366,304 research outputs found

    A nested sequence of projectors and corresponding braid matrices R^(θ)\hat R(\theta): (1) Odd dimensions

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    A basis of N2N^2 projectors, each an N2×N2{N^2}\times{N^2} matrix with constant elements, is implemented to construct a class of braid matrices R^(θ)\hat{R}(\theta), θ\theta being the spectral parameter. Only odd values of NN are considered here. Our ansatz for the projectors PαP_{\alpha} appearing in the spectral decomposition of R^(θ)\hat{R}(\theta) leads to exponentials exp(mαθ)exp(m_{\alpha}\theta) as the coefficient of PαP_{\alpha}. The sums and differences of such exponentials on the diagonal and the antidiagonal respectively provide the (2N21)(2N^2 -1) nonzero elements of R^(θ)\hat{R}(\theta). One element at the center is normalized to unity. A class of supplementary constraints imposed by the braid equation leaves 1/2(N+3)(N1){1/2}(N+3)(N-1) free parameters mαm_{\alpha}. The diagonalizer of R^(θ)\hat{R}(\theta) is presented for all NN. Transfer matrices t(θ)t(\theta) and L(θ)L(\theta) operators corresponding to our R^(θ)\hat{R}(\theta) are studied. Our diagonalizer signals specific combinations of the components of the operators that lead to a quadratic algebra of N2N^2 constant N×NN\times N matrices. The θ\theta-dependence factors out for such combinations. R^(θ)\hat R(\theta) is developed in a power series in θ\theta. The basic difference arising for even dimensions is made explicit. Some special features of our R^(θ)\hat{R}(\theta) are discussed in a concluding section.Comment: latex file, 32 page

    Smallest eigenvalues of Hankel matrices for exponential weights

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    AbstractWe obtain the rate of decay of the smallest eigenvalue of the Hankel matrices ∫Itj+kW2(t)dtj,k=0n for a general class of even exponential weights W2=exp(−2Q) on an interval I. More precise asymptotics for more special weights have been obtained by many authors

    A proof of global attractivity of a class of switching systems using a non-Lyapunov approach

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    A sufficient condition for the existence of a Lyapunov function of the form V(x)= xTpx, P=PT > 0, P ∈ Rnxn, for the stable linear time invariant systems x = Aix, Ai ∈ Rnxn, Ai ∈ A =∆ {A1,...,Am}, is that the matrices Ai are Hurwitz, and that a non-singular matrix T exists, such that TAiT-1, i ∈ {1,...,m}, is upper triangular (Mori, Mori & Kuroe 1996, Mori, Mori & Kuroe 1997, Liberzon, Hespanha & Morse 1998, Shorten & Narendra 1998b). The existence of such a function referred to as a common quadratic Lyapunov function (CQLF) is sufficient to guarantee the exponential stability of the switching system x = A(t)x, A(t)∈ A. In this paper we investigate the stability properties of a related class of switching systems. We consider sets of matrices A, where no single matrix T exists that simultaneously transforms each Ai ∈ A to upper triangular form, but where a set of non-singular matrices Tij exist such that the matrices TijAiTij-1,TijAjTij-1} i, j ∈ are upper triangular. We show that for a special class of such systems the origin of the switching system x = A(t)x, A(t) ∈ A, is globally attractive. A novel technique is developed to derive this result and the applicability of this technique to more general systems is discussed towards the end of the paper

    Generalization of the convex-hull-and-line traveling salesman problem

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    Two instances of the traveling salesman problem, on the same node set (1,2 n} but with different cost matrices C and C, are equivalent iff there exist {a, hi: -1, n} such that for any 1 _i, j _n, j, C(i, j) C(i,j) q-a -t-bj [7]. One ofthe well-solved special cases of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) is the convex-hull-and-line TSP. We extend the solution scheme for this class of TSP given in [9] to a more general class which is closed with respect to the above equivalence relation. The cost matrix in our general class is a certain composition of Kalmanson matrices. This gives a new, non-trivial solvable case of TSP

    On the Notion of Complete Intersection outside the Setting of Skew Polynomial Rings

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    In recent work of T. Cassidy and the author, a notion of complete intersection was defined for (non-commutative) regular skew polynomial rings, defining it using both algebraic and geometric tools, where the commutative definition is a special case. In this article, we extend the definition to a larger class of algebras that contains regular graded skew Clifford algebras, the coordinate ring of quantum matrices and homogenizations of universal enveloping algebras. Regular algebras are often considered to be non-commutative analogues of polynomial rings, so the results herein support that viewpoint.Comment: This paper replaces the preprint "Defining the Notion of Complete Intersection for Regular Graded Skew Clifford Algebras", and also has a paragraph written correctly that is garbled by the publisher in the published version (paragraph after Example 3.8

    The Carath\'eodory-Fej\'er Interpolation Problems and the von-Neumann Inequality

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    The validity of the von-Neumann inequality for commuting nn - tuples of 3×33\times 3 matrices remains open for n3n\geq 3. We give a partial answer to this question, which is used to obtain a necessary condition for the Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem on the polydisc Dn.\mathbb D^n. In the special case of n=2n=2 (which follows from Ando's theorem as well), this necessary condition is made explicit. An alternative approach to the Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem, in the special case of n=2,n=2, adapting a theorem of Kor\'{a}nyi and Puk\'{a}nzsky is given. As a consequence, a class of polynomials are isolated for which a complete solution to the Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem is easily obtained. A natural generalization of the Hankel operators on the Hardy space of H2(T2)H^2(\mathbb T^2) then becomes apparent. Many of our results remain valid for any nN,n\in \mathbb N, however, the computations are somewhat cumbersome for n>2n>2 and are omitted. The inequality limnC2(n)2KGC\lim_{n\to \infty}C_2(n)\leq 2 K^\mathbb C_G, where KGCK_G^\mathbb C is the complex Grothendieck constant and C2(n)=sup{p(T):pDn,1,T1}C_2(n)=\sup\big\{\|p(\boldsymbol T)\|:\|p\|_{\mathbb D^n,\infty}\leq 1, \|\boldsymbol T\|_{\infty} \leq 1 \big\} is due to Varopoulos. Here the supremum is taken over all complex polynomials pp in nn variables of degree at most 22 and commuting nn - tuples T:=(T1,,Tn)\boldsymbol T:=(T_1,\ldots,T_n) of contractions. We show that limnC2(n)334KGC\lim_{n\to \infty}C_2(n)\leq \frac{3\sqrt{3}}{4} K^\mathbb C_G obtaining a slight improvement in the inequality of Varopoulos. We show that the normed linear space 1(n),\ell^1(n), n>1,n>1, has no isometric embedding into k×kk\times k complex matrices for any kNk\in \mathbb N and discuss several infinite dimensional operator space structures on it.Comment: This is my thesis submitted to Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on 20th July, 201