5 research outputs found

    Centroidal bases in graphs

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    We introduce the notion of a centroidal locating set of a graph GG, that is, a set LL of vertices such that all vertices in GG are uniquely determined by their relative distances to the vertices of LL. A centroidal locating set of GG of minimum size is called a centroidal basis, and its size is the centroidal dimension CD(G)CD(G). This notion, which is related to previous concepts, gives a new way of identifying the vertices of a graph. The centroidal dimension of a graph GG is lower- and upper-bounded by the metric dimension and twice the location-domination number of GG, respectively. The latter two parameters are standard and well-studied notions in the field of graph identification. We show that for any graph GG with nn vertices and maximum degree at least~2, (1+o(1))lnnlnlnnCD(G)n1(1+o(1))\frac{\ln n}{\ln\ln n}\leq CD(G) \leq n-1. We discuss the tightness of these bounds and in particular, we characterize the set of graphs reaching the upper bound. We then show that for graphs in which every pair of vertices is connected via a bounded number of paths, CD(G)=Ω(E(G))CD(G)=\Omega\left(\sqrt{|E(G)|}\right), the bound being tight for paths and cycles. We finally investigate the computational complexity of determining CD(G)CD(G) for an input graph GG, showing that the problem is hard and cannot even be approximated efficiently up to a factor of o(logn)o(\log n). We also give an O(nlnn)O\left(\sqrt{n\ln n}\right)-approximation algorithm

    A simple axiomatization of the median procedure on median graphs

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    A profile = (x1, ..., xk), of length k, in a finite connected graph G is a sequence of vertices of G, with repetitions allowed. A median x of is a vertex for which the sum of the distances from x to the vertices in the profile is minimum. The median function finds the set of all medians of a profile. Medians are important in location theory and consensus theory. A median graph is a graph for which every profile of length 3 has a unique median. Median graphs are well studied. They arise in many arenas, and have many applications. We establish a succinct axiomatic characterization of the median procedure on median graphs. This is a simplification of the characterization given by McMorris, Mulder and Roberts [17] in 1998. We show that the median procedure can be characterized on the class of all median graphs with only three simple and intuitively appealing axioms: anonymity, betweenness and consistency. We also extend a key result of the same paper, characterizing the median function for profiles of even length on median graphs

    Five axioms for location functions on median graphs

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    __Abstract__ In previous work, two axiomatic characterizations were given for the median function on median graphs: one involving the three simple and natural axioms anonymity, betweenness and consistency; the other involving faithfulness, consistency and ½-Condorcet. To date, the independence of these axioms has not been a serious point of study. The aim of this paper is to provide the missing answers. The independent subsets of these five axioms are determined precisely and examples provided in each case on arbitrary median graphs. There are three cases that stand out. Here non-trivial examples and proofs are needed to give a full answer. Extensive use of the structure of median graphs is used throughout

    Centers of complex networks

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    The central vertices in complex networks are of particular interest because they might play the role of organizational hubs. Here, we consider three different geometric centrality measures, excentricity, status, and centroid value, that were originally used in the context of resource placement problems. We show that these quantities lead to useful descriptions of the centers of biological networks which often, but not always, correlate with a purely local notion of centrality such as the vertex degree. We introduce the notion of local centers as local optima of a centrality value “landscape” on a network and discuss briefly their role

    Examining Clandestine Social Networks for the Presence of Non-Random Structure

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    This thesis develops a tractable, statistically sound hypothesis testing framework for the detection, characterization, and estimation of non-random structure in clandestine social networks. Network structure is studied via an observed adjacency matrix, which is assumed to be subject to sampling variability. The vertex set of the network is partitioned into k mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive subsets, based on available exogenous nodal attribute information. The proposed hypothesis testing framework is employed to statistically quantify a given partition\u27s relativity in explaining the variability in the observed adjacency matrix relative to what can be explained by chance. As a result, valuable insight into the true structure of the network can be obtained. Those partitions that are found to be statistically significant are then used as a basis for estimating the probability that a relationship tie exists between any two vertices in the complete vertex set of the network. The proposed methodology aids in the reduction of the amount of data required for a given network, focusing analyses on those attributes that are most promising. Ample effort is given to both model demonstration and application, including an example using open-source data, illustrating the potential use for the defense community and others