19 research outputs found

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for unique solvability of absolute value equations: A Survey

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    In this survey paper, we focus on the necessary and sufficient conditions for the unique solvability and unsolvability of the absolute value equations (AVEs) during the last twenty years (2004 to 2023). We discussed unique solvability conditions for various types of AVEs like standard absolute value equation (AVE), Generalized AVE (GAVE), New generalized AVE (NGAVE), Triple AVE (TAVE) and a class of NGAVE based on interval matrix, P-matrix, singular value conditions, spectral radius and W\mathcal{W}-property. Based on the unique solution of AVEs, we also discussed unique solvability conditions for linear complementarity problems (LCP) and horizontal linear complementarity problems (HLCP)

    A Note on the Paper "The unique solution of the absolute value equations"

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    In this note, we give the possible revised version of the unique solvability conditions for the two incorrect results that appeared in the published paper by Wu et al. (Appl Math Lett 76:195-200, 2018)

    The Unique Solvability Conditions for the Generalized Absolute Value Equations

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    This paper investigates the conditions that guarantee unique solvability and unsolvability for the generalized absolute value equations (GAVE) given by AxBx=bAx - B \vert x \vert = b. Further, these conditions are also valid to determine the unique solution of the generalized absolute value matrix equations (GAVME) AXBX=FAX - B \vert X \vert =F. Finally, certain aspects related to the solvability and unsolvability of the absolute value equations (AVE) have been deliberated upon

    Improved Harmony Search Algorithm with Chaos for Absolute Value Equation

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     In this paper, an improved harmony search with chaos (HSCH) is presented for solving NP-hard absolute value equation (AVE) Ax - |x| = b, where A is an arbitrary square matrix whose singular values exceed one. The simulation results in solving some given AVE problems demonstrate that the HSCH algorithm is valid and outperforms the classical HS algorithm (HS) and HS algorithm with differential mutation operator (HSDE)

    Optimal parameter for the SOR-like iteration method for solving the system of absolute value equations

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    The SOR-like iteration method for solving the absolute value equations~(AVE) of finding a vector xx such that Axxb=0Ax - |x| - b = 0 with ν=A12<1\nu = \|A^{-1}\|_2 < 1 is investigated. The convergence conditions of the SOR-like iteration method proposed by Ke and Ma ([{\em Appl. Math. Comput.}, 311:195--202, 2017]) are revisited and a new proof is given, which exhibits some insights in determining the convergent region and the optimal iteration parameter. Along this line, the optimal parameter which minimizes Tν(ω)2\|T_\nu(\omega)\|_2 with Tν(ω)=(1ωω2ν1ω1ω+ω2ν)T_\nu(\omega) = \left(\begin{array}{cc} |1-\omega| & \omega^2\nu \\ |1-\omega| & |1-\omega| +\omega^2\nu \end{array}\right) and the approximate optimal parameter which minimizes ην(ω)=max{1ω,νω2}\eta_{\nu}(\omega) =\max\{|1-\omega|,\nu\omega^2\} are explored. The optimal and approximate optimal parameters are iteration-independent and the bigger value of ν\nu is, the smaller convergent region of the iteration parameter ω\omega is. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate that the SOR-like iteration method with the optimal parameter is superior to that with the approximate optimal parameter proposed by Guo, Wu and Li ([{\em Appl. Math. Lett.}, 97:107--113, 2019]). In some situation, the SOR-like itration method with the optimal parameter performs better, in terms of CPU time, than the generalized Newton method (Mangasarian, [{\em Optim. Lett.}, 3:101--108, 2009]) for solving the AVE.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 7 table