2 research outputs found

    Context-Responsive Learner-Centered Education in a Secondary School

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    Learner-centered education (LCE) has historically proven difficult to implement in non-Western countries, despite being perceived as synonymous with quality education. Although context-responsive pedagogy has been proposed as the key to successful LCE implementation, the literature on context-responsive pedagogy has not focused on LCE specifically, but on education in general. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore Nigerian teachers’ understanding of context-responsive LCE. The conceptual framework consisted of Fernandes et al.’s curricular contextualization framework and Schweisfurth’s minimum standards for LCE. The research question examined teachers’ perceptions of context-responsive LCE. Participants were 10 teachers in a Nigerian urban secondary school known for promoting LCE. Teachers had a minimum of 2-year post-qualification experience. The remotely conducted, semi-structured interviews were analyzed using open coding, and then codes were clustered into meaningful categories. The emergent themes from the categories were (a) affirmation of the LCE educational model, (b) teachers’ leadership role in promoting LCE, and (c) LCE-supporting instructional strategies. Subthemes focused on the role of the teacher as guide and caregiver, the positive benefits of creating a student-friendly learning environment, and the usefulness of improvisation as a practical and effective teacher response in resource-challenged settings. The findings offer teachers and school leaders alternative and potentially more motivating ways of engaging with their students. This may have implications for positive social change in the Nigerian educational system, where strong teacher-centered methods persist

    UNITAG : a way to improve multidisciplinary teaching with formative assessment

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    Orientador: Gilmar BarretoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho apresenta uma solução que permite uma visão multidisciplinar da situação do aluno, onde foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta alternativa para a coleta de respostas a audiência a ser utilizada em sala de aula, com a totalização, armazenamento e apresentação dos resultados. Desta forma, alunos podem avaliar o seu desempenho como também professores e gestores podem avaliar suas metodologias e definir ações interdisciplinares, tudo isso no tempo do ensino e aprendizagem de cada conteúdo. Este recurso possibilita a colaboração de educadores e gestores em busca de ações coordenadas e sociais, como proposto por Habermas. Os melhores processos de ensino e aprendizagem já executam o ciclo de planejamento, execução, avaliação e correção em busca da melhoria contínua. No entanto, a racionalidade destes processos tem levado à atomicidade das disciplinas que, com a ausência de uma visão social e colaborativa, acabam favorecendo ao tecnicismo e ao positivismo, dificultando a emancipação do futuro cidadão. Quando aplicada à educação, a Ação Comunicativa de Habermas sugere que a interação pela interdisciplinaridade pode restabelecer a visão social no processo educacional. Com o uso da tecnologia, a avaliação formativa de diferentes pontos de vista e a colaboração entre os educadores, é possível estabelecer um ensino multidisciplinar de qualidade, capaz de formar indivíduos com conhecimento científico, senso crítico e maturidade sociocultural. Os testes interdisciplinares aplicados ofereceram uma oportunidade eficaz para que os alunos revisitassem os conceitos a partir de um outro ponto de vista. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que integrar os conteúdos e verificar a eficácia do ensino, de forma coordenada e permanente ao longo de todo o ciclo de aprendizagem contribui para a excelência do ensinoAbstract: This work presents a solution that allows a multidisciplinary view of the student's situation, where an alternative tool was developed for the collection of audience responses to be used in the classroom, with totalization, storage and results presentation. In this way, students can evaluate their performance as well as teachers and managers can evaluate their methodologies and define interdisciplinary actions, all this in the time of teaching and learning of each content. This resource enables the collaboration of educators and managers in search of coordinated and social actions, as proposed by Habermas. The best teaching and learning processes already execute the cycle of planning, execution, evaluation and correction in search of continuous improvement. However, the rationality of these processes has led to the atomicity of the disciplines that, with the absence of a social and collaborative vision, end up favoring technicalism and positivism, hindering the emancipation of the future citizen. When applied to education, Habermas' Communicative Action suggests that interaction through interdisciplinarity can restore social vision in the educational process. With the use of technology, the formative evaluation of different points of view and the collaboration between the educators, it is possible to establish a multidisciplinary teaching of quality ca-pable of forming individuals with scientific knowledge, critical sense and sociocultural maturity. The applied interdisciplinary tests offered an effective opportunity for the students to revisit the concepts from another point of view. The results showed that integrating the content and verifying the effectiveness of the teaching, in a coordinated and permanent way throughout the learning cycle, contributes to the excellence of teachingDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutora em Engenharia Elétric