5 research outputs found

    A quantitative aesthetic measurement method for product appearance design

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    Product appearance is one of the crucial factors that influence consumers’ purchase decisions. The attractiveness of product appearance is mainly determined by the inherent aesthetics of the design composition related to the arrangement of visual design elements. Hence, it is critical to study and improve the arrangement of visual design elements for product appearance design. Strategies that apply aesthetic design principles to assist designers in effectively arranging visual design elements are widely acknowledged in both academia and industry. However, applying aesthetic design principles relies heavily on the designer’s perception and experience, while it is rather challenging for novice designers. Meanwhile, it is hard to measure and quantify design aesthetics in designing artefacts when designers refer to existing successful designs. In this regard, this study aims to introduce a method that assists designers in applying aesthetic design principles to improve the attractiveness of product appearance. Furthermore, formulas for aesthetic measurement based on aesthetic design principles are also developed, and it makes an early attempt to provide quantified aesthetic measurements of design artefacts. A case study on camera design was conducted to demonstrate the merits of the proposed method where the improved strategies for the camera appearance design offer insights for concept generation in product appearance design based on aesthetic design principles

    Research on the association mechanism and evaluation model between fNIRS data and aesthetic quality in product aesthetic quality evaluation

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    Aesthetic quality evaluation has been an important research question in the field of user experience in product design. However, the feasibility and accuracy of using fNIRS data for product aesthetic quality evaluation are unknown. In this paper, we analyze the correlation and association between fNIRS data and aesthetic quality and designed a product aesthetic quality evaluation model to answer this question. We find that HBO2 data in the prefrontal (S19-D11), frontal (S4-D3), temporal (S3-D1), and parietal (S8-D8) regions of the brain have significant correlations and logistic relationships with high visual product aesthetic quality, whereas HBO2 data in the prefrontal (S19-D11) and parietal (S8-D8) regions of the brain have significant correlations and association relationships. These data can be used for products aesthetic quality evaluation. Importantly, the overall prediction accuracy of the model to evaluate products’ aesthetic quality is 84.1%. The model is therefore able to better distinguish and evaluate the aesthetic quality of products. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using fNIRS data to evaluate the aesthetic quality of products and shows that the product aesthetic quality evaluation model can provide an objective and accurate decision-making reference to help designers evaluate and improve the aesthetic quality of products

    A 3D shape generative method for aesthetic product design

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    [EN] This work describes a generative method for the exploration of product shapes in the conceptual design stage. The method is based on three concepts: the notion of grammars to capture product appearance, the implementation of sketching transformation rules to produce design variations and the use of a parametric modeller to build shapes. We represent product solutions as 3D sketches using combinations of basic shapes arranged in simple and schematic product structures. This procedure allows creating many varied configurations with a minimal number of shapes, and facilitates the adaptation of the generative model to different products. The performance of the method is demonstrated through several examples from the literature.Alcaide-Marzal, J.; Diego-Mas, JA.; Acosta-Zazueta, G. (2020). A 3D shape generative method for aesthetic product design. Design Studies. 66:144-176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2019.11.003S14417666Agarwal, M., & Cagan, J. (1998). A Blend of Different Tastes: The Language of Coffeemakers. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 25(2), 205-226. doi:10.1068/b250205Alcaide-Marzal, J., Diego-Más, J. A., Asensio-Cuesta, S., & Piqueras-Fiszman, B. (2013). An exploratory study on the use of digital sculpting in conceptual product design. Design Studies, 34(2), 264-284. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2012.09.001Aqeel, A. B. (2015). Development of Visual Aspect of Porsche Brand using CAD Technology. Procedia Technology, 20, 170-177. doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2015.07.028Bernal, M., Haymaker, J. R., & Eastman, C. (2015). On the role of computational support for designers in action. Design Studies, 41, 163-182. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2015.08.001Chang, Y.-S., Chien, Y.-H., Lin, H.-C., Chen, M. Y., & Hsieh, H.-H. (2016). Effects of 3D CAD applications on the design creativity of students with different representational abilities. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 107-113. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.08.024Chase, S. C. (2002). 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