242 research outputs found

    I Am the Agenda: Personal Salience, Agenda Selfying and Individual Name Building in Hybrid Media Settings

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    This theoretical paper introduces the notion of personal salience, expanding the traditional paradigm of agenda setting theory to encompass digital, online activities for the establishment of personal agendas. Self-agendas have been examined from many diverging points of view and competing perspectives. In this paper, we aim to place them within the precise categorization of the agenda setting paradigm. In its fifty-year history, scholars have examined the specific mechanisms and processes that render “issues” and “objects” salient. The current paper aims to classify personal agendas and personal salience as distinct typologies of mediated significance

    Facebook use by people with learning disabilities: The case for facilitated, guided autonomy

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    Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon. However, for people with learning disabilities, the platform presents many challenges. These relate to social skills, self-expression and avoiding exploitation or other hurtful experiences. This study explores factors relating to Facebook use or abstinence by this cohort; how these may be influenced by their learning disabilities, and how supporters can help mitigate any difficulties or barriers. In-depth interviews (n = 115) and observations of usage were conducted. The findings revealed that themes elicited centred around passive consumption of content, supporter controls, virtual connectivity, vicarious enjoyment and aspects concerning the projection of self. Factors related to non-use included a lack of knowledge or access to the platform. A case is made for supporters practicing ‘facilitated, guided autonomy’ by working with those whom they support to help evaluate ‘friend’ requests, compose posts and generally, emphasising their subservience to those whom they support, act as ‘Facebook assistants’

    Antecedents and consequences of co-creation value with a resolution of complex P2P relationships

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    Purpose This research addresses three questions: (i) What are the main factors influencing co-creation behaviour among peers in a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform? (ii) What are the key consequences of such behaviour? (iii) What are the main factors that positively influence a sense of commitment among peers in a P2P platform? Design This study used a positivist paradigm (quantitative method) to scrutinise the causal associations among the scale validation and causal configurations of influential factors by employing fsQCA (fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis). Findings The findings reveal the significance of co-creation behaviour in enhancing the sense of commitment in a P2P platform. Important implications for hospitality managers and researchers are highlighted. Practical Implication The findings of this research provide interesting insights for peer providers in a peer platform on how to enhance co-creation. They also offer guidelines on how to build a positive sense of commitment in the peer platform. Originality This research offers a unique theoretical contribution by investigating the antecedents and consequences of co-creation behaviour at the peer level. Drawing on complexity theory, the research also proposes two tenets supporting the managerial contribution by identifying and clarifying how co-creation behaviour and related constructs can lead to a sense of commitment between peers in a P2P platform

    Young Turkish Tourists’ Religious Tourism Motivations, Perceptions and Intentions About a Religious Destination: The Case Of Konya, Turkey

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    Young tourists represent over 20% of the tourism market and are an important element in current tourism activities. Cultural tourism, encompassing religious tourism, has increased in recent times, however, young tourists exhibit less preference for religious destinations, particularly within their own religions, compared to other options. Their preferences generally lean towards non-spiritual or secular motivations rather than religious based travel motivations. Within this context, this study aims to determine religious tourism motivations, perceptions and related behaviours of young tourists by evaluating their preferences and consumption patterns at religious sites. The study is undertaken on the basis of secondary research supported by primary surveys (n: 387) conducted with young Turkish tourists in Konya, an important religious destination in the central part of Turkey. According to the results, religious tourism attitudes and young tourists’ related behaviours have a high value and have an effect on their motivations and perceptions. Their consumption patterns are focused on religious and entertainment purposes and their preferences are generally based on resting and selfactualisation. Based on these findings, evaluations and suggestions about what needs to be oriented towards young tourists and how to draw more young tourists are presented. For religious tourism destination planners, this study offers some basic profiles and outputs to build useful strategies and to attract more active young tourists and provide useful marketing knowledge about young tourists for the purpose of making religious destinations more attractive to them

    The right to be forgotten on the Internet for children and teenagers. A survey in Spain

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    The right to be forgotten is one of the hallmarks of privacy regulation on the Internet. The article explores the arguments advocating for a right to be forgotten specifically in cases regarding children, and examines whether minors see the need for such a right. In doing so, it addresses criticism that children’s rights studies often fail to consider the views of minors. The methodology adopted consists firstly of a literary review on children’s right to be forgotten. This work was complemented by a survey of 652 children and teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18, from all Spanish regions, which offered evidence of their views on the right to be forgotten.El derecho al olvido es uno de los aspectos distintivos de la regulación de la privacidad en Internet. El artículo revisa los argumentos que apoyan la existencia de un derecho al olvido específico de los menores de edad, y estudia si los menores perciben la necesidad de este derecho. De esta forma se responde a la crítica, habitual en este tipo de trabajos propositivos, de no haber atendido a la opinión de los sujetos implicados. La metodología seguida tiene dos elementos esenciales. En primer lugar, se procede a una revisión de la literatura que ha tratado el tema del derecho al olvido de los menores en Internet. Se completa la investigación con una encuesta dirigida a niños y adolescentes entre 13 y 18 años, de todas las Comunidades Autónomicas de España, que ofrece evidencias sobre sus percepciones acerca del derecho al olvido en su uso de las redes sociales

    Categorizing Young Facebook Users Based On Their Differential Preference of Social Media Heuristics: A Q-Methodology Approach

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    Background: Social media have become an integral part of our modern society by providing platforms for users to create and exchange news, ideas, and information. The increasing use of social media has raised concerns about the reliability of the shared information, particularly information that is generated from anonymous users. Though prior studies have confirmed the important roles of heuristics and cues in the users’ evaluation of trustworthy information, there has been no research–to our knowledge–that categorized Facebook users based on their approaches to evaluating information credibility. Method: We employed Q-methodology to extract insights from 55 young Vietnamese users and to categorize them into different groups based on the distinct sets of heuristics that they used to evaluate the trustworthiness of online information on Facebook. Results: We identified four distinct types of young Facebook user groups that emerged based on their evaluation of online information trustworthiness. When evaluating online information trustworthiness on Facebook, these user groups assigned priorities differently to the characteristics of the online content, its original source, and the sharers or aggregators. We named these groups: (1) the balanced analyst, (2) the critical analyst, (3) the source analyst, and (4) the social network analyst. Conclusion: The findings offer insights that contribute to information processing literature. Moreover, marketing practitioners who aim to disseminate information effectively on social networks should take these user groups’ perspectives into consideration

    The development of IT identity due to social media use : antecedents and impact on computer-based office work during COVID-19 pandemic

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    IT identity is a relatively new concept in the area of Management Information Systems (MIS). Its importance has become increasingly pronounced as identity is one of the predictors of human behavior. At the same time, understanding the behavior of individuals when using information technology (IT) in the workplace represents the link between technology investments and increased performance through IT. In this respect, one of the most used communication technologies recently, social media, allows individuals to extensively experience different facets of their identities. The overall objective of this thesis is to understand the development of IT identity due to social media use and assess its impact on computer-based office work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three specific objectives were defined for this purpose. Thus, the thesis is structured in three papers that sought to respond to each of the specific objectives, which are: (i) identify the possible antecedents of the development of IT identity due to social media use, (ii) the connection between them and the three reflective dimensions that constitute the identity of IT and, finally, (iii) the impact of IT identity due to the use of social media in the organizational scope. The first paper is a theoretical study and proposes the adaptation and expansion of Carter's original theoretical model (2012) from the theoretical instances related to this technology and that can influence the development of IT identity due to social media use. As a result, a conceptual model was developed. Ten propositions related to the concepts derived from the literature and inserted in three main instances of IT identity development were presented due to the use of social media. The empirical investigation of the relationship between the antecedents of the model proposed in the first paper and the three dimensions of IT identity began in the second article of the thesis. For this purpose, a netnography was proposed and executed between 2019 and 2021. One of the paper's findings indicated that the frequency of use of WhatsApp can lead to precipitation of the most strongly polarized behavior and that one of the reflective dimensions of IT identity, relatedness with WhatsApp, can play a preponderant role in the precipitation of such behavior. From this result, in paper 3, a quantitative and exploratory study, based on duality theory, sought to develop and test hypotheses about how IT identity concerning social media can benefit, but at the same time bring negative consequences for computer-based office workers in the current period of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, a model was proposed showing the relationship between the dimensions of IT identity and four facets of the so-called New Ways of Working. Among the study's findings, it was verified that IT identity in relation to social media platforms could be a positive factor in preserving the cohesion of employees professional identity since feelings of affinity and emotional energy in relation to these technologies favored access to organizational knowledge and colleagues when working remotely. This thesis can contribute to expanding Carter's (2012) model to contemplate a class of IT as social media is constituted (paper 1). In turn, the expansion of the original model can potentially contribute to broadening the understanding of this technology's role in fostering polarized behavior in the use of WhatsApp, one of the most used social media these times(paper 2). Finally, in the third paper, the indication that the frequency of WhatsApp use may be associated with a strong IT identity about this technology (verified in paper 2) led to the proposition of a model to empirically test how the three dimensions of IT Identity in relation to the use of social media, directly and indirectly, influence the aspects of new ways of working for workers using computer devices to perform their duties. Emotional energy in relation to social media (i.e., prolonged feelings of confidence, enthusiasm, and energy toward social media) is positively related to superior performance when individuals direct it to their work use, allowing them to better handle the work-life conflict. The thesis presents limitations regarding its ability to inferences that were addressed in each of the papers. Similarly, suggestions for future research were presented in each paper. Finally, the conclusion chapter presents the integration of the thesis papers to form the complete study, the overview of research objectives, the main results, contributions to academia and practice, its limitations, and suggestions for future research.A identidade de TI é um conceito relativamente novo na área de Gestão de Sistemas de Informação (GSI). A sua importância tem se tornado cada vez mais acentuada na medida que a identidade é um dos preditores do comportamento humano. Paralelamente, a compreensão do comportamento dos indivíduos ao utilizar a tecnologia da informação (TI) no ambiente de trabalho representa o elo entre os investimentos em tecnologia e o aumento do desempenho por meio da TI. Sob esse aspecto, uma das tecnologias de comunicação mais usadas em tempos atuais, as mídias sociais, permitem de forma extensiva que os indivíduos experimentem diferentes facetas das suas identidades. O objetivo geral dessa tese é compreender o desenvolvimento da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais e avaliar o seu impacto para os trabalhadores de escritório que utilizam dispositivos computacionais para executar suas funções de trabalho durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19. Para isso foram definidos três objetivos específicos. Sendo assim, a tese está estruturada em três artigos que buscam responder a cada um dos objetivos específicos, quais são: (i) identificar os possíveis antecedentes do desenvolvimento da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais, (ii) a conexão entre eles e as três dimensões reflexivas que constituem a identidade de TI e, por fim, (iii) o impacto da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais no âmbito organizacional. O primeiro artigo, de natureza teórica, propõe a adaptação e expansão do modelo teórico original de Carter (2012) a partir das instâncias teóricas aderentes ao uso e que influenciam o desenvolvimento da identidade de TI pelo uso de mídias sociais. Como resultado, foi desenvolvido um modelo conceitual em que foram apresentadas dez proposições interrelacionando os conceitos derivados da literatura e inseridos em três instâncias principais de desenvolvimento da identidade de TI devido ao uso de mídias sociais. A investigação empírica da relação entre os antecedentes do modelo proposto no artigo 1 e as três dimensões da identidade de TI iniciou-se na sequência no segundo artigo da tese. Para isso foi proposta uma netnografia que foi executada entre 2019 e 2021. Um dos achados do artigo indicou que a frequência de uso do WhatsApp pode levar a precipitação do comportamento mais fortemente polarizado e que uma das dimensões reflexivas da identidade de TI, a afinidade com o WhatsApp, pode desempenhar um papel preponderante na precipitação de tal comportamento. A partir desse resultado, no artigo 3, de natureza quantitativa e exploratória, tendo como base a teoria da dualidade, buscou-se desenvolver e testar hipóteses sobre como a identidade de TI em relação às mídias sociais pode beneficiar, mas ao mesmo tempo trazer consequências negativas para os trabalhadores de escritório que usam principalmente dispositivos computacionais para cumprir suas tarefas no atual período da pandemia de COVID-19. Para isso, foi proposto um modelo apresentando a relação entre as dimensões da identidade de TI e quatro facetas das chamadas Novas Formas de Trabalho. Entre os achados deste estudo, foi verificado que a identidade de TI em relação às plataformas de mídias sociais pode ser um fator positivo na preservação da coesão da identidade profissional dos colaboradores, uma vez que sentimentos de afinidade e energia emocional em relação a essas tecnologias favoreceram o acesso ao conhecimento organizacional e aos colegas ao trabalhar remotamente. Destacam-se como contribuições dessa tese a expansão do modelo de Carter (2012) para contemplar uma classe de TIs como são constituídas as mídias sociais (artigo 1). Por sua vez, a expansão do modelo original contribuiu para ampliar a compreensão do papel dessa tecnologia em fomentar o comportamento polarizado no uso do WhatsApp, uma das mídias sociais mais utilizadas em tempos atuais (artigo 2). Finalmente, no terceiro artigo a indicação de que a frequência de uso no WhatsApp pode estar associada a uma forte identidade de TI em relação a essa tecnologia (verificada no artigo 2), levou a proposição de um modelo para testar empiricamente de que forma as três dimensões da IT Identity em relação ao uso de mídias sociais influenciam direta e indiretamente os aspectos das novas formas de trabalho para os trabalhadores que utilizam dispositivos computacionais para desempenhar suas funções. A energia emocional em relação às mídias sociais (ou seja, sentimentos prolongados de confiança, entusiasmo e energia em relação às mídias sociais) está positivamente relacionada a um desempenho superior quando os indivíduos a direcionam para o seu uso do trabalho, permitindo-lhes também lidar melhor com os conflitos entre a vida profissional e a vida profissional. A tese apresenta limitações quanto a sua capacidade de inferências que foram endereçadas em cada um dos artigos. Da mesma forma, sugestões de pesquisas futuras foram apresentadas em cada artigo. Por fim, o capítulo de conclusão apresenta a integração dos artigos da tese para a formação do estudo completa, a retomada dos objetivos de pesquisa, os principais resultados, contribuições para a academia e para a prática, suas limitações e sugestões para pesquisas futuras

    Emerging Factors Shaping The Identity Of Local Urban Districts, The Case Of Doha

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    Forms, Designs and symbols are components of the built environment that communicate information about the place and its identity to users. Users discern information from their environmental settings, combined with their personal interests and perceptions. The premise of this thesis states that the identity of traditional architecture undergoes two paradoxical processes dynamic transformation and resistance to changes caused by global culture and societal modern needs. Qatar is placing a great attention on the change of urban and architectural identity by the rapid wave of urban development. This thesis attempts to define contemporary architecture in Qatar, through analyzing Qatari vernacular architecture, outside effect of global factors and to what extent Qatari architecture resists the change. To test the proposed premise, this thesis prolongs into human geography using Torsten Hagerstrand’s diffusion theory. The methodology of the thesis is structured to: revision of related literature and field analysis that contains: interviews, field observations of four chosen sites and field survey. Findings, and discussion illustrate tables and diagrams, that are anticipated to show that resistance of the local identity and the acceptance of new architectural styles lead to a new semiotic presentation of Doha region. The thesis ends up with a set of recommendations for the application of aspects of Qatari vernacular architecture and urban environment, in order to strengthen the local identity while taking part of the global culture