38 research outputs found

    Development of a Stabilizing Adaptive Feedback Control System for Helicopter Gun Turrets

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    This study introduces a stabilizing controller design for a helicopter gun turret system using an adaptive backstepping control approach. To model the gun turret system, a two-degree-offreedom manipulator dynamics is employed, which enables precise control over the weapon pointing mechanism. The proposed controller design utilizes an adaptive backstepping control strategy to ensure system stability and robustness against disturbances such as firing and other operational conditions. Additionally, the design includes an advanced feedback mechanism that dynamically adjusts to changes in the helicopter's flight dynamics, further enhancing control accuracy. Simulation results show the efficacy of the controller, achieving stable and precise control of the gun turret system. The study offers a simplified model to enhance the performance of helicopter gun turret systems, with potential applications in military ground and naval vehicles. The proposed controller design is a promising solution to improve the precision and stability of the gun turret system, contributing to safer and more efficient defense systems

    Development of a Novel Disturbance Observer Based Fractional Order PD Controller for a Gun Control System

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    Motion control of gun barrels is an ongoing topic for the development of gun control equipment (GCE) with excellent performances. In this paper, a novel disturbance observer (DOB) based fractional order PD (FOPD) control strategy is proposed for the GCE. By adopting the DOB, the control system behaves as if it were the nominal closed-loop system in the absence of disturbances and uncertainties. The optimal control parameters of the FOPD are determined from the loop-shaping perspective, and the Q-filter of the DOB is deliberately designed with consideration of system robustness. The linear frame of the proposed control system will enable the analysis process more convenient. The disturbance rejection properties and the tracking performances of the control system are investigated by both numerical and experimental tests, the results demonstrate that the proposed DOB based FOPD control system is of more robustness, and it is much more suitable for the gun control system with strong nonlinearity and disturbance

    Multiobjective Optimization Design of a Fractional Order PID Controller for a Gun Control System

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    Motion control of gun barrels is an ongoing topic for the development of gun control equipments possessing excellent performances. In this paper, a typical fractional order PID control strategy is employed for the gun control system. To obtain optimal parameters of the controller, a multiobjective optimization scheme is developed from the loop-shaping perspective. To solve the specified nonlinear optimization problem, a novel Pareto optimal solution based multiobjective differential evolution algorithm is proposed. To enhance the convergent rate of the optimization process, an opposition based learning method is embedded in the chaotic population initialization process. To enhance the robustness of the algorithm for different problems, an adapting scheme of the mutation operation is further employed. With assistance of the evolutionary algorithm, the optimal solution for the specified problem is selected. The numerical simulation results show that the control system can rapidly follow the demand signal with high accuracy and high robustness, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed controller parameter tuning method

    Система керування стабілізацією прицілювання гарматного озброєння

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    Пояснювальна записка проекту складається з чотирьох розділів, містить 1 таблицю, 26 рисунків та 20 джерел – загалом 67 сторінок. Об`єкт дослідження: система керування стабілізацією прицілювання гарматного озброєння. Мета проєкту: підвищення точності влучання гарматного озброєння за рахунок системи стабілізації гармати. У першому розділі було проведено огляд та аналіз рішень існуючих систем стабілізації, їх актуальність на сьогоднішній час. У другому розділі було проведено розроблення та опис структурної схеми. У третьому розділі було проведено розроблення та опис функціональної схеми. У четвертому розділі було розраховано та змодельовано роботу пристрою у пакеті MATLAB / Simulink.The explanatory note of the project consists of four sections, contains 1 table, 26 figures and 20 sources - a total of 67 pages. Object of research: control system of stabilization of aiming of the gun. The purpose of the project: to increase the accuracy of artillery fire due to the gun stabilization system. The first section reviewed and analyzed the solutions of existing stabilization systems, their relevance today. In the second section, the structural scheme was developed and described. In the third section, the development and description of the functional diagram was carried out. In the fourth section, the operation of the device in the MATLAB / Simulink package was calculated and modeled

    Eighth DOD/NASA/FAA Conference on Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, part 1

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    The status, problems, and requirements in the technical disciplines related to the design of composite structures are discussed. Papers are presented in the areas of applications in design; concepts in design; and methodology in design

    In need of a hero? the creation and use of the legend of General George S. Patton, Jr.

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    During WWII, General George Patton became the hero Americans needed through the creation of a self-crafted brand and with help from journalists. After Patton’s death, opportunists forwarded a legend narrative that developed into a collective memory that morphed over time to meet contemporary challenges. Stakeholders of that collective memory commemorated and memorialized the dead hero for monetary and political gain, to promote patriotism, make military doctrinal changes, and even promote peace. Today, this collective memory has potential for the U.S. Army as it transforms civilians into soldiers and officers. This study contributes to history and memory studies by linking representations of an historical figure to targeted audiences, arguably, the first of its kind. As an interdisciplinary study utilizing empirical historical and qualitative sociological methods, it adds to extant literature for multiple disciplines by providing explanatory insight into the use of hero narratives by individuals undergoing a transformational process. The dissertation is divided into two parts. Using archival and material culture evidence, Part 1 discusses the creation and promulgation of the Patton collective memory and applicable theories and research on memory, ultimately relating it to the legacy of leader development and operational doctrine Patton left for the Army. Part 2 defines the Army as a subculture and introduces the importance of heroes in general. Evidence from in-depth individual interviews with 27 Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet volunteers from a single university in the spring of 2020 forms the basis for a proposed grounded theory, the Transformative Hero Model. The model is informed by several orienting theories including Affective Disposition Theory, Sense-making Theory, and Self-efficacy Theory. Cadets undergoing the Army’s transformational process used hero narratives to develop themselves and understand their place within an organizational subculture. Whom cadets found inspirational and how they connected to and used those narratives centered on their sense of self. They also used hero stories in their socialization process by adopting a shared heritage and internalizing value structures. Furthermore, they began to differentiate themselves from out-group members while simultaneously increasing identification with their subgroup. Organizations that use transformational processes may leverage hero narratives by using this model

    History of Science and Technology. Textbook for students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics

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    Educational and methodological materials contain a summary of the lecture course “History of Science and Technology” and are designed to help students during preparation for seminar classes, independent work, and preparation for semester control. The publication describes the history of the development of world scientific thought, examines the history of the development of technology, presents the main stages of the development of engineering education