244 research outputs found

    Very Large-Scale Neighborhoods with Performance Guarantees for Minimizing Makespan on Parallel Machines

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    We study the problem of minimizing the makespan on m parallel machines. We introduce a very large-scale neighborhood of exponential size (in the number of machines) that is based on a matching in a complete graph. The idea is to partition the jobs assigned to the same machine into two sets. This partitioning is done for every machine with some chosen rule to receive 2m parts. A new assignment is received by putting to every machine exactly two parts. The neighborhood Nsplit consists of all possible rearrangements of the parts to the machines. The best assignment of Nsplit can be calculated in time O(mlogm) by determining the perfect matching having minimum maximal edge weight in an improvement graph, where the vertices correspond to parts and the weights on the edges correspond to the sum of the processing times of the jobs belonging to the parts. Additionally, we examine local optima in this neighborhood and in combinations with other neighborhoods. We derive performance guarantees for these local optima

    A study on exponential-size neighborhoods for the bin packing problem with conflicts

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    We propose an iterated local search based on several classes of local and large neighborhoods for the bin packing problem with conflicts. This problem, which combines the characteristics of both bin packing and vertex coloring, arises in various application contexts such as logistics and transportation, timetabling, and resource allocation for cloud computing. We introduce O(1)O(1) evaluation procedures for classical local-search moves, polynomial variants of ejection chains and assignment neighborhoods, an adaptive set covering-based neighborhood, and finally a controlled use of 0-cost moves to further diversify the search. The overall method produces solutions of good quality on the classical benchmark instances and scales very well with an increase of problem size. Extensive computational experiments are conducted to measure the respective contribution of each proposed neighborhood. In particular, the 0-cost moves and the large neighborhood based on set covering contribute very significantly to the search. Several research perspectives are open in relation to possible hybridizations with other state-of-the-art mathematical programming heuristics for this problem.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure


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    The Multi-stripe Travelling Salesman Problem (Ms-TSP) is an extension of the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). In the \textit{q}-stripe TSP with q1q \geq 1, the objective function sums the costs for travelling from one customer to each of the next \textit{q} customers along the tour. The resulting \textit{q}-stripe TSP generalizes the TSP and forms a special case of the Quadratic Assignment Problem. To solve medium and large size instances, a metaheuristic algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm has two main components, which are construction and improvement phases. The construction phase generates a solution using Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) while the optimization phase improves the solution with several variants of Variable Neighborhood Search, both coupled with a technique called Shaking Technique to escape from local optima. In addition, Adaptive Memory is integrated into our algorithms to balance between the diversification and intensification. To show the efficiency of our proposed metaheuristic algorithms, we extensively experiment on benchmark instances. The results indicate that the developed algorithms can produce efficient and effective solutions at a reasonable computation time

    Very large-scale neighborhoods with performance guarantees for minimizing makespan on parallel machines

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    We study the problem of minimizing the makespan on m parallel machines. We introduce a very large-scale neighborhood of exponential size (in the number of machines) that is based on a matching in a complete graph. The idea is to partition the jobs assigned to the same machine into two sets. This partitioning is done for every machine with some chosen rule to receive 2m parts. A new assignment is received by putting to every machine exactly two parts. The neighborhood Nsplit consists of all possible rearrangements of the parts to the machines. The best assignment of Nsplit can be calculated in time O(mlogm) by determining the perfect matching having minimum maximal edge weight in an improvement graph, where the vertices correspond to parts and the weights on the edges correspond to the sum of the processing times of the jobs belonging to the parts. Additionally, we examine local optima in this neighborhood and in combinations with other neighborhoods. We derive performance guarantees for these local optima.operations research and management science;

    Average value of solutions for the bipartite boolean quadratic programs and rounding algorithms

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    We consider domination analysis of approximation algorithms for the bipartite boolean quadratic programming problem (BBQP) with m+n variables. A closed-form formula is developed to compute the average objective function value A of all solutions in O(mn) time. However, computing the median objective function value of the solutions is shown to be NP-hard. Also, we show that any solution with objective function value no worse than A dominates at least 2 m+n-2 solutions and this bound is the best possible. Further, we show that such a solution can be identified in O(mn) time and hence the domination ratio of this algorithm is at least 14. We then show that for any fixed natural numbers a and b such that η=ab > 1, no polynomial time approximation algorithm exists for BBQP with domination ratio larger than 1-2(1-η)η(m+n), unless P = NP. It is shown that some powerful local search algorithms can get trapped at a local maximum with objective function value less than A. One of our approximation algorithms has an interesting rounding property which provides a data dependent lower bound on the optimal objective function value. A new integer programming formulation of BBQP is also given and computational results with our rounding algorithms are reported

    Cyclic transfers in school timetabling

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    In this paper we propose a neighbourhood structure based on sequential/cyclic moves and a cyclic transfer algorithm for the high school timetabling problem. This method enables execution of complex moves for improving an existing solution, while dealing with the challenge of exploring the neighbourhood efficiently. An improvement graph is used in which certain negative cycles correspond to the neighbours; these cycles are explored using a recursive method. We address the problem of applying large neighbourhood structure methods on problems where the cost function is not exactly the sum of independent cost functions, as it is in the set partitioning problem. For computational experiments we use four real world data sets for high school timetabling in the Netherlands and England.We present results of the cyclic transfer algorithm with different settings on these data sets. The costs decrease by 8–28% if we use the cyclic transfers for local optimization compared to our initial solutions. The quality of the best initial solutions are comparable to the solutions found in practice by timetablers