phases of transdisciplinary research, and the practical advice for deliberately designing these efforts

    Understanding the Footprint of the RBV in International Business Studies: the Last Twenty Years of Research

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    International business (IB) research has evolved substantially over the past four decades incorporating new concerns and theoretical contributions. During the past two decades, the Resource-Based View (RBV) has gained the preference of many IB scholars and has gradually become one of the dominant theoretical perspectives for studying IB decisions and operations. The 1991 article “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage” by Jay Barney is recognized as a fundamental contribution to the Resource-Based View (RBV). In this paper we assess the influence of the RBV, proxied by Jay Barney’s (1991) article, on IB research over the twenty years period, from 1991 to 2010. In this bibliometric study of the articles published in the leading journal for IB research – Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) – we conduct citation and co-citation analyses, the networks of co-authorship, and delve into the analysis of the key research topics. Beyond understanding the extant research we also contribute to i identifying future research avenues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reflecting on E-Recruiting Research Using Grounded Theory

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    This paper presents a systematic review of the e-Recruiting literature through a grounded theory lens. The large number of publications and the increasing diversity of publications on e-Recruiting research, as the most studied area within e-HRM (Electronic Human Resource Management), calls for a synthesis of e-Recruiting research. We show interconnections between achievements, research gaps and future research directions in order to advance both e-Recruiting research and practice. Moreover, we provide a definition of e-Recruiting. The use of grounded theory enabled us to reach across sub-disciplines, methods used, perspectives studied, themes discussed and stakeholders involved. We demonstrate that the Grounded Theory Approach led to a better understanding of the interconnections that lay buried in the disparate e-Recruiting literature

    Rethinking Invention: Cognition and the Economics of Technological Creativity

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    Economists have typically not devoted much attention to the act of invention. This paper attempts to redress this situation by exploring a form of cognition, analogical transfer, which is thought by some researchers to lie at the heart of successful creativity. An analogical transfer is said to have occurred when information and experiences from one known situation is retrieved and utilized in the search for the solution to an entirely different situation. This paper shows how such analogical thought can give rise to a theoretical framework, in which disparate factors pertaining to technological creativity can be pieced together to yield an explanation of the level of inventive output experienced.invention, technological change, technological creativity, problem solving, learning.

    Gateways to the Principalship: State Power to Improve the Quality of School Leaders

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    Examines weaknesses in state policies with respect to principal preparation program approval and licensure requirements and highlights leading states and lagging states in efforts to raise preparation and certification standards. Makes recommendations