2,717 research outputs found

    Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Cells

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    FMS loading with reliability consideration.

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    Evaluation of machining systems from a complexity and cost perspectives

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    Manufacturing systems, specifically machining, are typically designed as either dedicated or flexible; representing two very different paradigms. Measures for manufacturing flexibility have been proposed; generally, according to behaviour of system or product mix. Attempts have also been made to relate flexibility to subsequent costs. In this thesis, System Design is presented as a property of inherent attributes determined at the design stage. This provides the \u27Flexibility Level\u27 and its measurement is based on physical-functional attributes. Hence, System Design is viewed as a continuous quality, which describes both the level of flexibility and/or dedicated nature of a system. This metric is related to cost in a model which describes system design in its entirety; including manufacturing complexity in relation to cost as a tool to minimize manufacturing costs. Consequently, system behaviour is investigated given alternate manufacturing conditions such as varying product mix and production volume requirements. Industrial examples are used

    Soft computing for tool life prediction a manufacturing application of neural - fuzzy systems

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    Tooling technology is recognised as an element of vital importance within the manufacturing industry. Critical tooling decisions related to tool selection, tool life management, optimal determination of cutting conditions and on-line machining process monitoring and control are based on the existence of reliable detailed process models. Among the decisive factors of process planning and control activities, tool wear and tool life considerations hold a dominant role. Yet, both off-line tool life prediction, as well as real tune tool wear identification and prediction are still issues open to research. The main reason lies with the large number of factors, influencing tool wear, some of them being of stochastic nature. The inherent variability of workpiece materials, cutting tools and machine characteristics, further increases the uncertainty about the machining optimisation problem. In machining practice, tool life prediction is based on the availability of data provided from tool manufacturers, machining data handbooks or from the shop floor. This thesis recognises the need for a data-driven, flexible and yet simple approach in predicting tool life. Model building from sample data depends on the availability of a sufficiently rich cutting data set. Flexibility requires a tool-life model with high adaptation capacity. Simplicity calls for a solution with low complexity and easily interpretable by the user. A neural-fuzzy systems approach is adopted, which meets these targets and predicts tool life for a wide range of turning operations. A literature review has been carried out, covering areas such as tool wear and tool life, neural networks, frizzy sets theory and neural-fuzzy systems integration. Various sources of tool life data have been examined. It is concluded that a combined use of simulated data from existing tool life models and real life data is the best policy to follow. The neurofuzzy tool life model developed is constructed by employing neural network-like learning algorithms. The trained model stores the learned knowledge in the form of frizzy IF-THEN rules on its structure, thus featuring desired transparency. Low model complexity is ensured by employing an algorithm which constructs a rule base of reduced size from the available data. In addition, the flexibility of the developed model is demonstrated by the ease, speed and efficiency of its adaptation on the basis of new tool life data. The development of the neurofuzzy tool life model is based on the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (vl.0) of MATLAB (v4.2cl), a dedicated tool which facilitates design and evaluation of fuzzy logic systems. Extensive results are presented, which demonstrate the neurofuzzy model predictive performance. The model can be directly employed within a process planning system, facilitating the optimisation of turning operations. Recommendations aremade for further enhancements towards this direction

    Development of a machine tool selection system using analytic hierarchy process

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    The selection of appropriate machines is one of the most critical decisions in the design and development of an efficient production environment. In this study, we propose a decision support system for machine tool selection using an effective algorithm, the analytic hierarchy process. In the selection process, we first consider qualitative decision criteria that are related to the machine properties. Reliability and precision analyses may be included in the detailed evaluation procedure. Furthermore, the decision-maker may take into account the economical considerations through cost analysis. In addition, the robustness of the selection procedure may be evaluated using sensitivity analysis. An illustrative example of machine tool selection using the proposed methodology and the software implementation are provided

    A comparison of processing techniques for producing prototype injection moulding inserts.

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    This project involves the investigation of processing techniques for producing low-cost moulding inserts used in the particulate injection moulding (PIM) process. Prototype moulds were made from both additive and subtractive processes as well as a combination of the two. The general motivation for this was to reduce the entry cost of users when considering PIM. PIM cavity inserts were first made by conventional machining from a polymer block using the pocket NC desktop mill. PIM cavity inserts were also made by fused filament deposition modelling using the Tiertime UP plus 3D printer. The injection moulding trials manifested in surface finish and part removal defects. The feedstock was a titanium metal blend which is brittle in comparison to commodity polymers. That in combination with the mesoscale features, small cross-sections and complex geometries were considered the main problems. For both processing methods, fixes were identified and made to test the theory. These consisted of a blended approach that saw a combination of both the additive and subtractive processes being used. The parts produced from the three processing methods are investigated and their respective merits and issues are discussed

    Petri net approaches for modeling, controlling, and validating flexible manufacturing systems

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    In this dissertation, we introduce the fundamental ideas and constructs of Petri net models such as ordinary, timed, colored, stochastic, control, and neural, and present some studies that emphasize Petri nets theories and applications as extended research fields that provide suitable platforms in modeling, controlling, validating, and evaluating concurrent systems, information systems, and a versatile dynamic system and manufacturing systems;We then suggest some of extensions that help make Petri nets useful for modeling and analyzing discrete event systems and manufacturing systems models based on the context of a versatile manufacturing system, and applies extended Petri nets models to several manufacturing systems such as an assembly cell, an Automated Palletized Conveyor System, and a tooling machine to show increased modeling power and efficient analysis methods;Finally, Validation methods are presented for these models and results of a performance analysis from a deterministic and stochastic model are used to reorganize and re-evaluate a manufacturing system in order to increase its flexibility

    Reducing risk in pre-production investigations through undergraduate engineering projects.

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    This poster is the culmination of final year Bachelor of Engineering Technology (B.Eng.Tech) student projects in 2017 and 2018. The B.Eng.Tech is a level seven qualification that aligns with the Sydney accord for a three-year engineering degree and hence is internationally benchmarked. The enabling mechanism of these projects is the industry connectivity that creates real-world projects and highlights the benefits of the investigation of process at the technologist level. The methodologies we use are basic and transparent, with enough depth of technical knowledge to ensure the industry partners gain from the collaboration process. The process we use minimizes the disconnect between the student and the industry supervisor while maintaining the academic freedom of the student and the commercial sensitivities of the supervisor. The general motivation for this approach is the reduction of the entry cost of the industry to enable consideration of new technologies and thereby reducing risk to core business and shareholder profits. The poster presents several images and interpretive dialogue to explain the positive and negative aspects of the student process