2,535 research outputs found

    EyeSpot: leveraging gaze to protect private text content on mobile devices from shoulder surfing

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    As mobile devices allow access to an increasing amount of private data, using them in public can potentially leak sensitive information through shoulder surfing. This includes personal private data (e.g., in chat conversations) and business-related content (e.g., in emails). Leaking the former might infringe on users’ privacy, while leaking the latter is considered a breach of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation as of May 2018. This creates a need for systems that protect sensitive data in public. We introduce EyeSpot, a technique that displays content through a spot that follows the user’s gaze while hiding the rest of the screen from an observer’s view through overlaid masks. We explore different configurations for EyeSpot in a user study in terms of users’ reading speed, text comprehension, and perceived workload. While our system is a proof of concept, we identify crystallized masks as a promising design candidate for further evaluation with regard to the security of the system in a shoulder surfing scenario

    Olfoto: designing a smell-based interaction

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    We present a study into the use of smell for searching digi-tal photo collections. Many people now have large photo libraries on their computers and effective search tools are needed. Smell has a strong link to memory and emotion so may be a good way to cue recall when searching. Our study compared text and smell based tagging. For the first stage we generated a set of smell and tag names from user de-scriptions of photos, participants then used these to tag pho-tos, returning two weeks later to answer questions on their photos. Results showed that participants could tag effec-tively with text labels, as this is a common and familiar task. Performance with smells was lower but participants performed significantly above chance, with some partici-pants using smells well. This suggests that smell has poten-tial. Results also showed that some smells were consistently identified and useful, but some were not and highlighted issues with smell delivery devices. We also discuss some practical issues of using smell for interaction

    Beyond multimedia adaptation: Quality of experience-aware multi-sensorial media delivery

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    Multiple sensorial media (mulsemedia) combines multiple media elements which engage three or more of human senses, and as most other media content, requires support for delivery over the existing networks. This paper proposes an adaptive mulsemedia framework (ADAMS) for delivering scalable video and sensorial data to users. Unlike existing two-dimensional joint source-channel adaptation solutions for video streaming, the ADAMS framework includes three joint adaptation dimensions: video source, sensorial source, and network optimization. Using an MPEG-7 description scheme, ADAMS recommends the integration of multiple sensorial effects (i.e., haptic, olfaction, air motion, etc.) as metadata into multimedia streams. ADAMS design includes both coarse- and fine-grained adaptation modules on the server side: mulsemedia flow adaptation and packet priority scheduling. Feedback from subjective quality evaluation and network conditions is used to develop the two modules. Subjective evaluation investigated users' enjoyment levels when exposed to mulsemedia and multimedia sequences, respectively and to study users' preference levels of some sensorial effects in the context of mulsemedia sequences with video components at different quality levels. Results of the subjective study inform guidelines for an adaptive strategy that selects the optimal combination for video segments and sensorial data for a given bandwidth constraint and user requirement. User perceptual tests show how ADAMS outperforms existing multimedia delivery solutions in terms of both user perceived quality and user enjoyment during adaptive streaming of various mulsemedia content. In doing so, it highlights the case for tailored, adaptive mulsemedia delivery over traditional multimedia adaptive transport mechanisms

    Prototype gesture recognition interface for vehicular head-up display system

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    S(C)ENTINEL - monitoring automated vehicles with olfactory reliability displays

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    Overreliance in technology is safety-critical and it is assumed that this could have been a main cause of severe accidents with automated vehicles. To ease the complex task of per- manently monitoring vehicle behavior in the driving en- vironment, researchers have proposed to implement relia- bility/uncertainty displays. Such displays allow to estimate whether or not an upcoming intervention is likely. However, presenting uncertainty just adds more visual workload on drivers, who might also be engaged in secondary tasks. We suggest to use olfactory displays as a potential solution to communicate system uncertainty and conducted a user study (N=25) in a high-fidelity driving simulator. Results of the ex- periment (conditions: no reliability display, purely visual reliability display, and visual-olfactory reliability display) comping both objective (task performance) and subjective (technology acceptance model, trust scales, semi-structured interviews) measures suggest that olfactory notifications could become a valuable extension for calibrating trust in automated vehicles

    Logging Stress and Anxiety Using a Gamified Mobile-based EMA Application, and Emotion Recognition Using a Personalized Machine Learning Approach

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    According to American Psychological Association (APA) more than 9 in 10 (94 percent) adults believe that stress can contribute to the development of major health problems, such as heart disease, depression, and obesity. Due to the subjective nature of stress, and anxiety, it has been demanding to measure these psychological issues accurately by only relying on objective means. In recent years, researchers have increasingly utilized computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms to develop scalable and accessible solutions for remote mental health monitoring via web and mobile applications. To further enhance accuracy in the field of digital health and precision diagnostics, there is a need for personalized machine-learning approaches that focus on recognizing mental states based on individual characteristics, rather than relying solely on general-purpose solutions. This thesis focuses on conducting experiments aimed at recognizing and assessing levels of stress and anxiety in participants. In the initial phase of the study, a mobile application with broad applicability (compatible with both Android and iPhone platforms) is introduced (we called it STAND). This application serves the purpose of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). Participants receive daily notifications through this smartphone-based app, which redirects them to a screen consisting of three components. These components include a question that prompts participants to indicate their current levels of stress and anxiety, a rating scale ranging from 1 to 10 for quantifying their response, and the ability to capture a selfie. The responses to the stress and anxiety questions, along with the corresponding selfie photographs, are then analyzed on an individual basis. This analysis focuses on exploring the relationships between self-reported stress and anxiety levels and potential facial expressions indicative of stress and anxiety, eye features such as pupil size variation and eye closure, and specific action units (AUs) observed in the frames over time. In addition to its primary functions, the mobile app also gathers sensor data, including accelerometer and gyroscope readings, on a daily basis. This data holds potential for further analysis related to stress and anxiety. Furthermore, apart from capturing selfie photographs, participants have the option to upload video recordings of themselves while engaging in two neuropsychological games. These recorded videos are then subjected to analysis in order to extract pertinent features that can be utilized for binary classification of stress and anxiety (i.e., stress and anxiety recognition). The participants that will be selected for this phase are students aged between 18 and 38, who have received recent clinical diagnoses indicating specific stress and anxiety levels. In order to enhance user engagement in the intervention, gamified elements - an emerging trend to influence user behavior and lifestyle - has been utilized. Incorporating gamified elements into non-game contexts (e.g., health-related) has gained overwhelming popularity during the last few years which has made the interventions more delightful, engaging, and motivating. In the subsequent phase of this research, we conducted an AI experiment employing a personalized machine learning approach to perform emotion recognition on an established dataset called Emognition. This experiment served as a simulation of the future analysis that will be conducted as part of a more comprehensive study focusing on stress and anxiety recognition. The outcomes of the emotion recognition experiment in this study highlight the effectiveness of personalized machine learning techniques and bear significance for the development of future diagnostic endeavors. For training purposes, we selected three models, namely KNN, Random Forest, and MLP. The preliminary performance accuracy results for the experiment were 93%, 95%, and 87% respectively for these models

    Digital Traces of the Mind::Using Smartphones to Capture Signals of Well-Being in Individuals

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    General context and questions Adolescents and young adults typically use their smartphone several hours a day. Although there are concerns about how such behaviour might affect their well-being, the popularity of these powerful devices also opens novel opportunities for monitoring well-being in daily life. If successful, monitoring well-being in daily life provides novel opportunities to develop future interventions that provide personalized support to individuals at the moment they require it (just-in-time adaptive interventions). Taking an interdisciplinary approach with insights from communication, computational, and psychological science, this dissertation investigated the relation between smartphone app use and well-being and developed machine learning models to estimate an individual’s well-being based on how they interact with their smartphone. To elucidate the relation between smartphone trace data and well-being and to contribute to the development of technologies for monitoring well-being in future clinical practice, this dissertation addressed two overarching questions:RQ1: Can we find empirical support for theoretically motivated relations between smartphone trace data and well-being in individuals? RQ2: Can we use smartphone trace data to monitor well-being in individuals?Aims The first aim of this dissertation was to quantify the relation between the collected smartphone trace data and momentary well-being at the sample level, but also for each individual, following recent conceptual insights and empirical findings in psychological, communication, and computational science. A strength of this personalized (or idiographic) approach is that it allows us to capture how individuals might differ in how smartphone app use is related to their well-being. Considering such interindividual differences is important to determine if some individuals might potentially benefit from spending more time on their smartphone apps whereas others do not or even experience adverse effects. The second aim of this dissertation was to develop models for monitoring well-being in daily life. The present work pursued this transdisciplinary aim by taking a machine learning approach and evaluating to what extent we might estimate an individual’s well-being based on their smartphone trace data. If such traces can be used for this purpose by helping to pinpoint when individuals are unwell, they might be a useful data source for developing future interventions that provide personalized support to individuals at the moment they require it (just-in-time adaptive interventions). With this aim, the dissertation follows current developments in psychoinformatics and psychiatry, where much research resources are invested in using smartphone traces and similar data (obtained with smartphone sensors and wearables) to develop technologies for detecting whether an individual is currently unwell or will be in the future. Data collection and analysis This work combined novel data collection techniques (digital phenotyping and experience sampling methodology) for measuring smartphone use and well-being in the daily lives of 247 student participants. For a period up to four months, a dedicated application installed on participants’ smartphones collected smartphone trace data. In the same time period, participants completed a brief smartphone-based well-being survey five times a day (for 30 days in the first month and 30 days in the fourth month; up to 300 assessments in total). At each measurement, this survey comprised questions about the participants’ momentary level of procrastination, stress, and fatigue, while sleep duration was measured in the morning. Taking a time-series and machine learning approach to analysing these data, I provide the following contributions: Chapter 2 investigates the person-specific relation between passively logged usage of different application types and momentary subjective procrastination, Chapter 3 develops machine learning methodology to estimate sleep duration using smartphone trace data, Chapter 4 combines machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence to discover smartphone-tracked digital markers of momentary subjective stress, Chapter 5 uses a personalized machine learning approach to evaluate if smartphone trace data contains behavioral signs of fatigue. Collectively, these empirical studies provide preliminary answers to the overarching questions of this dissertation.Summary of results With respect to the theoretically motivated relations between smartphone trace data and wellbeing (RQ1), we found that different patterns in smartphone trace data, from time spent on social network, messenger, video, and game applications to smartphone-tracked sleep proxies, are related to well-being in individuals. The strength and nature of this relation depends on the individual and app usage pattern under consideration. The relation between smartphone app use patterns and well-being is limited in most individuals, but relatively strong in a minority. Whereas some individuals might benefit from using specific app types, others might experience decreases in well-being when spending more time on these apps. With respect to the question whether we might use smartphone trace data to monitor well-being in individuals (RQ2), we found that smartphone trace data might be useful for this purpose in some individuals and to some extent. They appear most relevant in the context of sleep monitoring (Chapter 3) and have the potential to be included as one of several data sources for monitoring momentary procrastination (Chapter 2), stress (Chapter 4), and fatigue (Chapter 5) in daily life. Outlook Future interdisciplinary research is needed to investigate whether the relationship between smartphone use and well-being depends on the nature of the activities performed on these devices, the content they present, and the context in which they are used. Answering these questions is essential to unravel the complex puzzle of developing technologies for monitoring well-being in daily life.<br/