3 research outputs found

    Anomaly Detection and Mitigation for Wide-Area Damping Control using Machine Learning

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    In an interconnected multi-area power system, wide-area measurement based damping controllers are used to damp out inter-area oscillations, which jeopardize grid stability and constrain the power flows below to their transmission capacity. The effect of wide-area damping control (WADC) significantly depends on both power and cyber systems. At the cyber system layer, an adversary can inflict the WADC process by compromising either measurement signals, control signals or both. Stealthy and coordinated cyber-attacks may bypass the conventional cybersecurity measures to disrupt the seamless operation of WADC. This paper proposes an anomaly detection (AD) algorithm using supervised Machine Learning and a model-based logic for mitigation. The proposed AD algorithm considers measurement signals (input of WADC) and control signals (output of WADC) as input to evaluate the type of activity such as normal, perturbation (small or large signal faults), attack and perturbation-and-attack. Upon anomaly detection, the mitigation module tunes the WADC signal and sets the control status mode as either wide-area mode or local mode. The proposed anomaly detection and mitigation (ADM) module works inline with the WADC at the control center for attack detection on both measurement and control signals and eliminates the need for ADMs at the geographically distributed actuators. We consider coordinated and primitive data-integrity attack vectors such as pulse, ramp, relay-trip and replay attacks. The performance of the proposed ADM algorithms was evaluated under these attack vector scenarios on a testbed environment for 2-area 4-machine power system. The ADM module shows effective performance with 96.5% accuracy to detect anomalies

    Salient Feature Selection Using Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Signal-to-Noise Ratios with a Focus Toward Network Threat Detection and Risk Level identification

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    Most communication in the modern era takes place over some type of cyber network, to include telecommunications, banking, public utilities, and health systems. Information gained from illegitimate network access can be used to create catastrophic effects at the individual, corporate, national, and even international levels, making cyber security a top priority. Cyber networks frequently encounter amounts of network traffic too large to process real-time threat detection efficiently. Reducing the amount of information necessary for a network monitor to determine the presence of a threat would likely aide in keeping networks more secure. This thesis uses network traffic data captured during the Department of Defense Cyber Defense Exercise to determine which features of network traffic are salient to detecting and classifying threats. After generating a set of 248 features from the capture data, feed-forward artificial neural networks were generated and signal-to-noise ratios were used to prune the feature set to 18 features while still achieving an accuracy ranging from 83% - 94%. The salient features primarily come from the transport layer section of the network traffic data and involve the client/server connection parameters, size of the initial data sent, and number of segments and/or bytes sent in the flow

    Hierarchical TCP network traffic classification with adaptive optimisation

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    Nowadays, with the increasing deployment of modern packet-switching networks, traffic classification is playing an important role in network administration. To identify what kinds of traffic transmitting across networks can improve network management in various ways, such as traffic shaping, differential services, enhanced security, etc. By applying different policies to different kinds of traffic, Quality of Service (QoS) can be achieved and the granularity can be as fine as flow-level. Since illegal traffic can be identified and filtered, network security can be enhanced by employing advanced traffic classification. There are various traditional techniques for traffic classification. However, some of them cannot handle traffic generated by applications using non-registered ports or forged ports, some of them cannot deal with encrypted traffic and some techniques require too much computational resources. The newly proposed technique by other researchers, which uses statistical methods, gives an alternative approach. It requires less resources, does not rely on ports and can deal with encrypted traffic. Nevertheless, the performance of the classification using statistical methods can be further improved. In this thesis, we are aiming for optimising network traffic classification based on the statistical approach. Because of the popularity of the TCP protocol, and the difficulties for classification introduced by TCP traffic controls, our work is focusing on classifying network traffic based on TCP protocol. An architecture has been proposed for improving the classification performance, in terms of accuracy and response time. Experiments have been taken and results have been evaluated for proving the improved performance of the proposed optimised classifier. In our work, network packets are reassembled into TCP flows. Then, the statistical characteristics of flows are extracted. Finally the classes of input flows can be determined by comparing them with the profiled samples. Instead of using only one algorithm for classifying all traffic flows, our proposed system employs a series of binary classifiers, which use optimised algorithms to detect different traffic classes separately. There is a decision making mechanism for dealing with controversial results from the binary classifiers. Machining learning algorithms including k-nearest neighbour, decision trees and artificial neural networks have been taken into consideration together with a kind of non-parametric statistical algorithm — Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Besides algorithms, some parameters are also optimised locally, such as detection windows, acceptance thresholds. This hierarchical architecture gives traffic classifier more flexibility, higher accuracy and less response time