835 research outputs found

    WASTK: A Weighted Abstract Syntax Tree Kernel Method for Source Code Plagiarism Detection

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    An Abstract Method Linearization for Detecting Source Code Plagiarism in Object-Oriented Environment

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    Despite the fact that plagiarizing source code is a trivial task for most CS students, detecting such unethical behavior requires a considerable amount of effort. Thus, several plagiarism detection systems were developed to handle such issue. This paper extends Karnalim's work, a low-level approach for detecting Java source code plagiarism, by incorporating abstract method linearization. Such extension is incorporated to enhance the accuracy of low-level approach in term of detecting plagiarism in object-oriented environment. According to our evaluation, which was conducted based on 23 design-pattern source code pairs, our extended low-level approach is more effective than state-of-the-art and Karnalim's approach. On the one hand, when compared to state-of-the-art approach, our approach can generate less coincidental similarities and provide more accurate result. On the other hand, when compared to Karnalim's approach, our approach, at some extent, can generate higher similarity when simple abstract method invocation is incorporated.Comment: The 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Scienc

    An Extended Stable Marriage Problem Algorithm for Clone Detection

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    Code cloning negatively affects industrial software and threatens intellectual property. This paper presents a novel approach to detecting cloned software by using a bijective matching technique. The proposed approach focuses on increasing the range of similarity measures and thus enhancing the precision of the detection. This is achieved by extending a well-known stable-marriage problem (SMP) and demonstrating how matches between code fragments of different files can be expressed. A prototype of the proposed approach is provided using a proper scenario, which shows a noticeable improvement in several features of clone detection such as scalability and accuracy.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    A systematic literature review on source code similarity measurement and clone detection: techniques, applications, and challenges

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    Measuring and evaluating source code similarity is a fundamental software engineering activity that embraces a broad range of applications, including but not limited to code recommendation, duplicate code, plagiarism, malware, and smell detection. This paper proposes a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on code similarity measurement and evaluation techniques to shed light on the existing approaches and their characteristics in different applications. We initially found over 10000 articles by querying four digital libraries and ended up with 136 primary studies in the field. The studies were classified according to their methodology, programming languages, datasets, tools, and applications. A deep investigation reveals 80 software tools, working with eight different techniques on five application domains. Nearly 49% of the tools work on Java programs and 37% support C and C++, while there is no support for many programming languages. A noteworthy point was the existence of 12 datasets related to source code similarity measurement and duplicate codes, of which only eight datasets were publicly accessible. The lack of reliable datasets, empirical evaluations, hybrid methods, and focuses on multi-paradigm languages are the main challenges in the field. Emerging applications of code similarity measurement concentrate on the development phase in addition to the maintenance.Comment: 49 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    CroLSSim: Cross‐language software similarity detector using hybrid approach of LSA‐based AST‐MDrep features and CNN‐LSTM model

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    Software similarity in different programming codes is a rapidly evolving field because of its numerous applications in software development, software cloning, software plagiarism, and software forensics. Currently, software researchers and developers search cross-language open-source repositories for similar applications for a variety of reasons, such as reusing programming code, analyzing different implementations, and looking for a better application. However, it is a challenging task because each programming language has a unique syntax and semantic structure. In this paper, a novel tool called Cross-Language Software Similarity (CroLSSim) is designed to detect similar software applications written in different programming codes. First, the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) features are collected from different programming codes. These are high-quality features that can show the abstract view of each program. Then, Methods Description (MDrep) in combination with AST is used to examine the relationship among different method calls. Second, the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency approach is used to retrieve the local and global weights from AST-MDrep features. Third, the Latent Semantic Analysis-based features extraction and selection method is proposed to extract the semantic anchors in reduced dimensional space. Fourth, the Convolution Neural Network (CNN)-based features extraction method is proposed to mine the deep features. Finally, a hybrid deep learning model of CNN-Long-Short-Term Memory is designed to detect semantically similar software applications from these latent variables. The data set contains approximately 9.5K Java, 8.8K C#, and 7.4K C++ software applications obtained from GitHub. The proposed approach outperforms as compared with the state-of-the-art methods

    Novel Code Plagiarism Detection Based on Abstract Syntax Tree and Fuzzy Petri Nets

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    Those students who major in computer science and/or engineering are required to design program codes in a variety of programming languages. However, many students submit their source codes they get from the Internet or friends with no or few modifications. Detecting the code plagiarisms done by students is very time-consuming and leads to the problems of unfair learning performance evaluation. This paper proposes a novel method to detect the source code plagiarisms by using a high-level fuzzy Petri net (HLFPN) based on abstract syntax tree (AST). First, the AST of each source code is generated after the lexical and syntactic analyses have been done. Second, token sequence is generated based on the AST. Using the AST can effectively detect the code plagiarism by changing the identifier or program statement order. Finally, the generated token sequences are compared with one another using an HLFPN to determine the code plagiarism. Furthermore, the experimental results have indicated that we can make better determination to detect the code plagiarism

    Collaboration Versus Cheating

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    We outline how we detected programming plagiarism in an introductory online course for a master's of science in computer science program, how we achieved a statistically significant reduction in programming plagiarism by combining a clear explanation of university and class policy on academic honesty reinforced with a short but formal assessment, and how we evaluated plagiarism rates before SIGand after implementing our policy and assessment.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables, SIGCSE 201

    TF-IDF Inspired Detection for Cross-Language Source Code Plagiarism and Collusion

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    Several computing courses allow students to choose which programming language they want to use for completing a programming task. This can lead to cross-language code plagiarism and collusion, in which the copied code file is rewritten in another programming language. In response to that, this paper proposes a detection technique which is able to accurately compare code files written in various programming languages, but with limited effort in accommodating such languages at development stage. The only language-dependent feature used in the technique is source code tokeniser and no code conversion is applied. The impact of coincidental similarity is reduced by applying a TF-IDF inspired weighting, in which rare matches are prioritised. Our evaluation shows that the technique outperforms common techniques in academia for handling language conversion disguises. Further, it is comparable to those techniques when dealing with conventional disguises

    A comparison of code similarity analysers

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    Copying and pasting of source code is a common activity in software engineering. Often, the code is not copied as it is and it may be modified for various purposes; e.g. refactoring, bug fixing, or even software plagiarism. These code modifications could affect the performance of code similarity analysers including code clone and plagiarism detectors to some certain degree. We are interested in two types of code modification in this study: pervasive modifications, i.e. transformations that may have a global effect, and local modifications, i.e. code changes that are contained in a single method or code block. We evaluate 30 code similarity detection techniques and tools using five experimental scenarios for Java source code. These are (1) pervasively modified code, created with tools for source code and bytecode obfuscation, and boiler-plate code, (2) source code normalisation through compilation and decompilation using different decompilers, (3) reuse of optimal configurations over different data sets, (4) tool evaluation using ranked-based measures, and (5) local + global code modifications. Our experimental results show that in the presence of pervasive modifications, some of the general textual similarity measures can offer similar performance to specialised code similarity tools, whilst in the presence of boiler-plate code, highly specialised source code similarity detection techniques and tools outperform textual similarity measures. Our study strongly validates the use of compilation/decompilation as a normalisation technique. Its use reduced false classifications to zero for three of the tools. Moreover, we demonstrate that optimal configurations are very sensitive to a specific data set. After directly applying optimal configurations derived from one data set to another, the tools perform poorly on the new data set. The code similarity analysers are thoroughly evaluated not only based on several well-known pair-based and query-based error measures but also on each specific type of pervasive code modification. This broad, thorough study is the largest in existence and potentially an invaluable guide for future users of similarity detection in source code