66 research outputs found

    Avaliando a relação entre as variáveis categóricas status final do curso e demográficas

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    Towards an empirical development of critical value factors of online learning activities

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    Activities are at the center of human behavior. Extensive attention has been given in literature to the success and effectiveness of online learning programs. Value theory suggests that human perceived value is a critical construct in investigating what is important to individuals. However, very limited attention has been given in literature to the role of users’ perceived value of learning activities in educational settings. Scholars suggest that additional studies on learning activities are needed in order to progress the current knowledge of the use of information systems in education. Therefore, this study investigated issues related to learners’ perceived value by uncovering the critical value factors (CVFs) of online learning activities. Participants in this study included 209 graduate students attending an online learning program. This study extended the first phase done in a prior research to uncover the CVFs of online learning activities. Results of this research study produced five reliable CVFs: (a) Collaborative, Social, and Passive Learning Activities; (b) Formal Communication Activities; (c) Formal Learning Activities; (d) Logistic Activities; and (e) Printing Activities

    Strategies for Successfully Completing Online Professional Development

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    Recently, increasing demand for teacher professional development and significant advances in information and communication technologies has led to a proliferation of online professional development. In spite of online professional development's popularity and advantages, research indicates that there is a concern of considerably high dropout rates of online learners. Therefore, to reduce the dropout rates of the learners, this paper is designed to help teachers identify professional development opportunities that are tailored to their needs as well as successfully complete these learning experiences. To achieve the purpose of the study, the paper explores the considerations for evaluating the characteristics of online learners and online professional development. Using these evaluations, this paper provides practical strategies for helping elementary and secondary education teachers successfully complete online professional development without dropping out an online course

    Affectiveness in the academic context: feelings experienced by masters of a course offered in the b-learning mode

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    Este texto apresenta os resultados de uma investigação que teve como objetivo verificar a intensidade e a frequência com que mestrandos do curso de Ciências da Educação: Tecnologia Educativa, oferecido pela Universidade do Minho na modalidade blended-learning, experimentam sentimentos de nuances positivas e negativas. Participaram da investigação 26 estudantes de um total de 49 convidados. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi um inquérito de autopreenchimento online, cujo link foi enviado aos estudantes via correio eletrônico. No inquérito os estudantes foram apresentados a uma lista de 40 sentimentos de nuances positivas e negativas, sendo convidados a indicar a intensidade e a frequência com que experimentavam cada um deles, a partir de uma escala crescente de 1 a 10. Para a análise dos dados foram utilizadas técnicas de estatística descritiva, e para algumas das variáveis independentes procedeu-se o Teste de Levene para igualdade de variâncias e o Teste T-Student para igualdade de médias. Para tanto fez-se uso do Software Package Social Science (SPSS). A análise descritiva dos dados indicou que os sentimentos de nuances positivas predominam em relação aos de nuances negativas no que se refere as médias das respostas dos participantes nos fatores intensidade e frequência. O Teste de Levene para igualdade de variâncias e o Teste-T-Student para igualdade de médias, à significância de 0,05, demonstraram que os estudantes que não haviam tido experiências anteriores com a modalidade blended-learning apresentaram médias maiores e diferenças consideradas significativas para o sentimento inquietação no quesito intensidade e para os sentimentos impotência e preocupação no quesito frequência. Tais resultados sugerem a relevância de se pensar na organização de cursos de capacitação nas ferramentas e estratégias do blended-learning antes do início da primeira unidade curricular do mestrado, visando minimizar tais sentimentos desconfortáveis entre os estudantes mais inexperientes na modalidade.The present text shows the results of an investigation that aimed to check the intensity and the frequency Master’s candidates of Educational Sciences: Educational Technology, offered by University of Minho in blended-learning mode, experience positive and negative shades of feelings. Twenty-six out of forty-nine invited students participated in the investigation. The instrument for collecting data was an online autofilled questionnaire whose link was sent to the students by e-mail. The questionnaire presented the students a list of 40 positive and negative shades of feelings and they were asked to point the intensity and frequency they felt each of them on a scale of 1 to 10. For data analysis, some techniques of descriptive statistics were used, and for some independent variables, the Levene Test was employed for variance equality and the T-Student Test was employed for equality of means. For that, the Software Package Social Science was used. The descriptive analysis of data showed that positive shades of feelings predominate over negative shades regarding the average of the participants’ answers on intensity and frequency. The Levene Test for variance equality and the T-Student Test for equality of means, to the significance of 0,05, showed that the students who had not had previous experience with blended-learning mode showed higher means and differences considered significant for feelings of anxiety concerning intensity and feelings of impotence and worry concerning frequency. Such results suggest the relevance of thinking about organizing training courses with blended-learning tools and strategies before the beginning of the first curricular unit of Master’s program, aiming to minimize such uncomfortable feelings among the most inexperienced students in that mode.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Demonstrating data carving concepts using jigsaw puzzles: a preliminary study

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    Towards an Empirical Development of Critical Value Factors of Online Learning Activities

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    Abstract Activities are at the center of human behavior. Extensive attention has been given in literature to the success and effectiveness of online learning programs. Value theory suggests that human perceived value is a critical construct in investigating what is important to individuals. However, very limited attention has been given in literature to the role of users' perceived value of learning activities in educational settings. Scholars suggest that additional studies on learning activities are needed in order to progress the current knowledge of the use of information systems in education. Therefore, this study investigated issues related to learners' perceived value by uncovering the critical value factors (CVFs) of online learning activities. Participants in this study included 209 graduate students attending an online learning program. This study extended the first phase done in a prior research to uncover the CVFs of online learning activities. Results of this research study produced five reliable CVFs: (a

    Gender Differences in Computer Science Education: Lessons Learnt from an Empirical Study at NTNU

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    Research in Computer Science (CS) education has focused on gender differences and there is high interest in increasing female participation in CS. The present study reviews important factors that influence CS students’ decision to complete their studies in CS (retention), and empirically examines how these factors differ for males and females. To this end, we identify cognitive and non-cognitive gains, cognitive and affective engagement, motivation to study, and three different barriers as critical factors in CS students’. We test these factors on 236 Norwegian CS students in order to find any potential gender differences. The findings indicate a gender difference for cognitive gains, affective engagement, motivation to study, and satisfaction with learning effectiveness. On the other hand, no difference was found for non-cognitive gains, cognitive engagement, personal values/teaching quality, and students’ intention to dropout from their studies. The study concludes with implications that will guide both research and practice towards a better understanding of both male and female CS students

    Understanding Why IS Students Drop Out: Toward A Process Theory

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    Afetividade no contexto acadêmico: perceção de mestrandos de um curso oferecido em regime b-learning

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    Este texto discute os resultados de uma investigação que envolveu 26 mestrandos do curso de Ciências da Educação: Tecnologia Educativa, da Universidade do Minho. O objetivo foi verificar a perceção dos estudantes sobre o papel da afetividade no decorrer do curso, que é oferecido na modalidade blended-learning. Para tanto aplicou-se um inquérito de autopreenchimento online. A análise descritiva dos dados indicou que o grau de satisfação dos estudantes é mais elevado em relação à interação com os professores do que com os colegas de curso, o que enfatiza a importância da intensificação de atividades favorecedoras do sentimento de pertença, da sensação de “estar junto virtual” e de fazer parte de uma “turma”. As médias de intensidade dos sentimentos de nuances positivas se mostraram mais elevadas que as dos de nuances negativas, entretanto merecem atenção os sentimentos de ansiedade e preocupação. Breves cursos de capacitação antes do início do mestrado podem ser uma boa estratégia para abreviar tais sentimentos desagradáveis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio