2 research outputs found

    Developing new electrical and information engineering related curricula to respond to the actual global challenges: the renewable energy curriculum

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    The Erasmus Lifelong Learning ProgrammeSALEIE (Strategic Alignment of Electrical and InformationEngineering in European Higher Education Institutions) projectbrings together a group of European universities experts aimingto provide higher education models in the EIE (Electrical andInformation Engineering) disciplines that can respond to the keyglobal technical challenges. One of the outcomes of the abovementioned project is related to a new Renewable Energycurriculum. In its early stage the SALEIE project identified theglobal technical challenges the EIE higher education may facenowadays. A survey of existing EIE programmes in the keychallenge areas has been released and their results have beendiscussed during the workshops. The industry feedback related tothe required EIE technical and non-technical skills has been fedwithin the project deliverables and finally two new proposedcurricula on Renewable Energy (RE) and Information andComputer Technology (ICT) Security saw the daylight. This paperpresents the main findings and steps which have been taken inorder to propose a new Renewable Energy curriculum aiming torespond to actual global technical challenges

    ICT security curriculum or how to respond to current global challenges

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    The paper presents some results obtained through the implementation of the Erasmus LLP “SALEIE” (Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education Institutions). The aim of the project was to bring together experts from European universities to enhance the competitiveness of Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) education within Europe, especially in relation to modern global technical challenges and to provide higher education models in a few EIE fields in accordance with these challenges. One of the outcomes of the project was a new ICT Security curriculum for bachelor and master levels. The research methodology comprised such stages as: identifying the most important current global challenges, conducting a survey related to existing EIE programs in order to establish the top-level criteria for an EIE curriculum, analysing the results of the survey, obtaining the industry feedback related to technical and non-technical skills required for the specific field, and proposing a new curriculum for ICT Security programmes to respond to the modern technical challenges and to meet the needs of the industry, students, academics and graduates