419 research outputs found

    A Task-Graph Execution Manager for Reconfigurable Multi-tasking Systems

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    Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build multi tasking systems that dynamically adapt themselves to the requirements of the running applications. This is especially useful in embedded systems, since the available resources are very limited and the reconfigurable hardware can be reused for different applications. In these systems computations are frequently represented as task graphs that are executed taking into account their internal dependencies and the task schedule. The management of the task graph execution is critical for the system performance. In this regard, we have developed two dif erent versions, a software module and a hardware architecture, of a generic task-graph execution manager for reconfigurable multi-tasking systems. The second version reduces the run-time management overheads by almost two orders of magnitude. Hence it is especially suitable for systems with exigent timing constraints. Both versions include specific support to optimize the reconfiguration process

    A Hardware Implementation of a Run-Time Scheduler for Reconfigurable Systems

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    New generation embedded systems demand high performance, efficiency and flexibility. Reconfigurable hardware can provide all these features. However the costly reconfiguration process and the lack of management support have prevented a broader use of these resources. To solve these issues we have developed a scheduler that deals with task-graphs at run-time, steering its execution in the reconfigurable resources while carrying out both prefetch and replacement techniques that cooperate to hide most of the reconfiguration delays. In our scheduling environment task-graphs are analyzed at design-time to extract useful information. This information is used at run-time to obtain near-optimal schedules, escaping from local-optimum decisions, while only carrying out simple computations. Moreover, we have developed a hardware implementation of the scheduler that applies all the optimization techniques while introducing a delay of only a few clock cycles. In the experiments our scheduler clearly outperforms conventional run-time schedulers based on As-Soon-As-Possible techniques. In addition, our replacement policy, specially designed for reconfigurable systems, achieves almost optimal results both regarding reuse and performance

    A Hardware Task-Graph Scheduler for Reconfigurable Multi-tasking Systems

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    Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build a multitasking system where tasks are assigned to HW resources at run-time according to the requirements of the running applications. These tasks are frequently represented as direct acyclic graphs and their execution is typically controlled by an embedded processor that schedules the graph execution. In order to improve the efficiency of the system, the scheduler can apply prefetch and reuse techniques that can greatly reduce the reconfiguration latencies. For an embedded processor all these computations represent a heavy computational load that can significantly reduce the system performance. To overcome this problem we have implemented a HW scheduler using reconfigurable resources. In addition we have implemented both prefetch and replacement techniques that obtain as good results as previous complex SW approaches, while demanding just a few clock cycles to carry out the computations. We consider that the HW cost of the system (in our experiments 3% of a Virtex-II PRO xc2vp30 FPGA) is affordable taking into account the great efficiency of the techniques applied to hide the reconfiguration latency and the negligible run-time penalty introduced by the scheduler computations

    A Reconfigurable Processor for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

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    A reconfigurable processor is a general-purpose processor coupled with an FPGA-like reconfigurable fabric. By deploying application-specific accelerators, performance for a wide range of applications can be improved with such a system. In this work concepts are designed for the use of reconfigurable processors in multi-tasking scenarios and as part of multi-core systems

    HW implementation of an execution manager for reconfigurable systems

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    Reconfigurable HW can be used to build a hardware multitasking system where tasks can be assigned to the reconfigurable HW at run-time according to the requirements of the running applications. Normally the execution in this kind of systems is controlled by an embedded processor. In these systems tasks are frequently represented as subtask graphs, where a subtask is the basic scheduling unit that can be assigned to a reconfigurable HW. In order to control the execution of these tasks, the processor must manage at run-time complex data structures, like graphs or linked list, which may generate significant execution-time penalties. In addition, HW/SW communications are frequently a system bottleneck. Hence, it is very interesting to find a way to reduce the run-time SW computations and the HW/SW communications. To this end we have developed a HW execution manager that controls the execution of subtask graphs over a set of reconfigurable units. This manager receives as input a subtask graph coupled to a subtask schedule, and guarantees its proper execution. In addition it includes support to reduce the execution-time overhead due to reconfigurations. With this HW support the execution of task graphs can be managed efficiently generating only very small run-time penalties

    A Component-Based Middleware for a Reliable Distributed and Reconfigurable Spacecraft Onboard Computer

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    Emerging applications for space missions require increasing processing performance from the onboard computers. DLR's project “Onboard Computer - Next Generation” (OBC-NG) develops a distributed, reconfigurable computer architecture to provide increased performance while maintaining the high reliability of classical spacecraft computer architectures. Growing system complexity requires an advanced onboard middleware, handling distributed (realtime) applications and error mitigation by reconfiguration. The OBC-NG middleware follows the Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) approach. Using composite components, applications and management tasks can easily be distributed and relocated on the processing nodes of the network. Additionally, reuse of components for future missions is facilitated. This paper presents the flexible middleware architecture, the composite component framework, the middleware services and the model-driven Application Programming Interface (API) design of OBC-NG. Tests are conducted to validate the middleware concept and to investigate the reconfiguration efficiency as well as the reliability of the system. A relevant use case shows the advantages of CBSE for the development of distributed reconfigurable onboard software

    Dynamic Scheduling, Allocation, and Compaction Scheme for Real-Time Tasks on FPGAs

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    Run-time reconfiguration (RTR) is a method of computing on reconfigurable logic, typically FPGAs, changing hardware configurations from phase to phase of a computation at run-time. Recent research has expanded from a focus on a single application at a time to encompass a view of the reconfigurable logic as a resource shared among multiple applications or users. In real-time system design, task deadlines play an important role. Real-time multi-tasking systems not only need to support sharing of the resources in space, but also need to guarantee execution of the tasks. At the operating system level, sharing logic gates, wires, and I/O pins among multiple tasks needs to be managed. From the high level standpoint, access to the resources needs to be scheduled according to task deadlines. This thesis describes a task allocator for scheduling, placing, and compacting tasks on a shared FPGA under real-time constraints. Our consideration of task deadlines is novel in the setting of handling multiple simultaneous tasks in RTR. Software simulations have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The results indicate significant improvement by decreasing the number of tasks rejected

    A Hardware Implementation of a Run-Time Scheduler for Reconfigurable Systems

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