27 research outputs found

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Konvolusi Untuk Untuk Reduksi Derau Pada Citra Digital

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    Noise in digital image processing is a disorder caused by deviations of the data received. There are three types of noise, Additive, Gaussian and Speckle. Currently, there are many methods for reducing noise in digital images. One method that can be used for reducing noise is convolution method, which consists of Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, Median Filter, Mean Filter and Gaussian Filter. This research will analyze an output by applying the convolution method for noise reduction with various parameters such as histogram, Timing- Run calculation and SNR calculation. Noise reduction will be imposed on the three types of noise. Keywords : digital image, noise reduction, convolution method, histogram, Timing-Run, SNR

    Fast restoration of natural images corrupted by high-density impulse noise

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    In this paper, we suggest a general model for the fixed-valued impulse noise and propose a two-stage method for high density noise suppression while preserving the image details. In the first stage, we apply an iterative impulse detector, exploiting the image entropy, to identify the corrupted pixels and then employ an Adaptive Iterative Mean filter to restore them. The filter is adaptive in terms of the number of iterations, which is different for each noisy pixel, according to the Euclidean distance from the nearest uncorrupted pixel. Experimental results show that the proposed filter is fast and outperforms the best existing techniques in both objective and subjective performance measures

    Adaptive geometric features based filtering impulse noise in colour images

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    An adaptive geometric features based filtering (AGFF) technique with a low computational complexity is proposed for removal of impulse noise in corrupted color images. The effective and efficient detection is based on geometric characteristics and features of the corrupted pixel and/or the pixel region. A progressive restoration mechanism is devised using multi-pass non-linear operations. Through extensive experiments conducted using a wide range of test color images, the proposed filtering technique has demonstrated superior performance to that of well-known benchmark techniques, in terms of objective measurements, the visual image quality and the computational complexity

    DCT Image Compression for Color Images

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    Image compression attempts to condense the number of bits obligatory to digitally symbolize an image while maintaining its apparent visual excellence Image compression is a procedure that is very vastly used for the integral and resourceful convey of data. It not only reduces the dimension of realistic file to be transferred but at the equivalent time reduces the storage space requirements, cost of the data transferred, and the time required for the transfer. It makes the diffusion progression faster, provides superior bandwidth and security beside illegitimate use of data. Image compression involve two types lossy image compression and lossless image compression. In lossy image compression there is no loss of data. However lossless image compression is used to retain original multimedia object The main objective of this research work is to implement 1DCT, 2DCT and True compression in MATLAB by using grey scale images .The comparison among the selected algorithms will also be drawn in order to get better result


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    In comparison with the standard RGB or gray-scale images, the usual multispectral images (MSI) are intended to convey high definition and anauthentic representation for real world scenes to significantly enhance the performance measures of several other tasks involving with computervision, segmentation of image, object extraction, and object tagging operations. While procuring images form satellite, the MSI are often prone tonoises. Finding a good mathematical description of the learning-based denoising model is a difficult research question and many different researchesaccounted in the literature. Many have attempted its use with the application of neural network as a sparse learned dictionary of noisy patches.Furthermore, this approach allows several algorithm to optimize itself for the given task at hand using machine learning algorithm. However, inpractices, a MSI image is always prone to corruption by various sources of noises while procuring the images. In this survey, we studied the pasttechniques attempted for the noise influenced MSI images. The survey presents the outline of past techniques and their respective advantages incomparison with each other