4 research outputs found

    Development and Evaluation of Blind Spot Detection Safety System Based on 2D-LiDAR Technology as an Optimization for ADAS Systems

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    Distracted driving poses a significant safety hazard and will only exacerbate as the number of modern-day distractions increases. To mitigate this problem, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) features, such as blind spot detection, have been pivotal for the safer operation of vehicles. Towards the same objective, the goal of this research is to utilize 2D LiDAR sensors to create a blind spot detection system that will detect objects and surfaces that are outside of the driver’s field of view. A comparative analysis was conducted by developing a 2D LiDAR-based system utilizing NVIDIA Jetson Orion Nano and Python alongside an ultrasonic-based system using Arduino Mega 2560 and an HC-SR04 sensor. Field trials were conducted at speeds of ten and fifteen miles per hour, revealing that the current 2D LiDAR system falls short compared to the ultrasonic counterpart. Specifically, the average method displayed inaccuracies, while the lowest distance method failed to return to the initial state after the target vehicle passed. Future enhancements are proposed, including code optimization and debugging. Transitioning to C++ could potentially increase the speed of the 2D LiDAR system, while improved debugging may enhance system reliability. These optimizations promise to render the 2D LiDAR system viable for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)

    Lightweight Trust Model with Machine Learning scheme for secure privacy in VANET

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    A vehicular ad hoc network (VANETs) is transforming public transport into a safer wireless network, increasing its safety and efficiency. The VANET consists of several nodes which include RSU (Roadside Units), vehicles, traffic signals, and other wireless communication devices that are communicating sensitive information in a network. Nevertheless, security threats are increasing day by day because of dependency on network infrastructure, dynamic nature, and control technologies used in VANET. The security threats could be addressed widely by using machine learning and artificial intelligence on the road transport nodes. In this paper, a comparison of trust and cryptography was presented based on applications and security requirements of VANET

    Low-power wide-area networks : design goals, architecture, suitability to use cases and research challenges

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    Previous survey articles on Low-Powered Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) lack a systematic analysis of the design goals of LPWAN and the design decisions adopted by various commercially available and emerging LPWAN technologies, and no study has analysed how their design decisions impact their ability to meet design goals. Assessing a technology's ability to meet design goals is essential in determining suitable technologies for a given application. To address these gaps, we have analysed six prominent design goals and identified the design decisions used to meet each goal in the eight LPWAN technologies, ranging from technical consideration to business model, and determined which specific technique in a design decision will help meet each goal to the greatest extent. System architecture and specifications are presented for those LPWAN solutions, and their ability to meet each design goal is evaluated. We outline seventeen use cases across twelve domains that require large low power network infrastructure and prioritise each design goal's importance to those applications as Low, Moderate, or High. Using these priorities and each technology's suitability for meeting design goals, we suggest appropriate LPWAN technologies for each use case. Finally, a number of research challenges are presented for current and future technologies. © 2013 IEEE

    Non-Line of Sight Test Scenario Generation for Connected Autonomous Vehicle

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    Connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) level 4-5 use sensors to perceive their environment. These sensors are able to detect only up to a certain range and this range can be further constrained by the presence of obstacles in its path or as a result of the geometry of the road, for example, at a junction. This is termed as a non-line of sight (NLOS) scenario where the ego vehicle (system under test) is unable to detect an oncoming dynamic object due to obstacles or the geometry of the road. A large body of work now exist which proposes methods for extending the perception horizon of CAV’s using vehicular communication and incorporating this into CAV algorithms ranging from obstacle detection to path planning and beyond. Such proposed new algorithms and entire systems needs testing and validating, which can be conducted through primarily two ways, on road testing and simulation. On-road testing can be extremely expensive and time-consuming and may not cover all possible test scenarios. Testing through simulation is inexpensive and has a better scenario space coverage. However, there is currently a dearth in simulated testing techniques that provides the environment to test technologies and algorithms developed for NLOS scenarios. This thesis puts forward a novel end-to-end framework for testing the abilities of a CAV through simulated generation of NLOS scenarios. This has been achieved through following the development process of Functional, Logical and Concrete scenarios along the V-model-based development process in ISO 26262. The process begins with the representation of the NLOS environment (including the digital environment) knowledge as a scalable ontology where Functional and Logical scenarios stand for different abstraction levels. The proposed new ontology comprises of six layers: ‘Environment’, ‘Road User’, ‘Object Type’, ‘Communication Network’, ‘Scene’ and ‘Scenario’. The ontology is modelled and validated in protégé software and exported to OWL API where the logical scenarios are generated and validated. An innumerable number of “concrete” scenarios are generated as a result of the possible combinations of the values from the domains of each concept’s attributes. This research puts forward a novel genetic- algorithm (GA) approach to search through the scenario space and filter out safety critical test scenarios. A critical NLOS scenario is one where a collision is highly likely because the ego vehicle was unable to detect an obstacle in time due to obstructions present in the line-of-sight of the sensors or created due to the road geometry. The metric proposed to identify critical scenarios which also acts as the GA’s fitness function uses the time-to-collision (TTC) and total stopping time (TST) metric. These generated critical scenarios and proposed fitness function have been validated through MATLAB simulation. Furthermore, this research incorporates the relevant knowledge of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technologies in the proposed ontology and uses the communication layer instances in the MATLAB simulation to support the testing of the increasing number of approaches that uses communications for alerting oncoming vehicles about imminent danger, or in other word, mitigating an otherwise critical scenario