69,297 research outputs found

    Middlesex College of Law : review for educational oversight by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

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    Glasgow School of Art : enhancement-led institutional review

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    Squaring the circle: a new alternative to alternative-assessment

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    Many quality assurance systems rely on high-stakes assessment for course certification. Such methods are not as objective as they might appear; they can have detrimental effects on student motivation and may lack relevance to the needs of degree courses increasingly oriented to vocational utility. Alternative assessment methods can show greater formative and motivational value for students but are not well suited to the demands of course certification. The widespread use of virtual learning environments and electronic portfolios generates substantial learner activity data to enable new ways of monitoring and assessing students through Learning Analytics. These emerging practices have the potential to square the circle by generating objective, summative reports for course certification while at the same time providing formative assessment to personalise the student experience. This paper introduces conceptual models of assessment to explore how traditional reliance on numbers and grades might be displaced by new forms of evidence-intensive student profiling and engagement

    St Peter's College of London: review for educational oversight by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

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    Great expectations: setting targets for students, 2nd ed.

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    Informing Writing: The Benefits of Formative Assessment

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    Examines whether classroom-based formative writing assessment - designed to provide students with feedback and modified instruction as needed - improves student writing and how teachers can improve such assessment. Suggests best practices

    SDS College: review for educational oversight by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

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    West Wimbledon College: review for educational oversight by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education

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    Is self-assessment in religious education unique?

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    This paper addresses the question: is self-assessment in religious education unique? It first presents an overview of some challenges for assessment from subject differences, and then reviews the generic literature on self-assessment. It builds on earlier empirical research on self-assessment in religious education, carried out in an English state secondary school (Fancourt 2010); this was used to propose a variant of self-assessment which is tailored to the demands of religious education – reflexive self-assessment. Its implications for more general understandings of the relationship between subject pedagogy and self-assessment are discussed, especially the recognition of values not only in religious education but in other subjects too, reinforcing the need to develop subject-specific variants of self-assessment that reflect the breadth of learning outcomes
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