120 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Caching Policies in NDN - an ICN Architecture

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    Information Centric Networking (ICN) advocates the philosophy of accessing the content independent of its location. Owing to this location independence in ICN, the routers en-route can be enabled to cache the content to serve the future requests for the same content locally. Several ICN architectures have been proposed in the literature along with various caching algorithms for caching and cache replacement at the routers en-route. The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate various caching policies using Named Data Networking (NDN), an ICN architecture proposed in literature. We have presented the performance comparison of different caching policies naming First In First Out (FIFO), Least Recently Used (LRU), and Universal Caching (UC) in two network models; Watts-Strogatz (WS) model (suitable for dense short link networks such as sensor networks) and Sprint topology (better suited for large Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks) using ndnSIM, an ns3 based discrete event simulator for NDN architecture. Our results indicate that UC outperforms other caching policies such as LRU and FIFO and makes UC a better alternative for both sensor networks and ISP networks

    A Community-based Cloud Computing Caching Service

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    Caching has become an important technology in the development of cloud computing-based high-performance web services. Caches reduce the request to response latency experienced by users, and reduce workload on backend databases. They need a high cache-hit rate to be fit for purpose, and this rate is dependent on the cache management policy used. Existing cache management policies are not designed to prevent cache pollution or cache monopoly problems, which impacts negatively on the cache-hit rate. This paper proposes a community-based caching approach (CC) to address these two problems. CC was evaluated for performance against thirteen commercially available cache management policies, and results demonstrate that the cache-hit rate achieved by CC was between 0.7% and 55% better than the alternate cache management policies

    Secure Partial Repair in Wireless Caching Networks with Broadcast Channels

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    We study security in partial repair in wireless caching networks where parts of the stored packets in the caching nodes are susceptible to be erased. Let us denote a caching node that has lost parts of its stored packets as a sick caching node and a caching node that has not lost any packet as a healthy caching node. In partial repair, a set of caching nodes (among sick and healthy caching nodes) broadcast information to other sick caching nodes to recover the erased packets. The broadcast information from a caching node is assumed to be received without any error by all other caching nodes. All the sick caching nodes then are able to recover their erased packets, while using the broadcast information and the nonerased packets in their storage as side information. In this setting, if an eavesdropper overhears the broadcast channels, it might obtain some information about the stored file. We thus study secure partial repair in the senses of information-theoretically strong and weak security. In both senses, we investigate the secrecy caching capacity, namely, the maximum amount of information which can be stored in the caching network such that there is no leakage of information during a partial repair process. We then deduce the strong and weak secrecy caching capacities, and also derive the sufficient finite field sizes for achieving the capacities. Finally, we propose optimal secure codes for exact partial repair, in which the recovered packets are exactly the same as erased packets.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Conference on Communication and Network Security (CNS

    A cache-based mobility-aware scheme for real-time continuous media delivery in wireless networks

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    Providing real-time or continuous media (CM) application services in wireless networks poses a significant challenge, as it requires timely delivery of data in a best-effort network. In this paper, we propose a cache-based scheme for mobility-aware, CM applications. The proposed scheme exploits a previously proposed caching strategy to complement Mobile-IP by placing services closer to migrated mobile nodes. The central idea of this work is based on the migration of sessions in order to facilitate uninterrupted delivery of CM in mobile environments. The performance of the proposed scheme is investigated by simulation studies. In particular, the effect of the proposed scheme on several QoS parameters under varying conditions of mobility and CM data is measured.<br /

    Placement solutions for multiple versions of a multimedia object

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    Transcoding is an important technology which adapts the same multimedia object to diverse mobile appliances; thus, users' requests for a specified version of a multimedia object could be served by a more detailed version cached according to transcoding. Therefore, it is of particularly theoretical and practical necessity to determine the proper versions to be cached at a node such that the specified objective is achieved. In this paper, we address the problem of multimedia object placement. The performance objective is to minimize the total access cost by considering both transmission cost and transcoding cost. We present an optimal dynamic programming-based solution for this problem. The performance of the proposed solutions is evaluated with a set of carefully designed simulation experiments for various performance metrics over a wide range of system parameters. The simulation results show that our solution consistently and significantly outperforms comparison solutions in terms of all the performance metrics considered.Keqiu Li, Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chi

    Optimal Content Placement for En-Route Web Caching

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    This paper studies the optimal placement of web files for en-route web caching. It is shown that existing placement policies are all solving restricted partial problems of the file placement problem, and therefore give only sub-optimal solutions. A dynamic programming algorithm of low complexity which computes the optimal solution is presented. It is shown both analytically and experimentally that the file-placement solution output by our algorithm outperforms existing en-route caching policies. The optimal placement of web files can be implemented with a reasonable level of cache coordination and management overhead for en-route caching; and importantly, it can be achieved with or without using data prefetching