5 research outputs found

    Distance education in international perspective : the British Open University and prospects for establishing an Egyptian equivalent

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    This study is concerned with the scope of distance education and tries to provide a framework for the establishment of an Egyptian Open University in the light of the Open University of the United Kingdom.The scope of distance education dealt with, represents the historical background and the literature related to it. Some special attention is paid to the economic aspects of distance teaching, and a survey of international perspectives on distance higher education. These sections are in the form of a descriptive analysis, and provide background and context for the Egyptian decision-makers for purposes of comparison and support.The British Open University system is then selected for study due to the fact that it is the most remarkable innovation in this field, and is respected in many countries. It is because of this that the empirical section of the study, undertaken in Egypt, is based on the British Open University system. This way, the possibilities of applying a similar system for Egyptian higher and continuing education can be judged. Questionnaires were devised by the writer and administered to the academic staff at 11 Egyptian Universities, directors of radio and television educational broadcasts, and the National Council for Research and Technology have been examined to see the extent to which the UKOU model is acceptable and applicable in Egypt.The outcome proved to be positive. Some clear conclusions derived from this positive outcome. For instance, with respect to the proposed Egyptian Open University, the results of the questionnaire show that undergraduate and associate students courses should be the only programmes in the first phase of its establishment; General Secondary School Certificate holders and their equivalents should be admitted; admission policy should not consider the total marks in G.S.S.C. examination; teaching staff appointments should be on the basis of excellent academic experience, and ability in designing courses on a distance teaching basis with evidence of written materials and books; Course texts should be distributed with other printed materials by the local study centres after receiving them from the proposed University H.Q. - to avoid some disadvantages of the mail delivery; the course team approach is favoured as its functioning at the UKOU shows it to be a suitable approach for preparing courses and materials; the Radio and Television role in teaching must be central to the new institution but some organising operations, especially the times of broadcasting and the role of the third channel at the Egyptian Television, need to be carefully rephased so as to cover all the locations of Egypt; Tanta City should be selected to be the H.Q. as it is located in the middle of the Nile Delta; public finance is the best way of supporting the proposed university, though some support could be given either by central government or locally.Finally it could be said that the international evidence of widespread distance education experience and development at a tertiary level justifies the idea of the establishment of an Egyptian Open University, and that much of the structure and operation of the British Open University would be a desirable and applicable model

    Teleconferencing, an annotated bibliography, volume 3

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    In this annotated and indexed listing of works on teleconferencing, emphasis has been placed upon teleconferencing as real-time, two way audio communication with or without visual aids. However, works on the use of television in two-way or multiway nets, data transmission, regional communications networks and on telecommunications in general are also included

    Bowdoin Orient v.95, no.1-34 (1965-1966)

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    Da epĂ­stola Ă  mensagem electrĂłnica : metamorfoses das rotinas verbais

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Linguística na especialidade de Linguística Portuguesa apresentada à Universidade Aberta“Da epístola à mensagem electrónica - Metamorfoses das rotinas verbais” é um estudo que tem como objectivo reflectir sobre a problemática do género epistolar, preterido nas análises linguísticas em Portugal. A análise do texto epistolar reveste-se, contudo, de uma grande complexidade, a que não é alheio o carácter de confluência disciplinar subjacente à natureza do próprio texto. A versatilidade do modus epistolaris, desta expressão nómada do pensamento, renitente e insubmissa quanto à sua classificação, incita a um entrecruzamento de olhares que, no caso presente, são tributários da história da literatura, da epistolografia, da retórica, e de diferentes correntes de análise linguística. O modelo de análise AICE (Análise Interactiva do Discurso Epistolar) que foi concebido, no âmbito desta investigação, corrobora essa perspectiva e pretende integrar e consolidar esse rumo. Evidencia-se, neste trabalho, a importância dos textos epistolares, encetando, numa atitude prospectiva, a divulgação de textos esquecidos, letárgicos ou descurados de consagrados epistológrafos portugueses. A investigação visa, assim, perscrutar as metamorfoses das rotinas verbais em textos epistolares, quer apontando a negligência da estrutura clássica e rígida da epístola, quer evidenciando a imutabilidade de algumas rotinas e a concomitante volubilidade de outras, em consequência da distinta e específica temporalidade da forma electrónica. A partir da defesa e comprovação da hipótese, inicialmente traçada, do “renascimento” ou do “reconhecimento” do género epistolar, a investigação pretende contribuir para a edificação de uma teoria do modus epistolaris.“Da epístola à mensagem electrónica - Metamorfoses das rotinas verbais” is a study that aims at discussing the epistolary genre, a field of research which has been overlooked by linguistic analysis in Portugal. The analysis of epistolary texts is rather complex, not least because of the confluence of different disciplines in the very nature of the text. The versatility of the modus epistolaris - this nomadic expression of thinking, rebellious and resisting classification - invites a multiply focused approach. In my analysis, literary history, epistolorary literature, rhetoric, and different approaches of linguistic analyses were used. The model of analysis IAED (Interactive Analysis of Epistolary Discourse), which was conceived in the course of this doctoral research, stresses this perspective, and intends to integrate and strengthen this kind of approach. This work shows the relevance of epistolary texts of celebrated Portuguese writers, and undertakes, prospectively, the publication of their often forgotten and neglected epistles. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the metamorphosis of verbal routines in epistolary texts, indicating either the abandonment of the classical and rigid structure of the epistle, or the immutability of some routines and the resulting volatility of others, as an effect of the distinct durability of the electronic form. Rooted in the proof and defence of the hypothesis of a «renaissance» and «reconnaissance» of the epistolary genre, this research aims at contributing to the construction of a theory of the modus epistolaris.De l’épître au message électronique – Métamorphoses des routines verbales» est une étude qui se propose de réfléchir sur la problématique du genre épistolaire négligé dans le cadre des analyses linguistiques au Portugal. Cependant, l’analyse du texte épistolaire se revêt d’une grande complexité en partie due à la confluence disciplinaire sous-jacente à la nature du texte lui-même. La versatilité du modus epistolaris – expression nomade de la pensée, insoumise et obstinée, résistant ainsi à toute classification -, incite dès lors à un croisement de regards qui, dans ce cas, font converger l’histoire de la littérature, l’épistolographie, la rhétorique et plusieurs tendances de l’analyse linguistique. Le modèle d’analyse AICE (Analyse Interactive du Discours Épistolaire), conçu dans le cadre de cette recherche, confirme cette perspective et prétend intégrer et consolider cet itinéraire. Cette étude met en relief l’importance des textes épistolaires, ébauchant, à travers une attitude prospective, la divulgation de textes oubliés, ensevelis, ou négligés de certains épistoliers portugais renommés. La dissertation s’emploie à scruter les métamorphoses des routines verbales au sein des textes épistolaires, soulignant soit les écarts par rapports à la structure rigide et classique de l’épître, soit l’immutabilité de certaines routines ou leur extrême volubilité due à une temporalité différente qui émane de la forme électronique. Cherchant à soutenir l’hypothèse de départ selon laquelle il existe une “renaissante” ou une “reconnaissance” du genre épistolaire, cette recherche prétend contribuer à édifier une théorie du modus epistolaris