3 research outputs found

    An Energy-aware Ad-hoc Routing Strategy for Queriable Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The data volume handled by wireless sensor networks (WSN) is ever growing due to increasing node counts and node complexity – be it in traditional WSN applications or for Car2X or Internet-of-Things. Queriable WSN are a concept to handle the large data volumes in such networks by abstracting the network as a virtual database table to which users can pose queries. This declarative approach enables networks which can flexibly adapt to changing application requirements. In addition they possess a flat learning curve since users do not need to have a high technological understanding of the sensor node firmware. Upon executing a query it is first propagated through the network and once it has reached the desired nodes, results are collected and send back through the query-posing node (usually the sink). The routing which is used for the data aggregation step plays a major role in the energy efficiency in networks with increasing node and sensor value counts as represented by Car2X networks for instance. In this paper, an ad-hoc routing strategy for queriable WSN is proposed which is both energy-aware and application-specific. It will be shown that this routing can contribute greatly towards decreasing the energy consumption needed for data aggregation and thus helps increasing the network’s lifespan

    An Internet of Things Platform Based on Microservices and Cloud Paradigms for Livestock

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    With the growing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology in the agricultural sector, smart devices are becoming more prevalent. The availability of new, timely, and precise data offers a great opportunity to develop advanced analytical models. Therefore, the platform used to deliver new developments to the final user is a key enabler for adopting IoT technology. This work presents a generic design of a software platform based on the cloud and implemented using microservices to facilitate the use of predictive or prescriptive analytics under different IoT scenarios. Several technologies are combined to comply with the essential features¿scalability, portability, interoperability, and usability¿that the platform must consider to assist decision-making in agricultural 4.0 contexts. The platform is prepared to integrate new sensor devices, perform data operations, integrate several data sources, transfer complex statistical model developments seamlessly, and provide a user-friendly graphical interface. The proposed software architecture is implemented with open-source technologies and validated in a smart farming scenario. The growth of a batch of pigs at the fattening stage is estimated from the data provided by a level sensor installed in the silo that stores the feed from which the animals are fed. With this application, we demonstrate how farmers can monitor the weight distribution and receive alarms when high deviations happen.This research was partially supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under contract TIN2017-84553-C2-2-R, by the European Union FEDER (CAPAP-H6 network TIN2016-81840-REDT) and the demonstration activity financed by the Operation 01.02.01 of Technological Transfer from the Program of Rural Development in Catalunya 2014–2020 cofinanced by DARP and FEDER

    A survey on wireless sensor network databases

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    International audienceIn recent years, the use of wireless sensors has increased drastically in most fields. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have attracted the interest of industries and they have been used in several application areas (military, health, transportation, agriculture). WSNs are ad-hoc networks, composed of sensor nodes, which are deployed in an area of interest, in order to monitor and to return information requested by users. Sensor data is transmitted to users over a central station, named base station. Data collection becomes more difficult when the number of sensors increases. Since about a decade, intensive research has started in order to deal with these problems. Many researchers suggested to structure the sensor data in the form of a database and reduce the number of communications and energy consumption in the network. They have often considered the network as a large database and the sensor node as a virtual table. In this article, the existing sensor database approaches in WSNs are studied. Firstly, we will provide the definition of sensor databases, then we will present their architecture and their characteristics. Thereafter, we will present and compare existing sensor database systems. Finally, we will conclude this paper with a discussion of some research issues in the field of sensor databases