15 research outputs found

    Strategic Framework to Maintenance Decision Support Systems

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    AbstractIn current global markets the maintenance can be considered key to assurance the required function of equipments and low life cycle costs of productive equipments. In this context, the Maintenance Decision Support Systems can be relevant as strategic framework. Accordingly, in this paper, the main objective is integrating the strategic functions with Balanced Score-Card, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, where the Key Performance Indicators are associated to goals of company. The core of this purpose is to maximize the efficiency of the plant through maintenance. The decisional problem has been modelled with four production areas, as alternatives, that were pre-selected by experts. Commercial package Expert Choice has been used to model the problem and to analyse the results. A purely strategic approach has been followed to maintenance in the industrial business; results serve as input in tactical scope

    The evaluation of quality goals at the process level in a uncertain environment

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    Poboljšanje poslovnih procesa ostvaruje se između ostalog poboljšanjem ciljeva kvaliteta koji su definisani na nivou svakog procesa. U praksi nije moguće da se istovremeno izvrši poboljšanje svih identifikovanih ciljeva kvaliteta. Neophodno je da vrednosti ciljeva kvaliteta budu određene primenom odgovarajuće metrike. Prema dobijenim vrednostima ciljeva kvaliteta, menadžment tim određuje redosled poboljšanja ciljeva kvaliteta. U ovom radu, relativan odnos važnosti svakog para identifikovanih ciljeva kvaliteta zadat je u matričnom obliku. Performanse ciljeva kvaliteta su opisane pomoću lingvističkih iskaza. Svi lingvistički iskazi su modelirani trougaonim fazi brojevima. Nov model za ocenu vrednosti ciljeva kvaliteta sa respektovanjem njihove relativne važnosti je predložen. Razvijeni model je testiran ilustrativnim primerom u kome egzistiraju podaci procesa razvoja jednog preduzeća koje funkcioniše u realnom okruženju.Improvement of business processes is achieved, among the other, through improvement of quality goals which are defined on the level of each process. In practice, it is not possible to improve all identified quality goals simultaneously. It is assumed that it is necessary that the quality goals values be determined by applying determined metrics. With respect to given values of quality goals, management team determines the order by which quality goals are improved. In this paper, the relative importance of quality goals is stated by fuzzy pair-wise comparison matrix. The performances of quality goals are described by linguistic expressions. All linguistic expressions are modeled by triangular fuzzy numbers. The new model for evaluation of quality goal values with respect to their relative importance is proposed. The developed model is tested by illustrative example with real life data of development process


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    Business Process Management (BPM) includes methods and techniques to support the execution of business processes. In recent years, Adaptive Case Management (ACM) has been proposed as new BPM technology for supporting knowledge-intensive processes. However, there is currently no structured way of quickly deciding upon the suitability of an ACM system to a specific business process. This paper presents a framework for assessing to which extent ACM is suitable for a particular business process. It distinguishes between process characteristics that ACM can support, characteristics that ACM can support but are not ideal, and characteristics that ACM cannot support. The framework also explains the rationale behind each assessment, and refers to alternatives in case ACM is not suitable for the process that needs to be supported. Thus, the framework provides a transparent and useful advice about which kind of BPM technology is most suitable to support a business process to the best extent. A preliminary evaluation of the framework has been carried out in collaboration with an IT consultancy company that advises its clients on BPM technology

    Assessing suitability of adaptive case management

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    Business Process Management (BPM) includes methods and techniques to support the execution of business processes. In recent years, Adaptive Case Management (ACM) has been proposed as new BPM technology for supporting knowledge-intensive processes. However, there is currently no structured way of quickly deciding upon the suitability of an ACM system to a specific business process. This paper presents a framework for assessing to which extent ACM is suitable for a particular business process. It distinguishes between process characteristics that ACM can support, characteristics that ACM can support but are not ideal, and characteristics that ACM cannot support. The framework also explains the rationale behind each assessment, and refers to alternatives in case ACM is not suitable for the process that needs to be supported. Thus, the framework provides a transparent and useful advice about which kind of BPM technology is most suitable to support a business process to the best extent. A preliminary evaluation of the framework has been carried out in collaboration with an IT consultancy company that advises its clients on BPM technology

    Understanding the Success Factors in Adopting Business Process Management Software: Case Studies

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    A number of studies on the successes and failures of business process management (BPM) have been conducted with the aim of identifying BPM adoption success factors. The complex and comprehensive nature of BPM has resulted in the lack of a generally accepted framework for successful BPM adoption. One general means of ensuring BPM success is through the adoption of business process management software (BPMS). The fact that there is currently no consensus as to a generally accepted definition of BPM software makes it difficult to define the criteria for its selection. There are several reasons for this: (i) the size and complexity of the field, (ii) determining business needs is not always straightforward, and (iii) the BPM software market is complex and its features and capabilities vary greatly across vendors. In this article, we examine the contextual and technical perspectives of BPMS adoption and related critical success factors (CSF). The goal of this study was to propose BPMS selection guidelines with regard to the organizational, environmental and technological CSFs of BPMS adoption, to support decision makers in selecting the right BPMS. To accomplish this, we applied a multiple-case study approach and carried out a set of interviews in companies that have fully or partly adopted BPMS. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather quantitative data for those topics that can be evaluated numerically, and qualitative contextual (organizational and environmental) CSFs relevant for BPMS adoption success

    Metaplanning: About designing the Geodesign process

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    Geodesign entails complex processes involving multidisciplinary teams of professionals supporting stakeholders and communities in devising and choosing sustainable future development scenarios for their territories. The roles and the relationships among the actors may vary according to the underlying planning paradigm or style which the local normative and socio-cultural factors shape in the actual practices. Methods and tools to be used in the process phases may vary accordingly. A Geodesign study is characterised by the integrated usage of Geographic Information Science methods and tools to transform spatial data into relevant knowledge for informed design and decision-making. Thus, central to Geodesign are such issues as how to design and manage such complex processes, and how to orchestrate digital methods and tools in Geodesign support systems architectures. To address these challenges, the concept of metaplanning is proposed as an aid to the design of Geodesign processes. Expected benefits of the metaplanning exercise include better process understanding by the participants, improvements in management, and enhanced process transparency and accountability. Moreover, metaplanning may drive the integration of digital information technologies to support the Geodesign workflows.After the formalization of the concept, a Business Process Management (BPM) approach to metaplanning is proposed for its operationalization, aiming at both improving the Geodesign process and easing the creation of process-oriented 2nd generation Planning Support Systems. After a critical discussion on the possible advantages of the metaplanning approach to the design of process-oriented Geodesign workflows and support systems, issues setting the future research agenda in this domain are outlined

    Performance Evaluation of Aircraft Maintenance Department Using Integration Fuzzy AHP and BSC Approach in Iran

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    In a competitive environment changes rapidly occur therefore managers of organizations facing some challenges such as identifying important factors affecting organizational optimum usage of available resources. Thus, organizational performance evaluation is a crucial task to do and sensitive process in any industry. The objective of this study is to construct an approach based on the   balanced scorecard (BSC) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) for evaluating the aircraft maintenance department in Iran. The BSC concept is applied to define the hierarchy with four major perspectives (i.e. financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth), and performance indicators are selected for each perspective. A Fuzzy AHP (FAHP) approach is then proposed in order to tolerate vagueness and ambiguity of information. A FAHP information system is finally constructed to facilitate the solving process. The results provide guidance to the aircraft maintenance department in Iran regarding strategies for improving department performance. The results show that financial indicator (0.305) and learning and growth indicator (0.255) have higher impacts on the objective. The constructed information system is suggested to be a good tool for solving other multiple-criteria decision-making problems

    Bir imalat işletmesinde süreçlerle yönetim ve uzman sistem uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.KOBİ'ler ölçek ekonomisinin kendilerinden büyük rakiplerine sağladığı avantajdan dolayı rekabette geride kalmışlardır. Yönetimsel sorunlarını da aşamayan KOBİ'lerle büyük işletmeler arasındaki uçurum her geçen gün artmaktadır. Toplam Kalite Yönetimi felsefesinin devamında ortaya çıkan ?Süreçlerle Yönetim? felsefesi KOBİ'lerin daha verimli ve müşteri odaklı çalışmalarını sağlamak için bir fırsattır.Bu çalışma KOBİ'ler için bir çıkış yolu olarak süreçlerle yönetim felsefesini önermiş ve bir KOBİ'de yapılan uygulamayı uzman sistem uygulaması ile destekleyerek daha kolay uygulanabilir hale getirmeyi amaçlamıştır.SME?s are far behind in the competition with their larger rivals due to their larger rivals have the benefits of economics of scale. They also have lots of managerial inconveniences. Therefore the distinction between SME?s and their larger rivals increases day by day. Business Process Management, which evolved after the appearance of Total Quality Management, is a great opportunity for SME?s to increase their efficiency and customer satisfaction.This paper work proposes BPM as a solution to SME?s. It also aims to manage a BPM project in an SME and support this project with an expert system application

    Modelo para avaliar o desempenho da implementação da gestão de processos em uma empresa de manufatura

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2014.As empresas em todo o mundo estão sob pressão contínua para se diferenciarem em termos de qualidade, flexibilidade e inovação em seus produtos e serviços a fim de atender às exigências de um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. A gestão por processos de negócio ou business process management é um dos campos a lidar com esse cenário ao propor alavancar o desempenho da empresa através do redesenho, melhoria, implantação e monitoramento de seus processos. Dessa forma, a empresa foco desse estudo, adotou o BPM como prática de gestão e iniciou um programa mundial para viabilizar sua implementação em todas as suas unidades. Nesse contexto surgiu a necessidade de se construir uma ferramenta que, além de expandir o conhecimento do decisor acerca do seu contexto pudesse mensurar e oferecer recomendações de ações para melhorar o desempenho do ambiente, conforme os valores e preferências do decisor. Assim o objetivo dessa pesquisa é construir conhecimento no pesquisador e no decisor, sendo que a construção de conhecimento no pesquisador visa orientá-lo às oportunidades existentes na literatura sobre a gestão de processos de negócio do ponto de vista de seus resultados, já o conhecimento gerado no decisor tem por objetivo apoiar o processo de tomada de decisão no seu dia a dia. O trabalho iniciou com a aplicação do processo ProKnow-C para construir o portfolio bibliográfico de 16 artigos internacionais, bem citados e alinhados com o tema dessa pesquisa a partir de uma seleção de 2146 artigos em bases de dados de periódicos. A partir da seleção do portfólio, estatísticas descritivas são fornecidas a respeito dos periódicos em que foram publicados os artigos, os autores desses trabalhos e o seu reconhecimento científico (número de citações). Além disso, a forma como esses artigos tratam a avaliação de desempenho foi analisada a fim de identificar lacunas e oportunidades que direcionaram essa pesquisa. Para a construção do conhecimento no decisor foi utilizada a metodologia MCDA-C a qual possibilitou, por meio de suas fases de estruturação, avaliação e recomendações, identificar 61 conceitos que geraram 38 descritores, cujas escalas ordinais e cardinais possibilitaram avaliar o estado atual e propor ações de melhoria. Como resultado final o decisor, além de ter conseguido expandir seu conhecimento sobre seu contexto, dispõe agora de um modelo que lhe permite avaliar o impacto de suas ações em seus objetivos estratégicos e assim apoiar suas decisões gerenciais.2014-08-06T18:03:00