138,358 research outputs found

    Independent Evaluation of the uses of Espresso online digital resources in primary schools:Final Report - Management, Time and Cost Benefits

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    In 2010, Espresso commissioned an academically-based and fully independent evaluation study to explore outcomes of uses of its online resources in primary schools. The aims of the study were to explore how Espresso resources are used to support teaching and learning, to assess cost and associated benefits arising, and to explore whether levels or types of use in schools might be associated with measures of pupil achievement and school performance. The evaluation that was undertaken drew on a range of different forms of evidence, analysed in ways to match the needs of the specific aims being explored. In order to make the full report of the study and its findings more easily accessible, and to enable the reader to focus on selected aspects of specific interest, the entire report has been divided into four sections. Section 1 Summary – this section contains two main elements, Report Headlines and an Executive Summary. Section 2 School Uses and Learning Impacts – this includes an introduction and background to the study, details of the structure of the study relating to school uses and learning impacts, descriptions of schools providing evidence, details of how Espresso resources are used in schools and learning outcomes related to these, the pedagogies that teachers adopt when using the resources, and key aspects of learning that are impacted by uses of Espresso resources. Section 3 Management, Time and Cost Benefits – this includes an introduction and background to the study, details of the structure of the study relating to management, time and cost benefits, details of benefits arising, and how these are calculated at school and wider levels. Section 4 Attainment and Usage Levels – this includes an introduction and background to the study, details of the structure of the study relating to attainment, performance and usage levels, the forms of data that were gathered and used for this element of the study, and the forms of analysis that were undertaken, together with a range of detailed statistical findings

    Good practice guidance for the providers of search

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    Teachers Tv annual review 2009 Dcsf-rr188

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    System upgrade: realising the vision for UK education

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    A report summarising the findings of the TEL programme in the wider context of technology-enhanced learning and offering recommendations for future strategy in the area was launched on 13th June at the House of Lords to a group of policymakers, technologists and practitioners chaired by Lord Knight. The report – a major outcome of the programme – is written by TEL director Professor Richard Noss and a team of experts in various fields of technology-enhanced learning. The report features the programme’s 12 recommendations for using technology-enhanced learning to upgrade UK education

    Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan of Action

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    Outlines a community education movement to implement Knight's 2009 recommendation to enhance digital and media literacy. Suggests local, regional, state, and national initiatives such as teacher education and parent outreach and discusses challenges

    ICT research bursaries : a compendium of research reports a report on the ICT Research Bursaries 2002–03

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    An assessment of the ways in which teachers evaluate software, Bridging the gap: ICT in the transition year, Colouring outside the lines: research into the potential of using new digital technologies to increase home-school interactivity in a conductive education environment, The development and use of a computer-based model for assessing thinking skills, The Hedley Walter High School: cultural change in learning through the use of new technologies, ICT and subject literacies: a study of the relationship between ICT and subject literacies in the secondary school, An investigation into the visual and kinaesthetic affordances of interactive whiteboards, Making IT happen: patterns of ICT use among a group of UK school staff, Networking success: an investigation of the effectiveness of the Birmingham Grid for Learning's ICT Research Network, The Ripple Project: the whole school impact of conducting learner-centred ICT projects in infant classrooms, The use of interactive whiteboards in the primary school: effects on pedagogy, Video conferencing in the mathematics lesson, Trainee teachers and 'impact' learning: A study of trainees' views on what helps them to use ICT effectively in their subject teaching, An investigation of how different ways of presenting information using ICT may affect children's thinking, New Opportunities Funding: Did it work? A follow-up to NOF training, The HomE-Work Project, e-Learning in broadband-connected classrooms, Digital video and bilingual children with special educational needs: Supporting literacy activities, Sustainability and evolution of ICT-supported classroom practice, The impact of prior technological experiences on children's ability to use play as a medium for developing capability with new ICT tools, How can the use of an interactive whiteboard enhance the nature of teaching and learning in secondary mathematics and modern foreign languages?, Already at a disadvantage? ICT in the home and children's preparation for primary school, The impact of technology on children with physical disabilities: an evaluative case study at a special school in the West Midlands, Bedding in: factors that facilitate implementation and integration of ICT in classroom practice, Developing a networked learning community with ICT - learning the hard way, Exploring the elements that make an effective web-based science lesso

    Investing in Knowledge: Insights on the Funding Landscape for Research on Inequality Among Young People in the United States

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    This report maps the current funding environment for research on understanding and addressing social and economic inequality among young people in the U.S. To situate the existing funding landscape, I begin with a broad articulation of what is meant by inequality. Next, I characterize the structure of the funding landscape before turning to a description of three primary approaches used by funders to support research on inequality among young people in the U.S. These characterizations emerged from a set of informant interviews with social science researchers and foundation and government funders and a document scan of funder's websites. The report concludes with a brief discussion of potential strategies funding organizations could use to improve efforts to understand and address inequality among young people in the U.S

    Educational interventions to improve people's understanding of key concepts in assessing the effects of health interventions: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Health information is readily accessible but is of variable quality. General knowledge about how to assess whether claims about health interventions are trustworthy is not common, so people’s health decisions can be ill-informed, unnecessarily costly and even unsafe. This review aims to identify and evaluate studies of educational interventions designed to improve people’s understanding of key concepts for evaluating claims about the effects of health interventions. Methods/Design We searched multiple electronic databases and sources of grey literature. Inclusion criteria included all study types that included a comparison, any participants (except health professionals or health professional students) and educational interventions aimed at improving people’s understanding of one or more of the key concepts considered necessary for assessing health intervention claims. Knowledge and/or understanding of concepts or skills relevant to evaluating health information were our primary outcome measures. Secondary outcomes included behaviour, confidence, attitude and satisfaction with the educational interventions. Two authors independently screened search results, assessed study eligibility and risk of bias and extracted data. Results were summarised using descriptive synthesis. Results Among 24 eligible studies, 14 were randomised trials and 10 used other study designs. There was heterogeneity across study participants, settings and educational intervention type, content and delivery. The risk of bias was high in at least one domain for all randomised studies. Most studies measured outcomes immediately after the educational intervention, with few measuring later. In most of the comparisons, measures of knowledge and skills were better among those who had received educational interventions than among controls, and some of these differences were statistically significant. The effects on secondary outcomes were inconsistent. Conclusions Educational interventions to improve people’s understanding of key concepts for evaluating health intervention claims can improve people’s knowledge and skills, at least in the short term. Effects on confidence, attitude and behaviour are uncertain. Many of the studies were at moderate or greater risk of bias. Improvements in study quality, consistency of outcome measures and measures of longer-term effects are needed to improve confidence in estimates of the effects of educational interventions to improve people’s understanding of key concepts for evaluating health intervention claims. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD4201603310

    Responsible research and innovation in science education: insights from evaluating the impact of using digital media and arts-based methods on RRI values

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    The European Commission policy approach of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is gaining momentum in European research planning and development as a strategy to align scientific and technological progress with socially desirable and acceptable ends. One of the RRI agendas is science education, aiming to foster future generations' acquisition of skills and values needed to engage in society responsibly. To this end, it is argued that RRI-based science education can benefit from more interdisciplinary methods such as those based on arts and digital technologies. However, the evidence existing on the impact of science education activities using digital media and arts-based methods on RRI values remains underexplored. This article comparatively reviews previous evidence on the evaluation of these activities, from primary to higher education, to examine whether and how RRI-related learning outcomes are evaluated and how these activities impact on students' learning. Forty academic publications were selected and its content analysed according to five RRI values: creative and critical thinking, engagement, inclusiveness, gender equality and integration of ethical issues. When evaluating the impact of digital and arts-based methods in science education activities, creative and critical thinking, engagement and partly inclusiveness are the RRI values mainly addressed. In contrast, gender equality and ethics integration are neglected. Digital-based methods seem to be more focused on students' questioning and inquiry skills, whereas those using arts often examine imagination, curiosity and autonomy. Differences in the evaluation focus between studies on digital media and those on arts partly explain differences in their impact on RRI values, but also result in non-documented outcomes and undermine their potential. Further developments in interdisciplinary approaches to science education following the RRI policy agenda should reinforce the design of the activities as well as procedural aspects of the evaluation research

    Harnessing Technology: new modes of technology-enhanced learning: action research, March 2009

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    5 action research studie
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