8 research outputs found

    Clustering Based Affinity Propagation In Vanets : Taxonomy And Opportunity Of Research

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    Vehicular communication networks received good consideration and focusing on diverse researchers in the latest years. Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) represents a developed type of an effective communication technology to facilitate the process of information dissemination among vehicles. VANETs established the cornerstone to develop the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). The great challenging task in routing the messages in VANETs is related to the different velocities of the moving vehicles on the streets in addition to their sparse distribution. Clustering approach is broadly used to report this challenge. It represents the mechanism of the alliance the vehicles based on certain metrics such as velocity, location, density, direction and lane position. This paper is to investigate and analyze several challenges and their present solutions which based on different developed clustering approaches based on the affinity propagation algorithm. This paper isaim to present a complete taxonomy on vehicles clustering and analyzing the existing submitted proposals in literature based on affinity propagation. Presenting and analyzing the submitted proposals will provide these domain researchers with a good flexibility to select or apply the suitable approach to their future application or research activities. To prepare this paper in a systematic manner, a total of 1444 articles concerning the Affinity Propagation in clustering published in the era of 2008 to 2019 were collected from the reliable publishing sources namely (ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, and SCOPUS). Due to their relevance, applicability, generality level and comprehensiveness, only nineteen articles among the collected articles were assigned and eventually analyzed in a systematic review method.A considerable success has been achieved in revealing the essential challenges and necessities for clustering based affinity Propagation in VANETs to guide the researchers in their upcoming investigations. This paper also contributes in dealing with open problems issues, challenges and guidelines for the upcoming investigations

    Experimental Evaluation of Algorithmic Effort Estimation Models using Projects Clustering

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    One of the most important aspects of software project management is the estimation of cost and time required for running information system. Therefore, software managers try to carry estimation based on behavior, properties, and project restrictions. Software cost estimation refers to the process of development requirement prediction of software system. Various kinds of effort estimation patterns have been presented in recent years, which are focused on intelligent techniques. This study made use of clustering approach for estimating required effort in software projects. The effort estimation is carried out through SWR (StepWise Regression) and MLR (Multiple Linear Regressions) regression models as well as CART (Classification And Regression Tree) method. The performance of these methods is experimentally evaluated using real software projects. Moreover, clustering of projects is applied to the estimation process. As indicated by the results of this study, the combination of clustering method and algorithmic estimation techniques can improve the accuracy of estimates

    Possible Challenges and Appropriate Measures for a Resilient WMN-Based Disaster Network

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    A wireless mesh network (WMN)-based disaster network shall provide an emergency communication infrastructure in case of a catastrophe destroyed any existing communication infrastructure. Since the hardware of the disaster network is deployed in an environment affected by the outcome of a catastrophe, events such as aftershocks and/or outbreaking fires are likely to occur and may destroy the hardware of the disaster network. To maintain its provided functionality and thus its usability, the network requires to be resilient to these and other events which are affecting the network infrastructure. To achieve a resilient network, the normal state of the network as well as possible challenges affecting the normal state need to be defined in prior. This scientific work deals with the derivation and definition of the required normal state of the WMN-based disaster network, as well as the definition of possible challenges resulting from environmental-based events. Since each possible challenge is influencing the network infrastructure of the WMN-based disaster network, possible measures for preventing and/or reducing the impact of each challenge are defined. In addition, emergency corrections capable of resolving the influences of an occurring challenge are defined