83 research outputs found

    An Energy Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Coupled Elasto-Acoustic Wave Equations in Second Order Form

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    We consider wave propagation in a coupled fluid-solid region, separated by a static but possibly curved interface. The wave propagation is modeled by the acoustic wave equation in terms of a velocity potential in the fluid, and the elastic wave equation for the displacement in the solid. At the fluid solid interface, we impose suitable interface conditions to couple the two equations. We use a recently developed, energy based discontinuous Galerkin method to discretize the governing equations in space. Both energy conserving and upwind numerical fluxes are derived to impose the interface conditions. The highlights of the developed scheme include provable energy stability and high order accuracy. We present numerical experiments to illustrate the accuracy property and robustness of the developed scheme

    A stable discontinuous Galerkin method for the perfectly matched layer for elastodynamics in first order form

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    We present a stable discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method with a perfectly matched layer (PML) for three and two space dimensional linear elastodynamics, in velocity-stress formulation, subject to well-posed linear boundary conditions. First, we consider the elastodynamics equation, in a cuboidal domain, and derive an unsplit PML truncating the domain using complex coordinate stretching. Leveraging the hyperbolic structure of the underlying system, we construct continuous energy estimates, in the time domain for the elastic wave equation, and in the Laplace space for a sequence of PML model problems, with variations in one, two and three space dimensions, respectively. They correspond to PMLs normal to boundary faces, along edges and in corners. Second, we develop a DG numerical method for the linear elastodynamics equation using physically motivated numerical flux and penalty parameters, which are compatible with all well-posed, internal and external, boundary conditions. When the PML damping vanishes, by construction, our choice of penalty parameters yield an upwind scheme and a discrete energy estimate analogous to the continuous energy estimate. Third, to ensure numerical stability of the discretization when PML damping is present, it is necessary to extend the numerical DG fluxes, and the numerical inter-element and boundary procedures, to the PML auxiliary differential equations. This is crucial for deriving discrete energy estimates analogous to the continuous energy estimates. By combining the DG spatial approximation with the high order ADER time stepping scheme and the accuracy of the PML we obtain an arbitrarily accurate wave propagation solver in the time domain. Numerical experiments are presented in two and three space dimensions corroborating the theoretical results

    A first order hyperbolic framework for large strain computational solid dynamics. Part I: Total Lagrangian isothermal elasticity

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    This paper introduces a new computational framework for the analysis of large strain fast solid dynamics. The paper builds upon previous work published by the authors (Gil etal., 2014) [48], where a first order system of hyperbolic equations is introduced for the simulation of isothermal elastic materials in terms of the linear momentum, the deformation gradient and its Jacobian as unknown variables. In this work, the formulation is further enhanced with four key novelties. First, the use of a new geometric conservation law for the co-factor of the deformation leads to an enhanced mixed formulation, advantageous in those scenarios where the co-factor plays a dominant role. Second, the use of polyconvex strain energy functionals enables the definition of generalised convex entropy functions and associated entropy fluxes for solid dynamics problems. Moreover, the introduction of suitable conjugate entropy variables enables the derivation of a symmetric system of hyperbolic equations, dual of that expressed in terms of conservation variables. Third, the new use of a tensor cross product [61] greatly facilitates the algebraic manipulations of expressions involving the co-factor of the deformation. Fourth, the development of a stabilised Petrov-Galerkin framework is presented for both systems of hyperbolic equations, that is, when expressed in terms of either conservation or entropy variables. As an example, a polyconvex Mooney-Rivlin material is used and, for completeness, the eigen-structure of the resulting system of equations is studied to guarantee the existence of real wave speeds. Finally, a series of numerical examples is presented in order to assess the robustness and accuracy of the new mixed methodology, benchmarking it against an ample spectrum of alternative numerical strategies, including implicit multi-field Fraeijs de Veubeke-Hu-Washizu variational type approaches and explicit cell and vertex centred Finite Volume schemes

    HDGlab: An Open-Source Implementation of the Hybridisable Discontinuous Galerkin Method in MATLAB

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    This paper presents HDGlab, an open source MATLAB implementation of the hybridisable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method. The main goal is to provide a detailed description of both the HDG method for elliptic problems and its implementation available in HDGlab. Ultimately, this is expected to make this relatively new advanced discretisation method more accessible to the computational engineering community. HDGlab presents some features not available in other implementations of the HDG method that can be found in the free domain. First, it implements high-order polynomial shape functions up to degree nine, with both equally-spaced and Fekete nodal distributions. Second, it supports curved isoparametric simplicial elements in two and three dimensions. Third, it supports non-uniform degree polynomial approximations and it provides a flexible structure to devise degree adaptivity strategies. Finally, an interface with the open-source high-order mesh generator Gmsh is provided to facilitate its application to practical engineering problems

    A stochastic continuum damage model for dynamic fracture analysis of quasi-brittle materials using asynchronous Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin (aSDG) method

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    The microstructural design has an essential effect on the fracture response of brittle materials. We present a stochastic bulk damage formulation to model dynamic brittle fracture. This model is compared with a similar interfacial model for homogeneous and heterogeneous materials. The damage models are rate-dependent, and the corresponding damage evolution includes delay effects. The evolution equation specifies the rate at which damage tends to its quasi-static limit. The relaxation time of the model introduces an intrinsic length scale for dynamic fracture and addresses the mesh sensitivity problem of earlier damage models with much less computational efforts. The ordinary differential form of the damage equation makes this remedy quite simple and enables capturing the loading rate sensitivity of strain-stress response. A stochastic field is defined for material cohesion and fracture strength to involve microstructure effects in the proposed formulations. The statistical fields are constructed through the Karhunen-Loeve (KL) method.An advanced asynchronous Spacetime Discontinuous Galerkin (aSDG) method is used to discretize the final system of coupled equations. Local and asynchronous solution process, linear complexity of the solution versus the number of elements, local recovery of balance properties, and high spatial and temporal orders of accuracy are some of the main advantages of the aSDG method.Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate mesh insensitivity of the method and the effect of boundary conditions on dynamic fracture patterns. It is shown that inhomogeneity greatly differentiates fracture patterns from those of a homogeneous rock, including the location of zones with maximum damage. Moreover, as the correlation length of the random field decreases, fracture patterns resemble angled-cracks observed in compressive rock fracture. The final results show that a stochastic bulk damage model produces more realistic results in comparison with a homogenizes model