18 research outputs found

    Semantic Source Code Models Using Identifier Embeddings

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    The emergence of online open source repositories in the recent years has led to an explosion in the volume of openly available source code, coupled with metadata that relate to a variety of software development activities. As an effect, in line with recent advances in machine learning research, software maintenance activities are switching from symbolic formal methods to data-driven methods. In this context, the rich semantics hidden in source code identifiers provide opportunities for building semantic representations of code which can assist tasks of code search and reuse. To this end, we deliver in the form of pretrained vector space models, distributed code representations for six popular programming languages, namely, Java, Python, PHP, C, C++, and C#. The models are produced using fastText, a state-of-the-art library for learning word representations. Each model is trained on data from a single programming language; the code mined for producing all models amounts to over 13.000 repositories. We indicate dissimilarities between natural language and source code, as well as variations in coding conventions in between the different programming languages we processed. We describe how these heterogeneities guided the data preprocessing decisions we took and the selection of the training parameters in the released models. Finally, we propose potential applications of the models and discuss limitations of the models.Comment: 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2019): Data Showcase Trac

    Detailed Overview of Software Smells

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    This document provides an overview of literature concerning software smells covering various dimensions of smells along with their corresponding references

    Study of Code Smells: A Review and Research Agenda

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    Code Smells have been detected, predicted and studied by researchers from several perspectives. This literature review is conducted to understand tools and algorithms used to detect and analyze code smells to summarize research agenda. 114 studies have been selected from 2009 to 2022 to conduct this review. The studies are deeply analyzed under the categorization of machine learning and non-machine learning, which are found to be 25 and 89 respectively. The studies are analyzed to gain insight into algorithms, tools and limitations of the techniques. Long Method, Feature Envy, and Duplicate Code are reported to be the most popular smells. 38% of the studies focused their research on the enhancement of tools and methods. Random Forest and JRip algorithms are found to give the best results under machine learning techniques. We extended the previous studies on code smell detection tools, reporting a total 87 tools during the review. Java is found to be the dominant programming language during the study of smells

    Behind the Scenes: On the Relationship Between Developer Experience and Refactoring

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    Refactoring is widely recognized as one of the efficient techniques to manage technical debt and maintain a healthy software project through enforcing best design practices, or coping with design defects. Previous refactoring surveys have shown that code refactoring activities are mainly executed by developers who have sufficient knowledge of the system’s design, and disposing of leadership roles in their development teams. However, these surveys were mainly limited to specific projects and companies. In this paper, we explore the generalizability of the previous results by analyzing 800 open-source projects. We mine their refactoring activities, and we identify their corresponding contributors. Then, we associate an experience score to each contributor in order to test various hypotheses related to whether developers with higher scores tend to 1) perform a higher number of refactoring operations 2) exhibit different motivations behind their refactoring, and 3) better document their refactoring activity. We found that (1) although refactoring is not restricted to a subset of developers, those with higher contribution score tend to perform more refactorings than others; (2) while there is no correlation between experience and motivation behind refactoring, top contributed developers are found to perform a wider variety of refactoring operations, regardless of their complexity; and (3) top contributed developer tend to document less their refactoring activity. Our qualitative analysis of three randomly sampled projects show that the developers who are responsible for the majority of refactoring activities are typically in advanced positions in their development teams, demonstrating their extensive knowledge of the design of the systems they contribute to

    Software engineering whispers: The effect of textual vs. graphical software design descriptions on software design communication

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    Context:\ua0Software\ua0engineering\ua0is a social and collaborative activity. Communicating and sharing knowledge between\ua0software\ua0developers requires much effort. Hence, the quality of\ua0communication\ua0plays an important role in influencing project success. To better understand the\ua0effect\ua0of\ua0communication\ua0on project success, more in-depth empirical studies investigating this phenomenon are needed. Objective: We investigate the\ua0effect\ua0of using a\ua0graphical\ua0versus\ua0textual\ua0design\ua0description\ua0on co-located\ua0software\ua0design\ua0communication. Method: Therefore, we conducted a family of experiments involving a mix of 240\ua0software\ua0engineering\ua0students from four universities. We examined how different\ua0design\ua0representations (i.e.,\ua0graphical\ua0vs.\ua0textual) affect the ability to Explain, Understand, Recall, and Actively Communicate knowledge. Results: We found that the\ua0graphical\ua0design\ua0description\ua0is better than the\ua0textual\ua0in promoting Active Discussion between developers and improving the Recall of\ua0design\ua0details. Furthermore, compared to its unaltered version, a well-organized and motivated\ua0textual\ua0design\ua0description–that is used for the same amount of time–enhances the recall of\ua0design\ua0details and increases the amount of active discussions at the cost of reducing the perceived quality of explaining